Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, August 14, 2021


Today, from start to finish (except for the dream that jolted me awake), was a good day 😊

I was blessed; and refreshed.

On my way home, I decided to nip off at Stella, and take the higher Stella Road home – I hadn’t been on that road in decades, and I wanted to see if the foxgloves were still covering the hillside along the narrow upward roadway.

Lower Stella Road, at Stella.

The foxgloves were nowhere to be seen: that made me sad – the whole hillside used to be covered with them. The foxgloves, and the stately, turreted mansion near the top was always the draw of the drive.

I was thankful I did not meet a vehicle on the shoulderless, narrow 1-lane road; that was all I was thankful for as I continued to the top of the roadway.

The spiring foxgloves of memory were missing from the landscape … and the stately mansion I remember, has been sadly neglected in the present.

The hilltop mansion; at one time, it was very beautifully landscaped.
Fall Creek Junction from Germany Creek, on the left, joins to Upper Stella Road & ties into Eufaula Heights.
Germany Creek to Eufaula Heights; via Upper Stella Road & Eufaula Heights Road - 16 mins.
Fall Creek Road & Upper Stella Road; 4 mins.

Further along upper Stella Road, the belly-tickling road was still the same 😉

Bob used to hit the gas fast and then let the forward moving 2-tone Ford do a stomach-dropping surge to the bottom before rushing upward at the bottom: wringing a belly-tickling sensation and a girlish scream of delight out of me.

The loooooong glide-ride. LOL

The glide-ride-road today did not wring forth the same feeling, this afternoon – I did not do a fast freefall … and there was no delighted girlish scream on my lips: Bob was not here to laugh with me.

This leg of the drive was filled with bittersweet memories: I was glad to get onto Coal Creek Road, and homeward.

I don’t know where all the wildfire haze is coming from, but it’s been hanging in the air for a few days; shrouding the atmosphere in a noticeable amber, gauzy, cloud cover.

And tonight, the moon was swathed in a red haze.

Hazy Red Moon tonight.

NO! I do not believe in the climate change BS being bullied about: the majority of the {wildfires} have been caused by careless humans, and politicians who salute, and ‘bend a knee’, to domestic terrorists who employ anarchists with a firebug bent.

Everything is right on schedule according to ancient prophecies that foretold of these daysTHAT, I believe in.

I believe it, because we are living it: in the moment.

The moment has been forewarned, so I do not stress about what will be played out.

**SHABBAT BLESSINGS/Pt. 2 ~ Julia Butler Hansen Game Refuge:

**SHABBAT BLESSINGS/Pt. 1 ~ Skamokawa Vista Park:

SHABBAT BLESSINGS/Pt. 2 ~ Julia Butler Hansen Game Refuge

After I left Skamokawa Vista Park, I turned the Highlander towards the river hike at the Julia Butler Hansen Game Refuge. It was a good day for a relaxing walk.

I drove past the Redmen Hall along the short hop-skip-and jump to my destination.

Redmen Hall & Skamokawa Fair Dates; spur to Sleepy Hallow, Middle Valley, Skamokawa.

I hadn’t eaten anything yet, so I stopped at what used to be known as ‘Hoby’s Store’, and grabbed a 3 Musketeer Bar to munch while I walked. I planned on having lunch at the Duck Inn afterwards, so I didn’t want to eat anything filling just yet 😉

Used to be Hoby's Store; that is how I always think of it, doesn't matter what it is called today.
Where my bio-father's siblings lived in Skamokawa.
 The old river tavern & brothel; revamped, but still a shady lady. (
New Business name.
Remodeled, and unrecognizable; no resemblance at all to the original design.

The kayak place used to be a riverfront tavern/brothel around the turn of the last century … and it was pretty dilapidated, and dangerous in places (missing floor boards, missing steps, rotten river piers, ect.) when I was a kid; we were all forbidden to be near it – but because it was forbidden, that’s where we all wanted to be; and where we were 😉

Thank the Lord, Elohim protected us in our youthful foolishness and rebellion.

A tree leaning heavily over the roadway made me nervous – but I drove under it anyway, staying ‘in the moment’: next time, I will drive in from the other end of the Refuge, and park by Hornstra’s Beach.

A leaning tree made me nervous driving under it ...

As I walked ... I thought about yesterday – and tried not to get too upset about the way the obamanites are ruining life at every turn with their tyrannical power-grabs, and maniacal mandates.

They may think they are gods … BUT Elohim STILL reigns; and HE decides what is best for my life – and gives me the freedom to move in any direction. I always chose His Way: Elohim has never failed me. Ever. His Way can be trusted 100%

I don’t have to understand it – I just have to trust Him, and have faith for the outcome. I’ve never been sorry that I trusted Him will all aspects of my life. I've only ever regretted running ahead of Him, and trying to outdistance His Plan.

I know people think I’m out of touch with reality: I don’t care what they think.

I know what I know.

I know my life is blessed.

I am content in whatever circumstance/situation I find my life in.

I do not need to know the future to enjoy life in the moment 😊

House selling & house hunting has been sidelined.
I'll just stay where I'm at.
Things could be worse.

Only an enormous ego believes it has the confidence to beat death. Nothing/nobody beats death – when it’s your time, the Grim Reaper comes calling: masks, 6-ft. distances, shut down mandates, or vaccine political hardball: everyone dies, no matter how hard they try to throw a 7 or an 11; political talking heads aiming for a winning run are only fooling themselves – and science “facts” drip from lying lips playing whore to political dogs.

The economy is in freefall … and biden is ‘on vacation’. {Vacation} from what! All the hellish mischief he and his obamanite hounds from Hell have stirred up for the past 5 years – more specifically, since the obamanite January 6th coup, with him as top billing ventriloquist talking head?

biden is ‘out to lunch’ on any day; but now, with the world in chaos – quickly moving towards war/wildfires with no end in sight, thanks to the deadhead ‘forest management’ MISmanagement/crisis at the southern border/and the economy in frenzied knots, thanks to the demonrat power grabs … he decides he needs a vacation.

That obamanite moron needs to be dethroned, and a REAL President (the one actually voted for) sworn in, before obama and his delusional talking heads seriously destroy America – and the lives of Americans.

Yet, despite our nation’s dire circumstances, Elohei blesses those who put their trust in Him.

There is nothing new under the sun: what is happening as happened time and time again throughout the History of mankind.

I really have a good life - Bob provided well for me.
Thankful for the life I have been blessed to enjoy.
I saw a ship in the distance; it was moving right along, at a pretty good clip ...

I took my time enjoying life as it unfolded, as I walked the trail.

The hike was restorative.

The temperature was a nice 73-degrees along the river.

The early morning dream that had jolted me awake with tears, had evaporated as the day progressed.

My God is a good God.

I was enjoying a Shabbat of remembered blessing.

I was enjoying a Shabbat of unfolding blessing.

My heart, and steps, were light 😊

A swallowtail Butterfly.
The soft sounds of frogs along the river; frogs can whistle, croak, ribbit, peep, cluck, bark, and grunt: this afternoon, they softly peeped and trilled.
Turkey buzzards.
Turkey buzzards are 2-toned brown, with a red head.
The ship was making good time as I dawdled.
The hazy gray sky seemed ominous with all those buzzards flapping around ...
Roosting buzzards were kinda creepy - I kept reminding myself they are important in the grand scheme of things.
The ship caught up with me at the end of the short trail.
Delicate white blooms of the Arrowhead plant (aka; Duck Potato plant).
Bird sounds.
Another ship! This one headed downriver, to the ocean.
Ship sounding its horn.

I saw a black heron fly over my head – but it was too fast to get a picture!

Internet picture because my black heron was too fast ...

I didn’t even know there was such a bird 😉

I moseyed along, enjoying the sights and sounds of river wildlife: yellow, and white butterflies darting here and there, and winged grasshoppers taking to the breeze when I got to close to them. Trilling frogs, chirping birds, and honking ships: it was a nice summer walk 😊

When the Refuge hike was finished, I stopped at the Duck Inn for a bite to eat before heading back to Longview.

As I started to sit at a booth, I noticed a familiar face a table ahead of me; it was Mary Johnson-Baldwin. We got up at the same time, and hugged each other, and engaged in a good, short visit – catching up on our lives since we last saw each other (1975, at my baby shower 😉): I’m glad we ran into each other.

I felt blessed.

I love Mary – she is a good person to know.

I spent most of my early teen summers at her house in Middle Valley, Skamokawa.

Lunch (1/2) & Supper (1/2); Duck Inn Restaurant.



**SHABBAT BLESSINGS/Pt. 1 ~ Skamokawa Vista Park:

SHABBAT BLESSINGS/Pt. 1 ~ Skamokawa Vista Park

Today’s post is done in 3 parts, because there were 3 parts to today’s post 😊

This morning, I woke up crying – I woke up hearing myself crying like I had lost my best friend.

And I had.

I had been dreaming of Bob; the dream was kinda disjointed … but I remember Bob and I were enjoying ourselves, when he took off walking, and us agreeing I would drive the car to a specific point of the walk and pick him up. I watched him walking off into the distance, as I slipped the car into drive, and turned my eyes to the sharp corner of the U-turn-street: when I looked for Bob, coming into a straight stretch – he had disappeared. I couldn’t see him anywhere. I drove the loop twice, thinking maybe he was off to the side, jawing with someone (as he was always prone to do); but he had just vanished. Coming out of the grogginess of a deep dreaming sleep, I heard myself crying, “I lost him! I lost him!”

I must have laid there for a good 10 minutes, crying like the world was coming to an end, before I woke all the way up and shook myself to break the dreamscape link.

I dried my eyes, got dressed, and decided to go for a drive.

I had read online that there were now hiking trails at the Vista Park in Skamokawa: I wanted to try them out. This morning would be a good time to do that: I left home at 9 AM.

The drive was short, not the hours long drives, I normally do.

Vista Park, Skamokawa
Road clear of road crews the entire drive; to and fro. YAY!

Entering the Park, you have to dodge a lot of potholes – some deep, some just wide; all with ragged edges.

WOW - there is a LOT happening at the Park, now. 4 years ago, it was kinda derelict despite all the advertisement.

WOW! Vista Park has grown! It isn’t a little hole-in-the-wall yuppie kayaking thingee, anymore. It’s a thriving tourist venture now.

I drove to the Office and asked about the advertised trails – I don’t remember there being any, last time Bob and I were there with our little grandson, in 2017: I was curious.

I was told they were “at the end of the road, behind the Office”; so, off I drove 😊

3 different trails to 3 different scenic spots along the trail route.

As I made the turn from the Office to trailhead, and saw this preserved gillnet boat.

Trailhead parking area.

The trailhead brought back a lot of memories.

The path led down familiar terrain: father’s cousin Terri, and her husband Don Anderson lived in a cute white house at the end of the curve (which had been graveled in 1968; the Holden house before that) … and my mother, and us 5 kids, had hiked to her house one afternoon, from Ingalls Road in Skamokawa – through a farmer’s field, and up over Moe Hill, to tie into a logging road that dropped behind the old school house, and into the road that led to Terri and Don’s house. I’ll never forget that hike – and I told Bob about it many times: it was exciting.

Lots of memories here ...

When I finally reached the trail, it was a rough trail: kinda like the trails logging tree-toppers, and choker-setters make in the forests, to get their jobs done.

Rough trails - marked only by logger's plastic tags.
“Follow the pink ribbon - follow the pink ribbon - follow, follow, follow ...”
Mossy forest steps; THANK YOU, Yeshua!

A bit further on, a glimpse of the Columbia River – and the remembered sandy beach – came into view.

Bob was not the only male I visited that sandy cove with … but he was the only one that impressed me with his presence in that cove. I never spent time with Doug, there; but I did spend a coupe afternoons there, with John, who told me of forested hunting trails that led up over the cliffs, to places with names like Brookfield, and Frankfurt; Brookfield, I knew: I often hiked there to that ghost town at the end of West Valley, with scant reminders (Spring blooming daffodils, an apple orchard, skeletal remains of an old homestead, log river wharf piers, a boat slip, ect.) of a river town; from my patent’s house on Ingall’s Road. But, I didn’t know anything about Frankfurt, except what John was regaling me with – he said he often hiked those hunting trails. I was in awe, looking up at those towering cliffs and imagining those wonderous trails 😉

But it was the August if 1974, when I went to that cove with Bob, that it shimmered with magic – the magic of young love.

Remembering beach days with Bob, the Summer of 1974.
Ingall's Road, Skamokawa
Skamokawa Valleys

Sonny James, ‘Young Love’:

The Judds, ‘Young Love’:

And when we drove to Brookfield, and later to Frankfurt, those places shimmered with magic, too, when Bob told me the background stories of both pioneer river towns. Later, I would come to understand that Bob had direct ties to Frankfurt: his mother’s relatives, the Smalley’s had had homes there.

But before I realized that bit of family linkage … I fell in love with the remnants of Frankfurt, as soon as the pickup stopped and I jumped out: there were, still at that time – in the summer of 1974, a few ramshackle cottages with rose bushes twining around a picket fence alongside one … and a couple little decorative bushes that some logger’s wife had loving planted, daffodils, and discernable trails between the few remaining/listing cottages. I looked over the area and out over the river and imagined life there long ago: I loved it, on sight! One time when we drove there (once Bob had taken me there, I begged to go visit it often, when we were driving the roads that way), Benji Brown and his girlfriend, Angie (they later married and divorced) came sauntering out of one of the cottages and we spent about an hour chitchatting, before going our separate ways.

Later, after Bob and I were married several years, Frankfurt access was gated off by the Campbell Logging Company, and driving there was no longer an option: now, anything that remained, is decades reclaimed by the forest.

But I think of Frankfurt often … and see it in my mind’s eyes, as I did then, that magic summer we were dating, in 1974.

And then, I spotted some love along the trail: heart shaped leaves 😊

Heart-shaped leaved 'False Lily-of-the-Valley' wildflower.

I also saw a prolific patch of wild Oregon Grape.

Immature Oregon Grape.

Remnants of a charred tree lay among the forest litter, too.

I wonder what story this charred wood would tell if it could talk ...

This lead of the trail was supposed to lead to the beach … and it did – to a point: for young bodies, it would be a wonderful excursionfor older bodies, like mine, it would be torture: at the end of this trail was the beach … if one was so inclined as to fight their way over a jumble of river-wave-stacked driftwood: I was not so inclined.

Not so rough section of trail; pretty & srene.
A bright spot of sunlight poking through the forest canopy, overhead.
I'm a rebel at heart; but I turned around at the end of the trail – and backtracked to another trail junction.

Looking at the back of the Park Brochure I had scribbled a rough trail map on, I followed the middle trail that veered off at the backtracked junction.

This spur of the trail leads back to the trailhead.
A slimy resident of the PNW forests; a slug; disgustingly important in the ecosystem.
A patch of Sweet Grass shamrocks.
A hastily built footbridge over a low-flow creek.
Sunlit end of looping trail.
I hope my body is kind to me later on ;-)

The trails hike took about 35 minutes to make the loop back to the Highlander; the river breeze kept the hike a relatively cool endeavor.

Leaving the hiking trails behind, I thought I’d see what was over the large sand dune, beyond the large ((((WARNING!)))) sign. The Columbia River is a greedy river, and I was curious to see if the remembered magical cove was still intact.

There is more sand accumulated - but the cove area is still there.
A LOT calmer beachfront than out at Willow Grove. I may have to make a return visit ...
I don't understand the tide table, so I avoid water when solo loboing.
Rocky bluff behind Redmen Hall - across from Skamokawa Fair grounds; Fair is next weekend.

Today was a surprise, as well as a blessing 😊


**SHABBAT BLESSINGS/Pt. 2 ~ Julia Butler Hansen Game Refuge: