Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, July 4, 2022


I love the 4th of July 😊

Our great Nation was born on the 4th of July, 1776 – and I love “getting in the groove” of the Holiday 😉

‘You’re A Grand Old Flag’ song: (

‘Yankee Doodle Dandy’ song: (

‘Stars & Stripes Forever’: (

America had been going through a rough patch since the 2009 Election Steal that rushed barak hussain obama into a House & a Seat he had no right to; the ridiculous and time-$$$$$$$ wasting obamanite impeachment circus that ate up pretty much ALL of President Trump’s years in Office; and the suspiciously released covid-19 strain on America, which seriously amounts to a chemical warfare attack the obamanites used (and no doubt had a hand in releasing) to power-grab another Presidential Election for a third obama coup … yes, Americans have been having a rough time of it the past 14 years, 7 months, & 11 hours to date.

But this year, there are several things to be happy about, with the recent Supreme Court emergency brake being pulled on a lot of the obama-biden cartel agenda 😊

It seems that things are on the up-swing in America, again.

So, this year, I am celebrating in Holiday style: in dress, and with friends all day long 😉

Pearl for eyebrow highlight & Mauve for eyelid color.
Glittery Navy Blue for eye 'liner'.
Glittery lipstick.
Auburn Eyebrow Gel, Rose-tinted Cheek Heat liquid Blush, & Black Mascara.

CELEBRATING 1776 in 2022

The 4th of July isn’t about hot dogs, hamburgers, beer, parades, fireworks, ect.: it’s about much, MUCH MORE than all that – as good as all that is 😉

The British American Colonists had a dream – a dream to free themselves of the oppressive tyranny of England. Between 1765 and 1791 the colonists were bold and brave enough to risk everything they had and held dear (personal possessions, and life itself), to gamble on hope based on Faith: the faith spoken of in The New Testament“faith is the substance of things hoped for, and not yet seen.”

A hope based on Faith.

The colonists declared war on the English Monarchy that had a boot on their necks – a monarchy that operated on the enslavement of the poor who could not pay their debts and were sold into slavery as bond servants to whoever could purchase their debt papers: the majority of the slaves in the American Colonies in the 1770’s were – as today’s language would state – “poor, white, trash” (those from English, and Irish, slum areas). Though promised freedom after serving their servitude years … many were never freed, but kept in continual slavery on false, and manipulated, fresh charges that added years to their purchaser’s ownership.

And everyone in the colonies were owned by English aristocrats, in one way or another. The colonists began to get fed up. They began to plot an insurrection … which led to a full-on war … which led to AMERICAN FREEDOM in 1775 😊

The obamanite cartel, following their kenyan man-god’s tyrannical behavior pattern in DC, know this American History. That is why they are so frightened of American freedomsfreedom of speech, freedom to gather in peace protest (p.e.a.c.e.f.u.l. – not the obamanite sanctioned murderous/destructive riots the delusional DC politicians take a knee to), freedom to gather together for worship of Almighty God (the God of the Bible was acknowledged and shown favor by 9/10th’s of the Founding Father’s that drafted the American Constitution & Bill of Rights”), freedom to question the governing powers that be (National & Local), freedom to rise up against said powersWITH ARMS to protect themselves and their property.

This known fact is the main thrust behind the obamanite frenzy to unarm American Citizens: plainly speaking, the obamanite demonrats know they are out of control and insist on controlling you so they can remain unchecked to infect America, and the world at large, with their toxic tyranny necessary to unleash wickedness in the land – and abroad.

But, true-blue Americans also know American History: and they aren’t ever going to allow the obamanites to foist slavery (of any type) on them.

With these thoughts of hard-won freedoms weaving in and out of my morning thoughts as this July 4th dawned … I began to get ready for my day spent with friends, celebrating our American Independence and Freedoms slowly being returned to us 😊

Gramma Celebrates the 4th:
Face in place ... everything’s a “GO” ðŸ˜‰
America was never founded as a democracy - it was always ... and STILL IS a Federacy, hence the Federalist Papers.
‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ song:
The demonrat obamanites are intent on destroying America's Foundation - THAT is their #1 GOAL.
Despite obama's aim to get the windsor's into the White House - that will never happen.
Americans are waking up to the 'woke' obama-biden-cartel agenda.
I am thankful for the people in my life that make sure I am a part of their lives.
Love is the difference.
Hope keeps the love - on my part - alive; and walking in 'Faith ... which is the substance of things hoped for and not yet seen'. (Hebrews 11:1)

The obamanite demonrats can always be heard stating that “American is a democracy!” THAT IS A LIE – and thank God America is not a democracy.

A true {democracy} is made up of a few “chosen” voting majority that foist their {laws!} on the populace; leaving the rights of the minority unprotected (rally cry of the demonrats – “the majority wins!”): the DC obamanites are trying to force this on us; barak hussain obama and his he-she partner michael, tried for 8 long, torturous years … and managed to place a dead-head dementia patient, with an equally clueless moron side-kick in the White House as their 3rd coup liaisons. It is a dismal and disastrous failure on all fronts: and The People are rising up – they know who the enemy is, and it isn’t Donald Trump – though they keep beating that dead horse hoping it will win the race for them. They are losing. Thank the Lord!

In a Republic – which America STILL IS – governing representatives are chosen BY THE PEOPLE, who must comply with the American Constitution (not the obamanites loosey-goosey-interpretation of The Constitution pandering to a lawless sector of society) that specifically protects the Rights of the minority from the will of the majority. And THAT my friends, is WHAT has the obamanites in a frenzied uproar. They know they cannot keep their boots on our necks … because we bite, and we bite hard.

America may have begun as an experimental concept; but it became a real reality because of the citizenry’s faith in their hoped for dream of freedom.

And will remain so.


I woke up this morning to people shouting “hounds need to be unleashed – kill it! Kill it!

Apparently there has been another cougar sighting.

The sighting was in the upper hills of Longview – I drive this route sometimes when I want to avoid downtown traffic.

Cougar spotted this morning, on Cedar Place, Longview-WA
Reported cougar sighting.

This is reported to be a third sighting … probably the same one seen in different locations of the area. Maybe. The cougar seems to mysteriously disappear into thin air: yet the video background remains the same. The cougar is in the frame – then {poof!} it’s out of the frame; suspiciously.

While I will agree that cougars (I have actually seen a cougar in the wild, slink across the road in front of our pickup and fade into the roadside foliage: it was beautiful!) will melt into the background as if they had never been there at allthey do not just walk into a hidden time warp window; as this one seems to do.

The cougar could really exist.

Or …

But whatever the truth of the matter may be, it does not deserve to have hounds set on it: it can be captured and released. If it’s the real deal, it’s no doubt a yearling looking for a place to habitate. It does not deserve to die simply because humans keep pushing themselves into wildlife habitats.

People that choose to live in forested areas, choose to live with the wildlife there … and they need to work with it. MPO

I jetted off a few comments, and got off of FB – you simply cannot talk common sense with bloodthirsty hysterics.

I was going to Fellowship this morning, and picking a friend up along the way. I wore my red-white-& blue skirt to honor the 4th of July Holiday, tomorrow – and the only top I had in my closet that was “workable”. I wasn’t really happy with the outfit, but it was what it was. Workable.

Skirts are not my friend, no matter what top I wear with them. I do what I can with what I have to work with (clothing items and physical shape), and hope for the best.

When I pulled into my friend’s driveway, I spotted a doe in her front yard.

Doe seen; my friends and her fammily are working with the deer crossings.

She told me she saw three bucks walk through her front yard the other day, and we had a good laugh when I and said her yard must be a deer thoroughfare, like the sky over my house is a geese freeway 😉

Fellowship was enjoyable. And I’ll be enjoying a 4th of July Celebration in the country tomorrow 😊

After I got back home this afternoon, I changed my clothes and watered the garden area. It seems like no matter what I pulled out of the closet to put on today, it was {workable}, but not appealing on the body. But, what are you gonna do – except roll with it. It is what it is.

Finished with the veggie bed area, I watered the front flowerbeds as well as the hanging planters along the carport eaves. And I noticed that one of the cacti pads I had repotted in May, had babies popping up 😊

This is exciting to me because I have never tried this with cacti pads before; it’s a good feeling of accomplishment when something new prospers 😉

The Bunny Ear Cactus pad has rooted - 2 baby pads sprouting.

Back inside, I got busy making little vest & beanie sets for premature babies. This is a volunteer work close to my heart: a friend in high school had a premature baby girl (1-pound, 6 ozs.: grew up to be normal sized, and is still thriving) my younger brother and his wife had a premature baby girl (just barely longer than a Barbie Doll, with a little head the size of a tennis ball); Jamie Lee grew up … and is no longer ‘little’ in any sense of the word.

2 to 3 pound Preemie Vest & Beanie Set; crochet - mint green.

These little things make up very quickly, and they are perfect for the babies who have to stay incubated until they are physically strong enough to go home – they are tiny warming items of loose clothing that work great in helping these little babies stay warm; and help the parents keep hope alive, when they see their little bundles of love wrapped in items that have some semblance of baby clothing appeal … while not complicating the tangle of life sustaining tubes, ect. I am glad I found this pattern online 😊

So far, this week has gotten off to a good start; now I’m going to do a load of jeans: I have lots of tops in the closet that work perfectly with those 😉