I have talked the past 2 days with people who are fearful … and even a little insensitive, because of their fear. At one point, I was asked if I fear for my children/grandchildren: I said, “I’m concerned – but, no, I don’t worry incessantly about them.” And I was instantly told, “Well, I worry about my children; you aren’t worried because you don’t get along with your children.” That was offensive, and very insensitive. And it tells me that that person does not know me at all.
While it is true, that my children have separated
themselves from me; and I have not seen my grandchildren since December 16th
… it is NOT true that that decision is mine. It is NOT true that I wouldn’t be
devastated if any of them were struck with this coronavirus – we are not
speaking at the moment, but I certainly don’t want any of them to die!
I am only responsible for my thoughts and actions: I cannot control my grown children’s attitude and behavior towards me; and my grandchildren – with the exception of our little prince, who is 5-1/2 yo and his mother’s ward – are all old enough to call, text, or come and see me without their parent’s permission: two of the three adult princesses, have CHOSEN NOT to do so, based solely on their parent’s attitude and behaviors. Again, their decisions are not mine. Any conclusion by anyone to believe otherwise, is offensive and insensitive.
And it doesn’t do any good to get upset about the arrogant ignorance of the statement: it was said out of ignorance fueled by arrogant fear.
I can be empathetic without enabling the anxiety of fearmongers. I can understand the fear they feel about their own lives, as well as the lives of their children; without being sucked, myself, into the sweeping undertow of the uncertainty of the moment.
Meanwhile, today, inslee – WA State governor –
has enacted a statewide 30 day moratorium on evictions for anyone who can’t pay
rent due to this coronavirus outbreak; and the border between WA State and Canada
has been shut down.
My point of view is this: we are all born with an expiration date … if it is my time to get my ticket punched: I’m okay with that. I know what my destination is, and I know that Yeshua and Bob are both waiting for me to arrive. If Elohim decides Earth needs me a little longer – He will protect me and make provision for me. If Elohim decides I need to make that journey beyond the clouds – nothing can forestall that appointment. I’m good either way.
I don’t like how the fear sweeping across America is literally sweeping away our Rights also. In America, citizens have THE RIGHT to move freely, think independently, and behave individually UNLESS A REAL LAW EXISTS that states otherwise. I was concerned this morning when a friend told me an man had been kept inside his house by armed guards … so I tracked the story down because I couldn’t believe that could actually happen in America. Sure enough – fear dominated and overrode Rights. It’s crazy … it’s UNLAWFULLY okay to murder babies by the millions simply because of PERSONAL SELFISH irresponsibility – but it is not okay to move freely around your own property because your neighbors (who probably support abortion, and uphold the ‘rights’ of baby murders) fear for their lives?
Society is out of control. Everyone seems to be freaking out about coronavirus, but no one is freaking about the murder of millions of innocent lives sacrificed at the behest of narcissism. Instead, enablers of baby killers are placating fear-mongers.
I am empathetic towards others; but I can’t/won’t allow their panic, fear, and hysteria unbalance my peace, hamstring my movement, or steal my joy in the moment. Life is for living … not cowering in frustrated fear; now quaking with anxiety.
I have never lived my life in fear: not even while holding/kissing my husband’s hand while his physical body was dying. We both knew Bob was going to a better place to enjoy a better life: a threshold where the Specter of Death can no longer cross.
I did not then fear facing the rest of my life alone.
I do not now, fear facing the rest of my life alone.
I do not fear my own physical death if that is my destined fate,
I do not give fear a foothold in my life.
And I do not think the governing officials should slap mandatory isolations on people – this thing could go into an 18 month period.
There are PLENTY OF PLACES to go where face-to-face is limited ... or not even evident.
There are PLENTY OF PLACES to go where face-to-face is limited ... or not even evident.
I can't stand being hemmed
in by 4 walls - I gotta get out of the house A LOT. I enjoy being in the
great outdoors, enjoying Nature Walks - breathing in fresh air and enjoying the
sunshine when the sun appears after the hovering gray clouds part.
That is MY RIGHT as an
American: as an individual.
It is your right too.
If you can, find an open,
sunny, naturalistic environment to enjoy during this time; and boost your immune system as well as your spirit ;-)
forced to stay indoors indefinitely with unhealthy stagnant air is abusive. Our lungs NEED
FRESH AIR to keep our immune systems healthy, our brain functioning properly,
and our minds clear.
Remember Historical accounts: this coronavirus
happy enjoying your life while you have a life to enjoy.