Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Sunday, November 28, 2021

END GAME IN SIGHT ~ Hanukkah/Day 1, 2021

Just when you think things could not get worse under this obamanite-nation mindset … they DO.

And the catholic mindset is always in the hellish mix.

barak hussain obama was hailed as the demonrat {messiah} while he was squatting in racist glory at the #1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, DC address for 8 looooooong and torturous years; starting in 2009

he lied to get dimwitted {christians} on his side … and then once inside the White House, showed his true colors (blacker than sin – no pun intended) and unveiled his true religion (self-worship islam): America, and true Christians were attacked every minute of every day: and blood-thristy wolfish obama, used false shepherds in dead churches to carry out his attacks – the latest, in which a catholic institution displayed a blasphemous and openly heretical painting depicting that lowlife criminal george floyd as a warped blm impression of Jesus – and his earth mother, Mary.

In this, obama’s 3rd political coup, via brainless biden, hyena cackling anti-American harris – and a totally brainwashed terrorist embracing Congress (bowing to islam, and ‘taking a knee’ to murderous racism doctrines); obama continues to preach his race-bait hatred, and enforce his ‘different doctrine’ religion.

Preaching obamanite-backed blm overt racism … and rabid murderous hatred, has practically destroyed America by deviously dividing the populace of weak-minded delusional lemmings to carry out the obamanite agenda: undermine the founding of America, erase moral and spiritual boundaries, engage in every perverse and anti- activity imaginable, teach a replacement History story, indoctrinate children in schools at all grade levels, demonize parents, crucify true Christians, and spread propaganda through every social media available.

That is how muslims have always taken over countries.

That is how tyrants have always attained their end goals.

The US Congress, run totally by the traitorous obamanite agenda, has become a cesspool country of rampant insanity posing as “the new norm”.

And rumor has it, that that demon barak obama’s he/she {wife} michael, is running for prez in 2024; the obama’s are not going to go quietly into the night – like snakes lying in wait to strike, they slither here and there, waiting for the opportune moment when they can sink their teeth in and spread their toxic poison.

God help us that have not fallen under those two demons’ wicked spell.

None of what has been happening in America is okay: but it was foretold from ancient days.

But this … this, will be the downfall of America: Elohei will not be mocked.

This is the “end game in sight’ – and my heart cries for my little grandson, who will never know what a free America used to be like before evil got a foothold, and wickedness spread like cancer.


But be of good cheer … Elohei has overcome the world – we are in the world, but we are not a part of the world.

Yeshua the Light, dwells within us 😊

And that indwelling of the Ruach Ha’Kodesh’s continual supply of holy oil is the beacon that offers hope to those seeking a better Way of Life.

Stand strong in the truth of Elohim’s Word.

Stay filled with the Spirit of Elohei.

Keep your life pure from the world’s toxins … and keep your inner light lit 😉

We are in the ‘end game’ era, but we can rejoice because we know the outcome!

Tonight, begins the first Night of Hanukkah 2021 – let us rejoice and be glad for Yeshua won the victory at Calvary; and “if the Son has set you free, then you are free indeed” 😊

Hanukkah – Reality vs kamala harris & her sidekick’s aimless ramblings: (

As a Messianic Believer, I keep all the Torah IN Yeshua’s salvation grace. I am not an orthodox Jew … I am a Jew saved by Messiah’s love. Yeshua recognized, and celebrated Hanukkah. Openly. Among the orthodox – yet separate from the orthodox. The orthodox had polluted God’s Word and had become tyrants over the People: Yeshua came to Earth to undo all that, while adhering to the pure Word of God. That is what I engage in.

Hanukkah - Night 1/2021

Along with Coins This Christmas, Salvation Army Wants White Donors to Offer a 'Sincere Apology' for Their Racism

The obamanite insanity continues to demonize Christians – more specifically “white” Christians.


Wickedness feels completely comfortable in obama’s brand of religion.

Christianity does not see skin color - Yeshua lived with a Jewish family while he sojourned on Earth ... and HE INCLUDES ALL RACES INTO THE BODY OF BEIEVERS.

Lucifer is the great divider: that can tell you who the race-baiters bow to - they do not know Elohim, and they do not have the Spirit of Yeshua in them, or thier midst.

barak hussain obama is not God.

And "white" is not a valid skin color.

But wickedness and hatred are very real - and barak hussain obama and his obamanite minions wallow in wicked hatred.

Along with Coins This Christmas, Salvation Army Wants White Donors to Offer a 'Sincere Apology' for Their Racism


This morning I was up before the birds.

It was dark outside when I was zipping my boots up my legs.

There was fog hanging in the upper atmosphere when I crossed the river and headed uphill through the woods; the fog lights were engaged.

I was headed to Vancouver; for fellowship … and to bring Hanukkah candles home – they are not sold locally.

Fellowship was great, like it always is there 😊

The message was about the background of Hanukkah – and how it closely relates to the global events of today.

The current Shmita (aka, ‘Year of Jubilee’) for our time period, started September 7th, 2021 … and will conclude September 26th, 2022. With everything that is going on, on the world scene today: wars, rumors of wars, degenerate world {government officials, in high and civil seats}, corrupt spiritual leadership & an ignorant/arrogant worldly {church devoid of Yeshua HaMashiach}, rampant perversions, infanticide, plagues, ect. – we could very well expect to see Yeshua sooner; rather than later.

The first song we sang, was an oldie – but a goodie 😉

Bob liked this song – Bob liked Paul Wilbur’s music.

It made me cry – and smile – at the same time. These are the days of Elijah, prophesied: and those days have been unfolding for decades. The wrapping up of those days is getting closer and closer, every second of every day. That makes me happy. I simultaneously cry and smile, because Bob rides the clouds now … and soon Yeshua will crack the sky, and come riding into view on the clouds – and Bob will be among those coming with Him, to gather me Home 😊 I have waited for ‘a time such as this’ all my life. I am ready: I am more than ready to be called to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

The Wedding of The Lamb Song:

The second song we sung, was new to me – this was the first time I’d heard it: also had me crying and laughing at the same time. But I liked it, and it resonated with my spirit. Yeshua gave both Bob and I such peace when Bob’s spirit was shedding his flesh and blood vessel. Yeshua was merciful during that hard time of goodbye’s … and faithfully turned our mourning into dancing, and our sadness into joy; and our hearts could sing through it all, because we knew where Bob was going – Home, where we long to be. Bob got there before me: he is no longer sorrowing – he is dancing, now, beyond the clouds; and though I was really joyful for Bob when Bob walked from this life into a better one, my spirit is only now learning to dance again, after 35 months of widowhood.

I am healing. More and more with each passing day.

A new song.
Davidic dancing: not our fellowship, though – our dancers are not so fancy. This is the only rendition of this lovely song, I could find.

The third song was also an oldie. It is a song of encouragement, full of promise: a victory song 😊

A perfect song for Shabbat – we can enter into our rest in full confidence that Yeshua has everything that touches our lives, under control 😉

It is a wonderful feeling.

HE – and His greatness – is wonderful.

Another song, new to me, was sung: I like it. It echoes my soul’s sentiments.

You Deserve The Glory Song.

There is no ‘wokeness’ poison threaded through this fellowship – there are faces from every ethnic group on the face of the Earth here, and politics are not courted. We are a united Body of Believers. Yeshua is our only focus here; Jew and Gentile, grafted together … rooted in Yeshua’s salvation. We are only sojourners here; earthly poilitics with its toxic divisions, are not courted here.

The Beautiful Bride Song:

Bob and I started fellowshipping at this fellowship 24 years ago. Coming here is like a breath of fresh air. I am glad my life is back on track again.

Praying toward Israel’s geographical location – FOR Israel’s protection.

A message from Amir Tsarfati (in Israel) was shared. iran is bulldogging forward in their plan to build the nuclear bomb, barak hussain obama funded … and the obamanites are cheering it on. russia has troops on the borders, ready to aid iran when the bomb is launched. This is prophecy being played out – and of course, the enemy always takes aim at Israel at Hannukah. Again. (

Israeli Defense is preparing for confrontations with iran terrorist army, and iranian backers: (

Since tomorrow is the first day of Hanukkah, the message was about the background of Hannukah.

I honor the Hanukkah holiday because Yeshua honored it while He walked Earth as a man – if God Himself recognized the significance of the event, then I will, too. The Maccabees refused to assimilate and get lost in the paganism being forced on their country, and people.

I can identify 😉

And the message of Hanukkah is pertinent to what is happening in America … and in Israel, today.

Hanukkah Background - pagan assimilation ... or seperation (persecution/purging).

The similarities between what was happening then is pretty much playing out between American Congress/White House, and Israel today. Since 2009 with the rise of the world’s {messiah} barak hussain obama – and the seating in America’s Congress of obamanite muslim terrorists in our governing high seats … Israel’s sworn enemies have been given the green light nod to move forward with wiping Israel off the face of the Earth.

And paganism has taken root in DC … with the obamanites determined to snuff out Christians, and erase Christianity from the History of America.

Evil, egged on by barak hussain obama and his DC cohorts, has blossomed into devouring kudzu vines, spreading its strangling growth throughout the world. And rumor has it that barak’s he-she ‘wife’ michael, is going to run for President in 2024.

God help us: 3 political coups with those 2 demons straight out of Hell is enough! We don’t need a fourth

A whole new depth of anti-Christ was explored this afternoon.

Christians have long been aware of the warnings about anti-Christ. Speculation about who he might be has been talked about in The Church … as well as in the world; but it has remained a mystery.

The message this afternoon kinda expanded on the explanation given in Scripture. The spirit of anti-Christ has permeated every corner of this planet since the beginning of time. It is a spirit – a spirit that will invade a human at some point; bringing the second arrival of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach back to Earth. This used to be taught in most of the mainstream churches … now, it’s never taught – it’s not even a thought in most pew warmer’s empty heads.

'Anti' means 'instead of' - a replacement of ... ANYTHING that denounces God is ANTI-CHRIST.
How to recognize the true Spirit of Elohei.
How to recognize the Anti-Christ spirit.
The anti-Christ spirit has been among us for a looooong time; boldly showing itself in today's American leadership, across the board.
Power corrupts, and corrupted power destroys.
Those who embrace, follow, and cleave to Yeshua WILL be persecuted - it cannot be escaped; we share with Yeshua IN EVERYTHING.
A Christian's body is the 'Temple of God' - His Spirit lives IN us. That is why Christians are hated. A Christian that is embraced by the world, is NOT a true Christian … just sayin’: light is no kin to darkness.

After fellowship, I bought some Hanukkah Candles for tomorrow’s candle lighting 😊

And then decided to take a side trip to Battle Ground before heading home; most of the route was on roads I’d never traveled before. I am making friends with GPS … and learning my way around by instinct, when GPS isn't a fickle friend that cuts out along the way.

I’ll never be as good as Bob was, about instinctively getting around places; but, I am learning how to be like Bob in finding 101 ways to get to, and from, places 😉

Eventually, I’ll be proficient enough at driving these backroads (repeat, repeat, repeat the routes until they are branded into my gray matter) – that I won’t need GPS's fair-weathered ‘friendship’.

Decided to take a side trip to Battle Ground after Fellowship.
A new route ... never been on this route with Bob; it's totally new.
New roads - new scenery; a new experience.
I like Albertson's - I like that I can get there from Fellowship. BONUS!

The misting rain had dried up when I parked and went inside the store – but by the time I got my purchases into the backend of the Highlander, the store cart in its designated slot, and slid into the driver’s seat … it started raining. Heavily.

It started raining in earnest, so I sat a while in the parking lot before heading home.

I didn’t sit in the parking lot too long – I wanted to be home before twilight.

And I wanted to skip travel on the freeway.

Traveling over Lane Road, and praying the road where the patches of it had previously slid way, were still intact … I admit I was more than a little apprehensive. But I really wanted to avoid the frenzied freeway movement in the rainstorm.

My prayerful SOS kept me safe in those slide patches, but Mother Nature snagged my attention with one of them. I was wishing at that point, that I was in a 4x pickup instead of the Highlander SUV – a pickup can go places a car cannot.

My wings have been clipped until Spring of 2022.

Tempted fate by traveling the slip-sliding Lane Road off Green Mountain Road; out of Woodland.
Lane Road is starting to slide.

But at least I got the candles for tomorrow – I really wanted them. I am more myself this year, and it will be nice to recognize this holiday in the way it is to be honored.

I won’t mind so much now sitting the next 15 weeks out 😉

Older and newer Hanukkah candles - I bought the white, this afternoon.
I bought these 2 boxes of candles today; all 3 types will be used during this year's Hanukkah celebration.