Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, December 21, 2019

SNOWBLIND Christianity Today Called Trump "No Longer Fit For Office" After Impeachment

The Christianity Today magazine is a leftist rag – and has been since the 1980’s, when I noticed it’s political leanings and stopped buying the magazine. It had deviated so far left, I could no longer justify spending my husband’s hard-earned money in it, or having it in our home. The fact that the editor, is firing off a scathing editorial based on NOTHING MORE THAN GOSSIP AND POLITICAL SHENANIGANS IS TELLING.

The editor-in-chief is entitled to his own opinions, but those opinions ARE NOT FACT. The editor-in-chief is a political lemming, trying to save an UNifluential magazine. That he would swallow the swill of poisoned gossip and then browbeat a man who has not been found guilty CONCERNING FACTS highlights his own immorality. There IS NOTHING {centrist}, {conservative}, or even {Christian} in the editor’s behavior, or between the magazines front and back covers.

I’m not too keen on Franklin Graham either, but I do agree with what he wrote to the galling galli:

Franklin Graham:

“My Response to Christianity Today:

Christianity Today released an editorial stating that President Trump should be removed from office—and they invoked my father’s name (I suppose to try to bring legitimacy to their statements), so I feel it is important for me to respond. Yes, my father Billy Graham founded Christianity Today; but no, he would not agree with their opinion piece. In fact, he would be very disappointed. I have not previously shared who my father voted for in the past election, but because of this article, I feel it is necessary to share it now. My father knew Donald Trump, he believed in Donald Trump, and he voted for Donald Trump. He believed that Donald J. Trump was the man for this hour in history for our nation.

For Christianity Today to side with the Democrat Party in a totally partisan attack on the President of the United States is unfathomable. Christianity Today failed to acknowledge that not one single Republican voted with the Democrats to impeach the President. I know a number of Republicans in Congress, and many of them are strong Christians. If the President were guilty of what the Democrats claimed, these Republicans would have joined with the Democrats to impeach him. But the Democrats were not even unanimous—two voted against impeachment and one voted present. This impeachment was politically motivated, 100% partisan. Why would Christianity Today choose to take the side of the Democrat left whose only goal is to discredit and smear the name of a sitting president? They want readers to believe the Democrat leadership rather than believe the President of the United States.

Look at all the President has accomplished in a very short time. The economy of our nation is the strongest it has been in 50 years, ISIS & the caliphate have been defeated, and the President has renegotiated trade deals to benefit all Americans. The list of accomplishments is long, but for me as a Christian, the fact that he is the most pro-life president in modern history is extremely important—and Christianity Today wants us to ignore that, to say it doesn’t count? The President has been a staunch defender of religious freedom at home and around the world—and Christianity Today wants us to ignore that? Also the President has appointed conservative judges in record number—and Christianity today wants us to ignore that? Christianity Today feels he should be removed from office because of false accusations that the President emphatically denies.

Christianity Today said it’s time to call a spade a spade. The spade is this—Christianity Today has been used by the left for their political agenda. It’s obvious that Christianity Today has moved to the left and is representing the elitist liberal wing of evangelicalism.

Is President Trump guilty of sin? Of course he is, as were all past presidents and as each one of us are, including myself. Therefore, let’s pray for the President as he continues to lead the affairs of our nation.”


HERETICAL Francis, in Christmas Message, Says Church Must Adapt to Post-Christian West

As with n.t. wright, heretical francis keeps overworking 
( his mouth, showing the blackness of his evil heart. He talks about things he knows nothing about – and highlights the fact that catholicism is a pagan religion that has completely given itself over to Lucifer. This past Saturday, he said, “the church must adapt post-West views on Christianity … we need ‘other maps’, other paradigms to change our ways of thinking: we are not in Christianity, not anymore!”

Rather than call Christians TO REPENTANCE, so they can be blessed, and become a real blessing to those around them … the heretical political pawn, (sounding eerily like barak hussan obama in regards to views of Christianity), urged catholics “to prepare for a societal change as people flee the church; because catholics are no longer under a Christian regime because of the faith … Europe and much of the West, no longer constitutes an obvious premise of common life. On the contrary, it is even often denied, derided, marginalized, and ridiculed.”

MPO – based on what he has said, done, promoted, and embraces: is that francis, himself, IS THE PROBLEMATIC ISSUE. francis has radically preached a different gospel than what Yeshua taught, and the early Church embraced.

francis is a deranged demon dressed in a pope’s frock, wickedly fleecing the flock and condemning those souls he snares, to Hell.

POLITICAL FOOD FIGHT: So NOW, Only Waitresses and Plumbers Get to Vote ‘Who is worthy of Being American President?’?

Jayne Lynch Criticized for Saying Billionaires have Just as Much Right to Choose The President As waitresses:

THIS is where we, as Americans have come to?
Making judgments on who and who can't vote in a Presidential Election based solely on INCOME?
NOW, race baiting and gender identification is the ONLY BASIS by which a president can be considered BY WAITRESSES?
The reasoning being {WHY???}
Last time I checked ... I STILL LIVE IN AMERICA, the great Nation my Lakota ancestors lived in for generations before Europeans came to American shores. My husband's European & Asian ancestors, as well as my mother's European & Middle Eastern Ancestors came to America shores on ships - Bob's ancestors in the 1600's on his mother's side/the turn of the last Century on his father's side: mine, when European ships founded settlements on these shores on my grandfather Ball's branch (George Washington's Mother, Mary Ball is a direct relative of mine) ... and my mother's mother's family came to America at the turn of the last Century; my father's family had also settled in America at the turn of the last century, and there is the Lakota link there also. EVEN AT THAT, NATIVE AMERICANS REALLY AREN'T NATIVE EITHER! Native Americans either crossed on a land bridge linking Alaska to Asia ... or they floated over when the continents split and drifted into their current placements; but they CERTAINLY ARE NOT AS {ORIGINAL TO AMERICA} AS THEY CLAIM.
Personally, I'm sick of the political bullshit that is dividing everyone, and tearing this great Nation apart at the seams just because one political party is bitterly angry the 2016 election did not go as they planned. Who the hell do they think they are - to assume that their plans trump everyone else? No pun intended ...
The demoncrats and libtards DO NOT GET TO DECIDE who is worthy of a fricking vote!
That is WHY we have elections based on electoral campaigns and open votes.
But, of course the demoncrat-smoke-filled-closed-door-political hatemongers don't understand honesty or righteous behavior; being as wickedly bent, and as dishonest as hell that they have shown themselves to be.
And warren? Her claims to Native American DNA HAS BEEN DENOUNCED BY NATIVE AMERICANS as a shameful political rouse. She is a delusional, psychotic liar.
Plus, warren, herself, is sitting on TWELVE MILLION DOLLARS in personal net worth - that alone raises her FAR ABOVE WAITRESSES, and PLUMBERS: which should nullify her bid for presidency based on her own biased judgement about who should or should not be eligible to vote for the next president of America.
If the earth opened up under the entire demoncrat 'House' and swallowed them whole, effectively wiping them all off the face of the Earth ... it would be a beautiful and fitting retribution for what they have done and continue to do this this great Nation and The People.
Just sayin'.

MISLEADING ARTICLE: The New Testament Doesn’t Say What Most People Think It Does About Heaven

AND YET … as always … a left leaning lemming comes out of the woodwork like a cockroach to try to ruin Christianity at Christmas time.

There are SO MANY ERRS in this article, that I hardly know where to begin to tear it apart, and shed light on REAL TRUTHS.

n.t. wright may be a professor – but he has no understanding AT ALL about what he is attempting to highlight; despite his having ‘authored 80 books’:

This hack {author} claims that “many people believe there is a heaven and an earth and that human souls have been exiled from heaven and are serving out time here on earth until they return.”

I, personally, DO NOT KNOW ANY CHRISTIANS THAT BELIEVE WHAT HE WROTE. That mindset is faaaar removed from the foundation of Scripture as laid out in either the Old Covenant …. Or the new Covenant.

MOST CHRISTIANS ACTUALLY believe that the physical body does die: but the soul enters into Heaven, as Yeshua promised – later to be reunited with it’s risen body when Yeshua returns back to earth to establish his Kingdom on earth, as described in both the Old & New Covenants.

1 John 14:1-3 tells us plainly that Yeshua SPOKE PLAINLY ABOUT HEAVEN BEING AN ACTUAL PLACE REMOVED FROM EARTH – He went there after resurrection (Acts 1:9 thru 12) … and He promised to return and take us back there with Him (1 Thessalonians 4:16 thru 18). It is plainly written: it’s no mystery.

Philippians 3:20 plainly tells us that HEAVEN IS THE DWELLING PLACE OF ELOHEI: His throne is there – the Angels are there – and Adonai Yeshua Ha’Mashiach, Himself, is there now. THE EARLY CHURCH TAUGHT CHRISTIANS that “our citizenship is in Heaven.” And Christians are to eagerly await Adonai Yeshua Ha’Mashiach to return from there.

In Luke 23:43, Yeshua promised the thief on the cross alongside His, that he would be with Him in Paradise (Heaven) that day, as reward for recognizing Who Yeshua was, and giving homage to Him.

The Early Church, as well, as Christians like myself and my husband today, believe that heaven is closer at hand than most people perceive it to be; so close in fact, THAT AT DEATH THE SOUL EASILY AND IMMEDIATELY CROSSES FROM THIS LIFE TO THE NEXT. Effortlessly. How can that be, if heaven is billion and billions of light years away? I, personally watched my husband take his last breath December 14th, 2018: Bob was ready to ‘go Home’ … we spoke of that occurrence for months before the actual happening. When Bob breathed out his last breath, as I watched it happen, there WAS NO DOUBT FOR EITHER OF US that Bob’s spirit had at that very moment left his physical body behind on the bed … and walked straight into a parallel world referred to as Heaven, where Bob received a Crown.


NO DOUBT. It is what the Scriptures tell us, it is what we believe, it is what happened that morning, at 8:05 AM.

What we are told of Heaven, what we believe about Heaven, and the REALITY OF HEAVEN AS AN ACTUAL PLACE is found IN Scripture – Old and New Covenants. We KNOW this because we have been told not only by the ancient Believers … but because Yeshua, HIMSELF TOLD US; and the Apostles taught what Yeshua taught:

Heaven is – Elohei’s (Triune God/Father, Son, Holy Spirit) dwelling place (Psalm 33:13)
Heaven is – Paradise (Luke 23:43)
Heaven is – Elohim’s (The Father’s) House (John 14:2)
Heaven is – Where Adonai Yeshua is right now (Acts 1:11)
Heaven is – Where Christians go when their physical body dies (Philippians 1:21 thru 23)
Heaven is – A City designed and built by Elohei (Hebrews 11:10)
Heaven is – A better country (Hebrews 11:16)

Heaven is also a place where the streets are paved with gold: as pure as transparent glass, the 12 gates individually made of a single pearl, the surrounding wall of green jasper, and the foundation made of overlapping precious jewels. This description is given in the Book of Revelation, chapter 21; which is the most descriptive visual of Heaven’s design. But, the Old Covenant speaks of Heaven too, in the books of Ezekiel 40 thru 48; and Zechariah 2:4-5. Truthfully, though, this is what our human minds can comprehend: Heaven WILL BE SO MUCH MORE!

Our finite minds cannot fully comprehend what Heaven will actually look like.

I don’t know who {middle platonists} were – and I don’t particularly care: {pagan delphi priests} have no basis is what I believe Heaven TO BE based on what Scripture TELLS ME, IT IS.

I believe … and Bob believed: and is NOW EXPERIENCING … what Yeshua taught about Heaven, and what the early Church understood Heaven to be.

The Early Church BELIEVED that at the time of our physical body death, our spirit would IMMEDIATELY be taken INTO THE PRESENCE OF Mashiach YESHUA IN HEAVEN: Mashiach YESHUA IS IN HEAVEN NOW, according to what HE PERSONALLY taught his followers … and what those same followers taught the Early Church Believers (Luke 23:43; Acts 1:2 & 3:21; 1 Thessalonians 1:10 & 4:16; and 2 Thessalonians 1:7).

And, on 2 different occasions, Paul spoke of our physical death as ushering us immediately into the presence of Yeshua (Philippians 1:23-24 & 2 Corinthians 5:6 thru 9; 1 John 3:2) – Who we just read, is NOW IN HEAVEN.

The early Church UNDERSTOOD Heaven to be our true ‘Home’. They never considered Earth to be our all in all. Earth, as we know it, is only a stepping stone to a better life, in a better body, for a bigger purpose.


I realize, that some human beings … like this arrogantly ignorant {author} … is loathe to let go of their humanity. I get that; some people are. However, facts are facts. And the FACT IS THAT THE EARTH WE KNOW WILL SOMEDAY CEASE TO EXIST. That is Elohei’s Ultimate Plan.

The {author} asks, “If the only point is to save souls from the wreck of the world; so they can go to Heaven – why bother to make this world a better place?” He is MISSING THE POINT OF SCRIPTURE. And he is woefully ignorant of CHRISTIANITY AND ITS PURPOSE. (1) Humans cannot ‘save souls’ – only Yeshua can do that; humans CAN and ARE TOLD to get the message of the Gospel out to everyone they come across so that no one would be lost and adrift in sin: the rest is up to Elohei (2) The purpose of Heaven is to receive rewards for being good sons and daughters of the Most High God, and to be blessed forever with eternal life, never more to die. Ever. (3) We “bother to make our world a better place” WHILE LOOKING FORWARD TO OUR HEAVENLY HOME, because we strive to be better people, and we live on Earth – therefore, we desire a desirable living space. Nothing more … nothing less. Human beings cannot “renew the world” – that is beyond our capabilities. And the renewal of this world WAS NEVER ELOHEI’S PLAN: Elohei’s Plan was always to create a NEW HEAVEN AND EARTH that will replace what is now experienced (Psalm 102:26; Hebrews 13:14; 2 Peter 3:7 thru 13; Revelation 21:1).

This time we have on Earth will never come our way again: it’s a 1-time shot to enjoy the air we breathe, the water we drink and play in, the body our spirit is housed in – the body we enjoy, and share enjoyment with when love comes into our lives to create new lives. We are given our lives as a grace to be a blessing to Elohim and to fellow humans that share this world with us. We will never relive the life we have right now, at this moment. When this life we live ends, it is finished. BUT OUR SPIRIT LIVES ON ETERNALLY, in a new body, living a new life: this life we live now will not be a continuous looping replay.

Scripture speaks of 3 Heavens: the first is the atmosphere around Earth; the second is the sun, the moon, and the stars; and the third is the presence of Elohei. Scripture also teaches that while there are 3 Heavens, sin only corrupted the first and second … the realm of Elohei remains pure and holy; therefore, it is the first and second Heavens that will be changed, and replaced.

From reading n.t. wright’s article, it is abundantly clear that he KNOWS NOTHING AT ALL about what he writes about. He is a college professor – he caters to the godless minions who want to be told they do not have to change (John 8:43; Ephesians 4:17 thru 19); while Scripture plainly SAYS CHANGE IS NECESSARY IN ORDER TO FULLY LIVE (Romans 12:2). Only those who believe On Yeshua, and change their lives under the tutelage of The Ruach Ha'Kodesh will enter the gates of Heaven and enjoy the glories there.


Demoncrats either want you dead (so you can vote for them time and time again in every election cycle; no questions asked), homeless (socialism's twisted shared equality theory), or controlled - free drugs to stupefy the masses & kill the undesirables, free phone with chosen newsfeed bites for easy brainwashing, and free college classes for the deadheads willing to be led down the soul killing demoncrat political path with damning socialist twaddle.

Tent cities are the fallout of socialist twaddle and deadhead generations who have willing sold their souls and killed their brain cells in misguided rebellion for countless rebels without a fricking cause.

There are too many people preferring to be pan-handlers that actual employees. There are too many people for the local shelters … and MORE BEING DIRECTED HERE BY SOCIAL SERVICES: some homeless people being bused here from overwhelmed cities spread out across the USA!

Plus, shelters have rules ... and these people do not want to adhere to rules.

Seattle, Tacoma, Aberdeen, Longview, Kelso, Vancouver, Portland, Milwaukie, Los Angeles, Desert Hot Springs, ect., just to name a few PNW cities, is running exactly the way demoncrats and libtards want them to.

It would make more sense for Governing Officials (aka: demoncrat ‘House’) to start actually helping homeless Americans BEFORE funneling stolen American Tax $$$$$$$$$$to pogroms designed to aide and abet ILLEGAL ALIENS and TERRORIST 3rd world countries. But, demoncrats and libtards would much rather spend all their time rolling joints in the backrooms, toking in the boy’s rooms, venomously hating President Donald J. Trump, and nullifying thousands of American People's votes; than tackling the business of their home States.

These proposed locations are NOT {good} locations; some of the homeless people are truly dangerous people – some have recently been released from prisons, & some have been released from mental institutions:

Every location proposed is outside city limits, AND literally in the backyards of rural communities; where women and children are alone while their men and fathers work 6 to 8 hours a day IN the city … and sometimes out of State. Police have openly stated, at a ‘community watch meeting’, that “if a man enters your home and gets into your ‘fridge or cupboards and starts making himself a sandwich … we will not respond to your call for assistance – that man is no threat; he is just hungry.”


And my “BULLSHIT!” thought was an agreeable assessment 2 years ago among the husbands and fathers of those women and children of that rural community: who quickly responded that if a strange man entered their homes … they would perceive that action as a direct threat to their families and would act accordingly (aka: intruder would find themselves staring down the barrel of a handgun); to which the police, then responded, “Then you will be going to jail for assault with a deadly weapon with intent to do bodily harm.” The meeting went south in a flash – the husbands, were understandably upset and frustrated; the women were insulted and angry,and frightened for their children's safety; some of the homeless people are truly dangerous people – some have recently been released from prisons, & some have been released from mental institutions – that the police would refuse to respond to a call for help is inexcusable.

The inmates are running the asylum.

Bob and I got up and left the meeting.

We also put our home up for sale, and moved.

The community watch meeting was a ridiculous and infuriating farce.

The whole thing was shameful.

It is shameful for the local police to flat out state that they are refusing to protect the citizens from home invasions.

It is shameful for State representatives to allow homeless tent cities to prosper and thrive.

It is shameful and ridiculous to suggest that said cities be relocated to rural and outlying city limits where SCHOOLS ARE LOCATED, and police support is pulled because “there isn’t enough man power” or inclinations for those spineless uniformed pussies to do their fricking jobs. The local police are worthless.

It is shameful for our Government Officials – primarily soulless demoncrats and brainless libtards – to force homeless tent cities on communities; while they, themselves, distance themselves from the realities their dogmatic {equality} rhetoric spawns: sequestering themselves, and their families, behind patrolled security walls, elite secret service protections; and make damned sure their properties and families are not available to be used and abused. Equality, as preached by the demoncrats and libtards, begins AND ends with their bullshit rhetoric.

It is shameful that homeless American children and women are not as important to the demoncrats and libtards as illegal alien children/women, or terrorist coached children and fanatical terrorist loving women.

Demoncrats and libtards create shit storms wherever they go … then they act wide-eyed-innocent and shockingly surprised at the flashback inferno searing their dumb asses.

I don’t know what can be done for the homeless – but I DO KNOW that what has been done so far, with demoncrats and libtards spearheading ‘helpful pogroms’ IS NOT WORKING.

I know that the demoncrats and libtards have seriously undermined the foundation of America, and the homeless epidemic is the result of that deliberate and wicked erosion.

And it is unfair to put it on the shoulders of the working people of Longview.

This morning I spent the day with friends; just enjoying being out of the house, and catching up on each other’s lives.

It has been raining steadily here for the past 2 days. It seemed calm when I pulled out of the driveway and picked Pam up at her home on my way to Cheryl’s home. I wasn’t sure which way I wanted to drive until I was in the moment – either way would have been a dicey situation. Delameter is a mud fest with all the road work construction happening along that route; and going through Lexington, and on through over West Side Highway would have been just as wet and tricky with the steady deluge … and any mud I hoped to avoid on Delameter, I would have had to deal with when I reached the looooong country driveway at Sandy bend, that led to our final destination point. 


Thinking of the muddy driveway I would be facing, I was missing Bob big time! He knew how to do the mud-fling thing; I hoped and prayed I didn’t get stuck. The Highlander is an all-drive/off-road capable car, but I still have not figured out how to engage that particular feature. So, I posted to my FB Page the intention of the morning, and asked for prayer for a safe journey.

We did drive over Delameter …

… and it was a fine drive: very wet, but not a bad drive, really. The rain was falling in a steady deluge, but it was comforting tap-tap-tapping on the roof of the car as the wipers gently swiped the rain splashes off the windshield. Pam and I talked non-stop until I parked in Cheryl’s driveway.

And we all talked nonstop once we entered Cheryl’s home too :-D The discussion in Cheryl’s livingroom got pretty intense when a certain person innocently asked what we thought “about the impeachment”: we all learned things about each other this afternoon that were revelations. But our friendships remained intact.

Mike even got involved in the heated discussion; making the lively debate 3 to 1. LOL

After all was said and done, though … there were big disagreements concerning Trump, pelosi, and obama … we were able to put our ideological differences aside and remain loyal friends.

We understand each other.

We love each other.

And while a certain worldview (I will never tell whose) could never be embraced, we each respected each other’s right to hold their opinion. We each respected each other as a woman in her own right, with a mind of her own, and as a bona fide adult – entitled to her opinion. As annoyed as we got at times, we knew each other to be charming, amusing, and outrageous too, at times: and we were glad we know each other as ‘Friend’, despite differences of opinions.

We are Family.

The way back home, though, was dicey. Leaving Cheryl’s home and half way down her looong driveway towards the main road, a big rotten tree limb had come down across the driveway; so, I put the car into park, pulled my coat on, and removed the broken limb debris. And noticed towards the end of the driveway, the creek was cresting and lapping at the edges of the driveway:

I am sure the creek is over the driveway by now, as it has not let up raining. And all the way back home, over Delameter Road, tree limbs& fallen trees littered the roadside and hillsides. The road crews we passed earlier in the morning were long G.O.N.E.

We gals, had comfortably hunkered down in Cheryl’s house, sitting around the wood stove, chatting/vigorously debating politics,/and laughing; had not noticed the hell breaking loose outside. But, Elohim was faithful, and Pam and I are both home now – and I, for one, do not plan to budge. For all the limbs flying, and trees falling, the car was unscathed, and we gals got home safely.