At what point will the insane nonsense from the demonrat hate party stop?
Will it ever stop?
Or will it just continue to morph into an absurdly bizarre level of delusion?
Hysterics over a Trump-Russian collusion: False
“Forever” Impeachment of President Trump – twice: False – twice
blm anarchy & violent riots viewed as demonrat applauded “summer of love”: False
obama-biden’s rigged ‘electoral win’ coup viewed as legit by {vast majority}: False
America is predominately racist: False
DC ‘insurrection’ a threat to The People, & The republic of America: False
Military presence in DC is a safeguard for The People: False
President Trump viewed as covid angel of death … biden viewed as covid savior: False, on both counts. The demonrats never plan to get a handle on covid: covid is their golden goose egg – without covid, their entire ‘plan’ is moot. The covid hysteria will go on, and on, and on.
The People plan a ‘March 4th Insurrection’: False. March 4th has come and gone … now the hysterical cry for military protection in DC has been bumped to March 20th; and the ‘target date’ will be stretched as far into the future they can stretch it. A {killer} insurrection, like a {killer} virus is all the demonrats have to grasp power/keep it – they are not about to give either up.
At what point, should the obamanite lunatics’ crazy quilt paranoia be considered viable – or sane?
The party of hate has been wrong on every point they have tried to score; by any stretch of the imagination, the obamanites have lost all credibility.
When are The People going to finally have enough; end the political race-baiting bullshit, and boot every single demonrat out of Congress, out of DC, and out of State seats of leadership?
Enough is enough!
WTH? (Access Denied: You don't have permission to access "" on this server.)
Uhhh … Tucker Carlson is a PUBLIC speaker, Fox News IS a PUBLIC news source, and Blogspot IS a PUBLIC server.
This is MY Blog! I now {need permission from the shadow obamanite cartels spies} to post on MY Blog???
obamanite cartel communist censorship is going too far.