What a day!
Started out with a 3 hours argument with Bob’s niece about this coronavirus quarantine … she started riding my ass because I posted I was going for a ride: that upset her. I went anyway; that infuriated her, which ended with her telling me I was a bitter selfish bitch who sits at home on my ass all day, and I need to educate myself because if her family dies it will be my fault; and I wouldn’t understand until I lost someone I love dearly.
I reminded her that I am a widow – I HAVE lost someone I loved more than life - and she was fighting with me because I AM NOT SITTING ON MY ASS AT HOME. I told her I would forgive her unwarranted hostiles and overlook her insinuations – she vociferously refused both … and went on to throwing Bob into the mix, trying to shame me by reminding me that I asked her for help after Bob left Earth: I DID, and she responded 3 times out of the 10 … and now she wants me to kiss her ass and let her get away with bully tactics because she showed up 3 times out of 10? I don’t think so.
I asked her several times to “Please STOP – I do not want to fight with you”. She did not stop. It was stupid: she was fighting to fight. I get it; she’s tired and scared. But that is no reason to go off on me like she did – saying the things she did. Emptying bedpans and changing sheets does not make someone an expert on medical knowledge! And we all need forgiveness; and learning how to apologize for nonsensical bullshit keeps us humble.
So, now she’s gone – and that’s sad.
Her choice.
I will miss her, but I don’t need that kind of ridiculous and mean-spirited shit thrown at me. It is unbelievable what some people will do and say when they are caught in the grip of paranoid hysteria.
I just do not need it in my life right now. I have enough of REAL realities to deal with … I don’t need – nor do I want – the added baggage of someone else’s fearmongering opinions of what I need to be doing with MY life. Of all the nerve! I’ve made it to 63 yo all by myself: I think I KNOW how to live wisely, how to proactively stay safe, and how to prudently keep others safe. High minded people like Bob’s niece could learn a thing or two by down-toning the sound of their own voice, practicing some humbleness, and respecting those of us who have walked this earth longer than they have … obviously we know how to survive. MPO
On another topic, I started preparing for my Spring garden – seedlings sown with hopes for a bountiful garden :-D
I potted up some seedlings for garden transplants – and researched the success of beet transplants (it can be done successfully): https://homeguides.sfgate.com/can-transplant-beets-pots-ground-98207.html
Making paper pots & labeling markers with art foam sheets.
36 ct. seeded pots; 12 ct. Beets-12 ct. Turnips-12ct. Rutabaga: under the kitchen skylight.
56 seeded pots. LV window; 16 Cosmos-8 Bach B-4 Fennel-3 Radish-2 Celeric-8 Pak Choi-4 Cauli-4 Brocc-4 Celery-3 Parsnip. Shallots on sill.
I always play music, so my seedlings are ‘dosed’ indoors and out. LOL
I also made another country drive this afternoon, to go fetch a dozen fresh eggs; I was happy to see the majority of them are Ameraucana eggs – I really enjoy Ameraucana eggs.
At one point, I had Ameraucana hens and a rooster; Bob even built me a very nice hen pen and a hen house at the end of the upper part of my garden, near the back door. I could run out and gather eggs from the nesting boxes, and use the crappy litter cleared from the hen house and shoveled from the hen pen, for garden fertilizer. It worked out real fine :-)
At one point, I had Ameraucana hens and a rooster; Bob even built me a very nice hen pen and a hen house at the end of the upper part of my garden, near the back door. I could run out and gather eggs from the nesting boxes, and use the crappy litter cleared from the hen house and shoveled from the hen pen, for garden fertilizer. It worked out real fine :-)
These eggs are a direct answer to prayer.
I have been buying store bought eggs that advertise they are hormone/vaccine free organic eggs … but store bought eggs have to be pasteurized, and I don’t want that. So, I prayed for local fresh eggs; the people we had been getting eggs from before Bob left earth have either moved, or quit selling. When I found out about these farm fresh eggs available locally, I called and got directions for pick up – and jumped in the car to go fetch them.
Without feeling any guilt whatsoever about being out and about.
Eggs are healthy food.
The $4/doz I paid a young wife/mother will benefit her family budget, and it will boost her confidence in homemaking endeavors as well as adding to her family’s income during this time when businesses have shut their doors.
And I plan on driving to Adna Nursery’s Plant Sale location in a few weeks, as Bob & I did for decades, to purchase Tomato, Onion, Peppers, and Cabbage transplants – I never do well seeding these things at home; the money spent there will help that family business, and I enjoy the backroads drive.
To my way of thinking, I am prudently thinking of ways to boost the local economy in small ways I can – while boosting immune systems of the people I have limited interaction with, so they are not weakened by depression in these uncertain times. National guidelines for social interaction is: ‘no more than a group of 10 – 6 feet distancing’ … I would think a monetary transfer between two people, two arm lengths apart, in open air is acceptable given the acceptable government mandate.
I wash my hands before I go out of the house – I wash my hands when I return home. In between, I use hand sanitizer … so much so, my hand skin is actually drying out and a little hurtful from the sanitizer chemicals. I take my temperature before I leave the house – I take my temperature a few hours later when I get back home. My daily routine is beginning to resemble a person with a severe case of OCD. But because I can’t stand being cooped up, I engage in life as carefully and as prudently as possible given the public advise put forth.
Public Advice is that we should all stick to our normal routine as best we can: I AM. My normal routine, routinely gets me out of the house: that is good for me mentally, spiritually, and ultimately physically – as the physical is a direct result of the mental and spiritual.
By all intents and purposes, people who KNOW ME, know that I am pretty well “educated” and take a basic, simple, common sense approach to living life. I am not a silly old woman throwing caution to the wind. I have had extensive experience in dealing with deadly occurrences. My husband had, and daughter has a defective immune system – I grew very proficient in keeping our home a “safe” place for them; especially for Stacey because she was being hospitalized every 6 months for 3 years of her life (we nearly lost her at one point). So, NO ONE needs to ‘educate’ me on the ‘finer points’ of safety in times of illness. I’ve lived it. My daughter is alive; and my husband’s physical death in 2018 was Elohim’s call: NO ONE gets to refuse THAT call … no matter what illness is being dealt with, and no matter how much hand sanitizer and paranoid precautions they take.
Death happens; it’s a part of the life cycle.
Obviously, I am not an uneducated elderly woman sitting on my fat ass at home scheming bitter plans to single-handedly destroy the earth and wipe out mass populations.
I guess I am still steamed after Tif’s meltdown.