Should America still be considered the United States America or the "United States of the Democrat Party." - We know what the demonrats in DC want...
But looking back on joe biden and his political career: biden has been a 'bigot' and 'propagandist' throughout his entire career in politics.
"biden can barely get his act together to give a speech on any substantive topic. But if you wind him up and turn him loose, the demagogue and propagandist that he is … the bigot that he's been throughout his career in the United States Senate and elsewhere, that's where he gets all worked up, and his sentences are actually mostly completed in full."
Just look to his recent speech in Georgia, where he calls millions of Americans, racists. And hey let's not forget his comments to black Americans in 2020, biden: 'If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black'.
demonrats are trying to implement their socialist agenda in order to consolidate power for themselves.
Should America still be considered the United States America or the "united states of the democrat party."
"The demonrat party is constantly pushing, pushing, pushing – and often pushing illegalities – to change our nation not for the better, but for their power."
"If you don't support what the demonrats want to do, then democracy will die. Who talks like this? This is a cheap imitation of benito mussolini. That's what it is,"
If Americans aren't on board with the obama-biden-cartel's agenda, they are considered pariahs, racist, or white supremacists. And are now being classified as Domestic Terrorists.
"They talk about dictatorship; and biden swings from the most outrageous, irresponsible spending bill that he can't get passed to the most outrageous, outrageous attempt to nationalize to change our voting system, violating the federal constitution, violating the authority of the state legislatures. And if you disagree with joe biden and his party and the propagandists and surrogates who support it, then there's something wrong with you."
The media and demonrats work together to destroy "Americanism" and to implement a "marxist" agenda.
From voting rights, to packing the Supreme Court, to adding states, eliminating the filibuster, and keeping the borders open for illegal immigrants, the demonrats are only looking out for themselves, it's never about democracy or the interests of the American People.
"Everything the demonrat party pushes,
everything their media push, everything their academies push is about
empowering the democrat party to empower the “american marxist movement."