Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, June 25, 2022



USA Supreme Court overturns Roe vs. Wade in landmark decision: I’ve waited 2/3rds of my life for this moment.

I am very passionate about this topic - so if you have a delicate outlook on life ... pass this post up. Some of the language will be offensive, and I offer no apologies.

50-year murder spree – a direct assault on babies, the most innocent and helpless of society - has finally been halted.

This morning in Washington DC, the USA Supreme Court ruled to overturn the previous constitutional right to abortion, authored by Justice Samuel Alito, joined by Justices Barrett, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Thomas.

roe vs wade OVERTURNED!!!!

The Justice writes: "We end this opinion where we began. Abortion presents a profound moral question. The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives."

The innocent should not be sacrificed to cover the wrongdoings of the shameless.
Rational thinking people would choose adoption over murder. ALL LIVES MATTER.

The Supreme Court Ruling on this matter, reinforces that abortion is a topic that falls under state’s rights; not federal government overreach: the {law of the land} is NOT ACTUAL LAW – it is simply personal political opinion that does not carry Federal weight ...

Cherry-picking arguments are moot.

This Ruling, comes after a leaked draft opinion in February; which sparked nationwide unrest, vandalism at pro-life pregnancy centers, protests at Catholic churches, and an attempted assassination on Justice Brett Kavanaugh which is a clear felony offense (an instance that NO ONE IN DC … or among obamanite talking head radio ‘hosts’ … are giving Air Time, to) – the obamanite demonrats are too focused on the kangaroo court happenings of their trumped (pardon the pun) up {insurrection} hearings to pay attention to real and present death threats.

Meanwhile, on the homefront … calimexarabia gavin newsom, deadhead kate brown, and clueless brown-nosing jay insleeze (all ‘sanctuary’ obamanite demonrats) have “pledged” to expand access to medication abortion, remove barriers to telehealth for reproductive healthcare services, and grow the group of providers qualified to perform abortions. THIS IS NOT OKAY with rational thinking Californians, Oregonians, or Washingtonians!

The unholy Western States Triangle Morons ...
These morons need to be removed from Office - they serve no real purpose for The People - which is more than a special interest sector.

In Washington state, abortion has been decriminalized since 1971, after being deemed a criminal offense in 1950. Since 1991, abortions up to fetal viability have been legal after a vote of the people (this is actually a falsehood – Seattle deadheads DO NOT speak for ALL of Washingtonians).

row vs wade has officially been overturned … insleeze’s term ending NEXT, God Willing. The People are fed up with the death culture that permeates every sector of our society. Washingtonians do NOT want to be viewed as abortion advocates, and we do NOT want our State to be viewed as a death sanctuary state.

We do not want women coming to our State to murder their babies from 1½ months to 2 years … YES, you read that right: obamanites have {legalized} “abortions” UPON 9 MO VAGINAL DELIVERY – “aborted babies” LEFT TO DIE OF STARVATION AFTER FULL-TERM-BIRTH – and “abortion” UP TO 2 YEARS!

It is madness on steroids.

The insanity has got to be ended.

The obamanites have a serious fixation on destroying America’s children: at any stage of life, buy any means available. The obamanites are toxic with rampant wickedness.

More oregonian lunacy.
Killing our children isn't enough for the obamanites - now they want to drug them, and promote child prostitution!

CBD gummies for children are legal in Oregon; marijuana use in all forms became legal in the State of Oregon in 2016.

obamanite arguments are stupid and irrelevant - but very destructive to our society.
The obamanite arguments are wickedness descending into madness.

But back to the {women’s rights} issue: the obamanites have done away with 'women’s rights' (brainless biden has placed a “Supreme Court Judge” that can’t even define what a woman is!) Women no longer have a place in the obamanite thought process – and they can’t truly advocate for women if they can’t truly define what constitutes an actual woman.

And today, the obamanites are focusing on doing away with everyone's {privacy rights} with their proposed “red flag” government interference warning, the obamanites are deliberately tuning a blind eye to black and brown skinned gun violence, and funnelig all their tunnel vision hysteria on hyped up racial dramas to push their political agenda.

They are so busy arguing about every damned thing, that they don't even know WHY they are arguing ... or WHAT for.

They have clearly lost their minds to bitter hatred and loop arguments.

The obamanite argument about 'rights' is laughable - they are about erasing every Constitutional Right we, The People, have!

And I am really getting tired of men interjecting their opinions on women’s issues; IT DOESN’T CONCERN THEM.

MEN - those who were physically born men - HAVE NO SAY in women's 'business'. N.a.d.a.

If you don’t want me in your business ... keep your business out of my business.

When people force their 'business' into MY life ... then 'it' becomes MY business.

Men have no say, whatsoever, in how MY $$$$$ will be spent.

The obamanites are undergoing a Reality Check – it is looooong overdue, and they are now “being served” with a real Legalities ðŸ˜‰