Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, January 27, 2022


I walked the upper third of the Pacific Way Trail this morning – then took my first 2022 out-of-state daytrip; to Scappoose, Oregon 😊

Pacific Way Trail - 2 miles round trip; upper third of the way.
The beginning of this morning's walk was a little nippy, even as the sun's warmth was parting the clouds.
The return lap of my morning walk was under a beautiful cloudless sky; though still with a bit of a nip.

I stopped by home just long enough to switch out my blouse, and change my shoes – then, I was off 😉

Along the road route to Scappoose, I heard the radio bleating out some more of biden’s intentions concerning the ramrodding of obama’s agenda.

Scappoose-OR from Heron Point, Longview-WA; via Rainier, OR - 44 mins. (36.0 mi)-US-30 E
Decided to take a little trip to Scappoose-OR
biden is determined to carry through with obama's race-centered agenda.
But the whole thing is pretty pointless since the obamanites erased male & female genders.

biden, obama's bainless puppet and the demonrats strawman, really thinks he can continue to push barak hussain obama's race-baiting and sex-baiting agendas ... daring anyone to speak out against it.

Well ... I'll take that dare: I WILL SPEAK UP. I will speak out; loud and clear. I will always push back against injustice and the unfairness of pitting people against each other: that is not what America is about.

From what I could gather, another one of obama’s lapdogs, schumer, intends to push the chosen one through without proper American Constitutional considerations ... kinda like when barak hussain obama was placed without proper documentaion, or credentials.

The obamanites are steamrolling Americans with in-your-face-racism.

The obmanite demonrats are steamrolling Americans with in-your-face-sexism - while claiming that to refer to anyone by thier birth gender is not acceptable in today's society; it is actually illegal in the job force, and public education and public places, under the obamanite code.

All four choices are race-based demonrat activists … that does not bode well for America as a melting-pot Republic. The Supreme Court Judges are to be fair in their judgements; being placed in position to speak for only one race is not being ‘fair’: not by any stretch of the imagination.

biden’s obamanite pick: &

schumer’s devious intentions:

The obamanite demonrats make a big deal out of racism and sexism … YET, what we’ve leaned with the obamanite demonratsis that they will use sexism and racism if and when it suits their agenda. And that is what we are seeing the obama-biden-harris administration doing. biden and harris were placed to do barak hussain obama’s bidding, and to make sure the obamas’ vision is firmly cemented into place: what was left undone with barak hussain obama’s first and second coups, is being pushed through in his third coup; via biden and harris.

Fed up with the shitshow American politics has become, I turned off the talking heads, and determined to enjoy the rest of the drive.

I enjoyed my day out, bought a kettlebell, and saw all four snowcapped mountains: Mt. Rainer was visible behind Mt. St. Helen’s at various points along the road route, but there was no place to pull over and snap a picture.

Mt. Adams seen at Columbia City-OR.
Mt. Hood seen at Scappoose-OR.
Mt. St. Helen's (L) & Mt. Adams (R) seen at Warren-OR.
I bought a 10-lb. Kettlebell this afternoon to use in my weight’s workouts.