Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, January 28, 2021


This morning, just before lunch time, I received a phone call telling me my taxes had been duly tallied, recorded, and sent off to Uncle Sam; refund coming sometime this Spring.

I said I’d get dressed (I was lazing around in my pj’s 😉), and be downtown in about 45 minutes.

When I got downtown, I couldn’t find a parking spot … I drove around the same block 4 times before finally finding an open spot a block up the street; I called mz. taxperson, and told her I’d have to hoof it backtracking a block, and meet her out front of her building – she said, “meet me in the alley.” The elevator to her building is situated by the building’s back door, hence the alley meetup.

So, that’s what I did.

Mind you, a backstreet alley is dicey, even in broad daylight: but, I had no choice.

No mask – no chance of being admitted inside.

Never mind that I’d be handing her a check with my “infected” hands … the mask is a political thing; it doesn’t have to make sense to get people to buckle under the pressure: it just has to be sold to them by as much fear-mongering as possible, until they have been sufficiently brainwashed into obeying, and making sure you obey also.

I don’t obey the mandates.

I enjoy my God-given, and my Citizen’s RIGHTS.

So, no inside admittance: meet her in the alley.

Thank the Lord it was not raining this afternoon.

So, I backtrack a block, zig-zag to the alley access, and walk the entire length of that block to the arranged ‘pick up point’.

As soon as I reached the back door to her building; the door pops open, she steps out, I hand her the money fee agreed upon … and she hands me a large manila envelope.

All totally innocent … the whole thing looking like a shakedown.

And as I was walking back up the alley, towards my car another block away, a man, doing his business (who knows what!) in the opposite alley across from me, bounces off the alley dumpster and staggers in my direction.

Like I said; alleys are dicey, even in broad daylight.

I wrapped my hand into a fist around my backpack purse straps (a make-do-weapon, if need be), and kept walking until I reached the safety of my car.

Longview is not what it was before the mayor turned it into a prison release/welfare magnet. Things have changed in this neck of the woods. The streets … any time of the day, are not anywhere you want to be walking alone.

Especially in alleys.

But what can you do when you have to do business with the world; a world that cover’s it’s face with a worthless strip of fabric – and closes its eyes to the political games that truly do endanger lives?

I will be driving back into town tomorrow for another cloak & dagger meetup – hopefully it will not include another edgy alley hook up 😉


Already the fb team trolls are on the prowl. 

So, it starts.


The next 1,402 days are gonna be “fun” (not!)

I went through this the 8 years of the first obama coup, with zuckerberg sucking up … and being at the White House … under obama’s sooty wings every chance he got.

Why should obama’s 3rd coup not be run the same way?

Their play book always reads the same, with the same scenario – same shifty characters; same whining script, same outcome.

I’ve been expecting it – and as usual, the obamanites never disappoint: they are always right on cue. 





Zuckerberg, obama’s personal lapdog, has political ambitions (

Social Medias Coordinated Bully Tactics (

Of course, they will fail, but they will drag us all through Hell before they are reined in and spanked soundly.

And, like all brats, globally: they will start screaming about the abuse of spanking, and how they hate the spankers.

Cry me a fricking river!

They are about to get a divine spanking – and their god, Lucifer, will not be able to stop it: HE will get getting the spanking of his life, also.

I, personally, believe humanity has tipped the balance with the wickedness that demon, obama, put in motion.

I don’t think there will be a recoup of scorched earth … the vast majority do not want to repent, or turn this sinking ship around; America will go down with the rats that sunk her.

Is America Beyond Repair? (

I believe Elohim has spoken. 

And far too few listened.

Judgment Day is arriving … and who will be able to stand?