My BIL, Kerry, called this morning as the fog was lifting, and said he’d be by in a bit to bring the rain barrels and stands back. I feel a little guilty asking for them back, but since I am staying – and these are love gifts Bob gave me – little brother understood why I want them back: I need them for my garden area, and they are tangible love tokens from Bob; Bob bought me the barrels and built me the stands with his own two hands. Those barrels a part of what gave ron and candy heartburn that caused front porch drama that directly led to my husband’s death.
I need to be surrounded by familiar things: my things. These things did not kill my husband - egomania and paranoid behaviors did.
I need to be surrounded by familiar things: my things. These things did not kill my husband - egomania and paranoid behaviors did.
Kerry brought them back :-D
While he was here, we had a little visit, and I asked him if he’d consider being my Emergency Contact: he agreed. He stood by Bob & I throughout all of last Fall & Winter. Bob & Kerry (the oldest & the youngest) of the Hargand boys are also the tightest of the 3 boys – they both have the same personality traits and character fortitude. Both willing to step up and lend a helping hand. Like his oldest brother, Bob, if Kerry says he’ll do it; he’ll do it.
Having asthma & arrhythmia – 2 very serious life-threatening conditions – Kerry understands I need a {plan} in action.
Having asthma & arrhythmia – 2 very serious life-threatening conditions – Kerry understands I need a {plan} in action.
That is a weight off my shoulders. I am thankful Kerry is sticking.
I need a familiar familial friend, and I can’t imagine a better one ;-)