Bob was a marrying man.
was a family man who truly enjoyed being a husband, a father, and a
would have loved to have had the chance to be a great-grandfather.
Being surrounded by children was as natural to him as breathing
... little kids just naturally flocked to him and basked in his presence. I
used to kid him that he was "the piped piper of the littles".
While we, together, only had one child (Bob wanted 6, and there
are legit personal reasons I made the (1!) choice), seeing Bob with a child on
his lap and a smile on his face was one of the most beautiful memories I have.
We always had children in our lives and in our home 24/7/365 ... at one point
we had a dozen; all under the age of 10 years old - before the state got
involved and insisted we get a foster license: THAT license did not last long -
we handed it back and went back to what worked best for us and the kids we took
in without their interference's.
We had been enjoying our life and our grandchildren before Candy
& Ron's 2018 insanity that killed Bob and stole our family's future
Our littlest one misses his grandpa every day.
Our grown grandchildren miss their grandpa every day -
specifically today.
Our grown children miss their dad.
And I miss my husband every day - specifically today.
Bob gave everyone unconditional love and 1-on-1 attention.
Bob was love personified.