Already there is trouble in Paradise.
Honesty is a HUGE THING with me.
And any man in my life has to put me first, before anyone else.
Now, I understand that Mr. Complication wasn't aware of the second point ... but he certainly knew about the first point, because he's heard me stress it e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y., for 15 freaking m.o.n.t.h.s. - not specifically to him, but as a GENERAL RULE in my life.
The honesty thing today may not seem like a big deal to him; but it is a big deal to me: and I made SURE he got that message tonight around 5:30 P.M. And quick on the heels of that message I added, "and another thing, while we're 'clearing the air' ... any man who wants me in their life needs to MAKE SURE I come next in their life after Christ: Christ FIRST, because that is how it is with me; and I damned well better come in SECOND after Christ, because that is how I treat my significant person – if that's too hard a line for you to follow, then I am not the one you need. I know what I bring to the table. I'm not afraid to eat alone – better alone, than feeling insignificant. These 2 things are not a request: they are A REQUIREMENT!"
‘A Timely Message’ Post: (
Building a relationship is never easy, but SERIOUSLY?????
It's elementary, Sherlock.
Meatloaf – ‘Life Is A Lemon & I Want My Money Back’ song: (
UPDATE: Around 8:41 P.M., Mr. Complication called with an apology – and a
promise to not hide anything else from me ever again, thinking he’s protecting
me. And, he’s going to go to Fellowship with me tomorrow, at a different gathering;
he’ll meet me there after taking care of a certain problem (afore mentioned
problem #2, mentioned above).