Since Monday morning, bird song and the drone of lawn mowers has lightened the days.
And love …
Bob’s love.
My husband’s love still fires my jets and lightens my daily load :-D
Bob’s love in my life was the gift of a lifetime – it’s a gift I will never be able to repay (even if he were still here with me); but as long as I am granted a life, I will honor him and his gift by over-indulging in it/stretching it thin/pay it forward – and never, never forget it, or get tired of it.
When I think of Bob, and the love he lavished on me, I STILL get twitterpated – it feels like Spring. That Spring in 1974 when Bob and I finally met face-to-face, and fell for each other hook-line-and-sinker before the evening came to a close. Neither of us were anticipating meeting anyone … and then it happened: fate threw us together and we were twitterpated ;-)
And we stayed twitterpated for 44 years: Bob colored my life with every promise Spring puts forth.
Thank you, Babe, for the love you gave me.
Thank you, Babe, for choosing me to give all your love to.
Thank you for the endless Spring you colored my life with.
I love you.
Always ~ OX