It’s mid-week, and so far …
it’s been a good week 😊
I’ve spent the last four days
this week with friends.
Yesterday, I had brunch with
a friend from Naselle – we talked for four hours 😉
And, I am noticing that the
topic among all my friends is pretty much the same topic. Some are Christian
friends; some are not. Some are married, some are not. Some are widowed, some
are not. Some are new friends, some are not … but the topic rarely deviates.
I don’t mind.
We are friends: we lend friendly ears.
Sometimes insight is shared.
And sometimes, silence is golden.
The topic may be
the same among all – but the
way it is dealt with is not always the same among all.
Yesterday, insight was solicited.
The topic was forgiveness.
This I know something about 😉
I believe that
forgiveness can only come from a heart that is willing to step aside, and let
Elohei work in all the lives involved.
And I can only
speak from my personal experience about the freedom forgiveness gives.
Sometimes forgiveness is
hard to give when a hurt has purposefully been done with malicious intent – but
it is necessary for personal peace.
Sometimes forgiveness is not
accepted or returned; forgive anyway – for your own well-being.
Forgiveness is not an
optional thing when one is claiming to be a Christian – it’s a requirement, and
an obligation. Yeshua made forgiveness a fixed feature of a Christian life.
I felt, when we hugged and
parted ways, that we had both benefitted from that four-hour coffee/chit
chat 😊
I know that plans were made
to get together more frequently.