Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Sunday, April 18, 2021

SUNDAY~FUNDAY #21/Soul Food Clandestine Daytrip

This afternoon was the first Sunday~Funday of 2021 😊 

But the location I visited today will not be divulged: it will remain a secret for as long as it is necessary it remain a secret.

I have a fellowship I will begin frequenting.

With the advent of barak hussain obama in 2009; and his devout demonic DC horde ushering in a hellish freakshow and murderous hatefest across America (being adopted world-wide – even by dead religious leaders), The Day is quickly arriving.

It is imperative that Christians gather together: freely, and frequently – without fear.

I saw faces – the whole face, not just eyes.

I delighted to hear voices – true sounding voices; not muffled/inaudible and garbled.

I was touched; and I was able to touch backwith joyous uninhibitedness instead of fearful restraint.

I was loved; by strangers … just because I {was}. Christians are one big family.

I was among real people – not sitting before a video recording.

I sang – and was surrounded by singing: we were breathing in and out. Unhindered.

I heard the Word – undoctored by political twaddle to tickle the ears of the wishy-washy.

I was immersed in the Spiritnot couched in by fear.

I gloried to be among honest-to-God-Christians, who were not cowering in fear … like-minded Believers who were obeying Yeshua’s command to ‘come together’ (Matthew 18:20), so that He may be among us to bless us with harmony, accountability with one another, healing, wisdom, and deeper faith.

I was blessed. 

My Spirit was renewed.

My mind was refreshed.

I was prepared before I left home: I had a change of clothing, and a picnic lunch stashed in the car. After fellowship, I changed out of my skirt and into a pair of shorts and my hiking shoes; and I made an extra mileage side-trip excursion, to enjoy a picnic in a county Park (after all, this was a Sunday~Funday outing 😉).

Picnic lunch in a Park.
Bob's Igloo Cooler (the one he took to work for decades), filled with beverages and a sandwich; and Bob’s Word Search Book I am slowly working through. 

My entire day was a day of unbridled fun … a Sunday Fellowship fun.

And that fun had me in a thankful frame of mind.

Thankful for the merciful grace and outpouring of love from my living God.

Thankful The Ruach Ha’Kodesh lives in me … instead of the spirit of fear that worldly-minded people feed; and breed – unleashed onto an unwary and unstable worldly-minded populace.

Thankful I have been baptized into freedom; the kind of freedom the hordes of Hell unleashed on Earth in 2009 with the rise of the obamanites, cannot take from me.

My message; and thankfulness there was no fear anywhere in my day.
A person living in fear, is not a saved person according to Gospel Scripture The Spirit of God casts out ALL fear.
A church that has closed their doors and does video services only is not a Bible-believing Church.
I do not make allowances for fear; I plan on making it to Heaven.
In Yeshua we have freedom & Heaven in our Home.

Worldy-minded people are concerned about their body: the appearance of it, the longevity of itand some people are obsessed with health and longevity to the point of living with depression and fear.

That mindset is an embarrassment to the Body of Christ.

Believers know that we are more than our bodies.

Our bodies are {jars of clay} that house the Spirit; our bodies are living temples for the indwelling Spirit of Almighty God, and in that regard we should do our best to maintain it's upkeep: but not to the point of obsessive behaviors and actions. Christians (Bible-believing Christians) know that our bodies must die if we are to obtain entrance into Heaven – whether our bodies die a fleshly death, or our bodies die during the Rapture when the flesh is shed to be replaced with a celestial body: a bodily death should not strike fear in the heart of a Christian!

I am 64 years old: I'm basically looking death in the face.

But I am not afraid.

I've lived my entire life waiting to see the face of Yeshua - whether by a natural death by the wearing out of my clay jar, or by a mystifying atom changing: it doesn't matter to me. I know that my spirit will not be bound by the flesh forever.

I am not seeking an earthly fountain of youth, as so many are chasing after.

I am aware that the hairs on my head have been counted, and my lifespan is wrapping up.

Everyone calling themselves a Christian should also have the same mindset: Earth is not our home - this life, even if it is a wonderful one - is not the life we should be clinging to.

Fear should not dictate the thoughts and movements of a Christian.

I do not make room for fear in my life.

I have never been run by fear.

I personally believe this covid thing is a divine wakeup call.

And fearmongering hysteria and vaccine mandates will not halt it.

The things that are happening under demonrat obamanite dictates have unleashed Hell on Earth.

And there is no logical reason that I (or ANY Christian) should give way to the madness barak hussain obama has unleashed, and his DC devotees try to force on the world.

I know I do not intend to buckle under and give way.

A Christian is to be more mindful of a Spiritual death; a death there is no rebounding from once the last human breath is expelled.

The body dies; the Spirit will live forever.

In Yeshua, I live-breathe-and have freedom 😊 

And He blesses me with Sunday~Funday’s 😉

**Sunday~Funday’s ~ 2021:


#20 – The last of the 2020 Sunday~Funday’s – (plus 10th thru 19th SUNDAY~FUNDAY links)

#9 (plus 1st thru 8th 2019 SUNDAY~FUNDAY links)**