Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Friday, December 31, 2021


2021 was another year where covid reigned.

2021 was also the year that Americans, in the full sense of the word, started taking control of their own lives back; the obamanite lies spun in DC – and forced on American citizens – ceased to make any inroads in the majority of citizens’ lives. Thank God.

Businesses and people, in general, were fed up/waking up: though not in the ‘woke’ sense, as the obamanite DC minions had hoped. American citizens just started shaking off the poisonous DC pall, and started getting on with their lives.

Taking control of our lives infuriates the obamanites – they have labeled us “terrorists who don’t believe in covid”. That is a lie. I believe covid is realas real as a bad case of influenza; which is not necessarily fatal … I’ve had influenza.

I’ve had walking pneumonia.

I live with asthma.

I am not ignorant of lung ailments. Neither am I a lemming willing to believe everything the obamanites try to float.

‘My Issues With Covid Madness’:

2021 was also a year of boldly dovetailing new ways of doing old things, as I move forward in my new life. There are daytrip drives, and places Bob and I enjoyed together, that I want to continue doing … but I also wanted to add new road routes for a change of scenery – also, just to prove to myself that I am capable of traveling new roadways as an adventurous solo lobo 😉

This New Year’s Eve, I’ve posted some Blog Post Links that highlight monthly events that underscore the growth changes of my life as I lived it, in 2021.

January thru February 2021, I was enjoying walkabouts in Longview & Kelso; enjoying the time spent outside when weather was favorable. I also enjoyed watching sea lions frisk in the Cowlitz River … and a frisky flirtation during a morning walk around Lake Sacajawea. Though I am not interested in a romance, it is nice to know the opposite sex is still interested 😉

‘Sea Lions’ ~ Riverside Dike Hike:

‘Frisky Flirtations’:

March found me zipping up and down the roads in both WA & OR State; short little shopping trips that kickstarted my Daytripping ventures.

March also found me in another adjustment period in my new life; I was making peace with acceptance, and redirecting my life accordingly.

‘Changes’ ~ Shabbat:

In April, I risked medical facility infections to get my left leg checked – it was still causing concerning issues. Doc couldn’t pin down anything wrong … so, I came home frustrated, a couple hundred dollars poorer, and determined to find out on my own, what the issue might be. I decided to cut back on hiking milage (2 to 4 miles instead of 8 to 10 miles); and learn how to use the Highlander’s speed control mechanism (not as hard as imagined). These two things have made a world of difference! There was no more leg pain the remainder of 2021 😊

Also, in mid-April, I started my daytrip adventures, full-on again; GPS was still an “iffy” thing, but I could laugh now instead of get angry when led off route. I am not dealing with frightening brain fog this year. Straight off, I nearly did a face-plant at Rainbow Park. Then I did my annual Adna Plant Sale drive for veggie garden plants – but this year, I drove a different route. I drove into the Red Zone, to walk the Hummock Trail that skirts Mt. St. Helen’s crater: it was a beautiful, and humbling experience. Humanity seems such a fragile thing in the midst of barely restrained power.

The tail-end of April found me dealing with animal control, as a yearling racoon was seen trying to dig a hidey hole under my house. This is the second home ownership thing I’ve had to deal with solo lobo: I am learning how deal with hired help concerning things Bob used to do.

‘God, Help Me’:


‘Just Call Me Gracie’:

‘A Walk In The Clouds’:

‘Traveling Thursday ~ Sulkum & Huff-and-Puff’:

The month of May included many new adventures, as well as a revisit of old experiences … and the onset of a serious, and unexpected asthma attack, an hour away home/miles away from a medical facility; Elohim was faithful, and there were skilled assistants on hand.

And churches, businesses, clubs, ect., that had closed their doors in 2020, were reopening – with or without mandates being recognized. People were fed up with forced masking and shutdowns, that apparently were not being played out with the screeching obamanite politicians and celebrities.

‘2 State Loop Drive’:

‘Asthma Attack ~ Solo Lobo’:

‘Meaningful Monday ~ McCormick Park & Cornelius Pass:

‘A Day To Remember ~ Amboy, Cougar & Yale Daytrip’:

‘Freewheeling Friday ~ Centralia Daytrip’:

‘Sunday~Funday/Olympic Peninsula:

When the month of June rolled around, I joined another Club basically to play pool & bingo. And I continued exploratory daytrips; and boldly drove the Highlander to places I visited with Bob: Bob drove there confidently … I was learning confidence. I had been missing those places. I determined to drive there before 2021 ended 😊

‘Rack ‘Em Up Girl’:

‘High Stakes Bingo & Vietnamese Cuisine’:

‘Lincoln City’ ~ Solo Lobo Daytrip’:

July 2021, I was seriously engaged in preparing to sell my house and move into a home in the country – that was the Plan. But, once again, the Plan was pulled: this time, because of covid. No one, but my realtor, wanted to meet with me face-to-face … and I don’t do business with people who will not do face-to-face business with me. So, though I’d rather be living elsewhere, I’ll be sinking roots here, in Longview: Bob wanted me to do that; and apparently so does Elohim.

I was also invited to Uncle Cliff’s Birthday-Reunion gathering. I’m glad I went.

I drove an unfamiliar road; very narrow, very steep, very treacherous in places – and made it safely through, coming and going. This road prepared me, on all levels, for future adventures 😉

‘Uncle Cliff’s Family Reunion’:

‘Lost Valley Road’:

‘What A Monday! ~ Rose Valley’:

August, was full of excitement. New income. New daytrips. New experienceslike a flat tire, on a secluded logging road; and New Life directional plans: Elohim knows how to snag my attention and bring me back inline with HIS Plan 😉

‘Shabbat Blessings ~ Skamokawa Vista Park, Julia Butler Hansen Game Refuge & Stella’:

‘Travel Thursday ~ Lael Moon Nursery, Rochester’:


September was a period of testing – and if I didn’t ace every test, I at least got a passing grade 😉

‘Period of Testing’:

‘Wings ~ Mt. Rainier Solo Lobo Daytrip’:

October thru December were interesting months – I learned to use my hand drill … and a visit from a westside friend led to introspective prods from Elohim, that I expect will continue into 2022.

DC labeled me an “extremist” and a “terrorist”, for the simple fact that I am a Christian.

I designed and crafted two Christmas Lapghans. Snow arrived for Christmas … and stayed for my birthday, this year (it’s still hanging around). And I had a severe asthma attack Christmas Eve, that really had me wondering if I’d see Christmas Day sunrise.

‘Rainy day Aspirations’:


 ‘A River Runs Through It ~ Battle Ground Daytrip’:

‘A Clear & Present Danger’:

‘Heaven On Earth’:

‘You Can’t Be Serious, Lord’:

‘Another Year Older’:

So, looking back on this past year as I listen to fireworks going off all around me; I am reminded of how much I have overcome … and how much I have to look forward to.

Road trips are being planned and scheduled for the months ahead.

My current friends are happy and healthy; and past friendships damaged by life snafus are being renewed.

Elohei has been faithful – my leg behaved, and I was able to enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas moving freely without any pain. And, the Grim Reaper … when he came to collect two days ago, was given his ‘vacate and move along’ notice.

I am greatly loved and still have a purpose 😊

By and large, 2021 has been a good year in many ways.

I achieved most of my Bucket List Goals :-)

I can’t wait to see what 2022 has in store for me!