This morning I was awake at 4:30 AM – no hope of being able to go back to sleep … so, I got up and drank a cup of coffee Creamy Caramel flavored coffee; and saw that the street was wet. It must have rained overnight.
I drank my coffee and catalogued a few more Blog Posts references. I also read, with each month’s postings, that I have come a long way in personal growth and 24 months of solo adjustments.
I am happy with that accomplishment … but it is a bittersweet happiness: I’d rather have Bob, instead of the solo adjustment milestones.
When I got to the June 5th, 2019 Blog Post – my 1st solo lobo revisit to {our} Park; I decided to get dressed and hike the dike, there, this morning.
It’s been a while since I had walked that hike, and I was missing it (I only walk it now when my heart can stand the memories that always accompany me) – I felt strong enough this morning 😉
It was 15 minutes past sunrise, the outside temperature was 49-degrees, and I had nothing on the docket that needed tending to: I quickly washed my hair, hastily dressed, and was buckled up in the car in 20 minutes. 5 minutes later I had grabbed a Breakfast Casserole at Baker’s Corner and was nosing the car up over the hill and onto Nevada Drive, where I cruised West Side Highway to Riverside Park in Lexington.
I couldn’t remember when Bob & I used to watch the seals (actually, I learned today that they are sea lions), but I knew it was in the winter time … Bob always spotted them when they were around. I was hoping that IF they were in the water, I’d catch a glimpse while I walked and spent time with Yeshua – my Husband, now.
I WAS BLESSED! The sea lions were everywhere I looked!
I parked the car in the upper end Parking Lot. As soon as I crested the dike, I caught sight of a sleek, wet, rust-colored-body curling itself back into the river water 😊
Finishing my fast-food-breakfast, I detoured to a trash can in the Park to ditch the container. Turning to climb back up the dike to the gravel trail, I caught sight of a patch of blue sky trying to get through the heavy gray winter cloud cover.
The happy barking sea lions, and the persistent blue patch in the sky above me made me glad I had made the trip. The Dike Hike had lured me … but I would have eventually found an excuse to get out of the house anyway; and away from all the mean spiritedness that has settled over people – it had been festering for quite some time but with the coup firmly established, obamanites are getting bolder and nastier.
The demonrat definition of unity is waaaaay different than the rest of us have! And I am just d.o.n.e. with the ‘united hatred’ from the demonic leftists and treasonous rhinos.
It must be a banner year for the fish migration; because the sea lions were thick as thieves, all along the river 😉 I called my BIL, Kerry, to ask what fish would be running the river this time of year, and he said “smelt” – so that is what is driving the sea lions and sea gulls to a feeding frenzy.
Everyone I talked with said they’d never seen the river so full of sea lions.
The scene reminded me of days at the beach – with sea gulls sweeping overhead, and swooping deep towards the water.
There were lots of sounds along the river walk today: the raucous barking of frisky sea lions, the distant droning of freeway traffic, ear-piercing squealing of train traffic, the shrill cries of sea gulls, the drive-by buzzing of West Side traffic … and the sounds of clucking backyard chickens, carried on the wind from across the river.
Making the last round of the trail on the return
end of the hike, a pod of boisterous sea lions barked up a storm and rowdily frolicked
in the swift-churning Cowlitz River: this end of the river was literally “alive”
with fat and sassy sea lion bodies – the scene kinda reminded me of a piranha feeding
frenzy 😉
Yeshua was blessing me big time today 😊
And I could almost hear Him chuckling as I “oohed!” & “ahhed!” 😉
Listening to/watching the train across the river; and seeing traffic crossing the bridge overhead, my mind and heart took me back in time – to 2006, when Bob, I, and my wolf Precious … watched that bridge be built.