Earlier this evening, I was watching the 1979 ‘Nosferatu’ Movie, when this frame showing an animated germanic clock passed before my eyes – my thoughts immediately went to my older sister Iris; she would have loved this clock!
Iris was German, and she collected animated clocks; this is a picture of her cruising animated germanic clocks:
While talking on the phone
on Wednesday in 2019, we got talking about her collection, and I told her about
our Grandma Brockway’s animated germanic clock: it had dangling pine cones, and
chimed on the hour – at a specific hour, a woodchopped would come out of one
side of the clock … chop his way across the front of the clock … and disappear into
the opposite side opening. At another specific hour, an old man would come out
of one side opening, and an old woman would come out of the opposite side
opening – to kiss in the middle, before backing back into their openings. I
loved watching that thing!
Iris is no longer with us, but she is always in my thoughts. We are very similar in many ways. Iris would have loved our Grandma Brockway, and she would have been loved in return.
And I
have no doubt Iris would have loved to have had this clock – I know I would 😊