Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, March 22, 2021

Stage 3 ~ What A ‘Coincidence’

I jumped the State-line-border this morning – bright and early – to do some clothes shopping: I’ve lost so much weight these past 27 months, that the clothes I had been wearing were starting to hang very unbecomingly on me. I’m still a curvy granny … but it was time to replace the old duds with new ones 😉

I like color in my life, so everything I brought home is bright and cherry – not flamboyant like a peacock, but peppy like a flamingo 😊

Now, I won’t look like a frumpy dumpling when I’m out and about this year.

I also bought a new scale to weigh myself on; I bought the one being replaced 27 years ago, and I have noticed that it hasn’t been ‘on the mark’ for a few months. I want a reliable accounting of my weight loss.

My clothing told me I had lost a significant amount of weight … but the scales yo-yoed from day to day.

And I bought an easel mirror, and put it together myself: that thing was heavy!

I was happily contemplating my purchased choices, when I heard the announcement on the radio that “all of WA State had been opened to a Stage 3 level”: I’m sure most of WA State was excited – I was getting angry.

The {opening} is a political game of ‘toss the deplorables a bone’: in the obamanite politicians’ eyes … everyone in America (who does not hold a political seat) is a deplorable – even those poor dimwitted deadheads that went blindly ‘ridin with biden’.

The opening is a badly played ‘coincidence’ that shamelessly coincides with the demonrat power play of throwing open the southern border and allowing thousands of illegal migrants to pour into America like a flood.

These people – children, from age 1 to age 18 – are being given a free pass without legit Citizenship process.

These people are being placed above American children.

These people are not being tested for covid before being rushed across the border to be bussed and flown to PNW States; where they will be housed in hotels and given $1,200.00 “just because”.

American CITIZENS were TOLD FOR A SOLD YEAR that “covid is a killer!” that is ‘fatally spread’ by breathing without a mask. It was ‘dangerously’ spread on surfaces – including clothing.

People who did not swallow the spoon-fed-political bullshit, were treated like criminals: “Those who do not follow the science, are enemies of the State!”

Businesses were shuttered – and threatened with hefty fines in the Thousands of $$$$$$$’s if they dared to open with demonrat governors’ sanctimonious nod.

Employees lost their jobs – many lost their homes, and some even took their own lives … as the scientific lies went on, and on, and on; with no realistic ‘scientific hope’ in sight.

Without customers, many businesses floundered – and eventually sunk: closing their doors forever and succumbing to bankruptcy.

Children were not allowed to go back to school; some children became so despondent, they started harming themselves – they had lost hope of ever having a normal life again (no more visits with grandparents/forbidden to spend physical contact time with their friends/overhearing their parent’s fears of the future).

People dying without benefit of a loved one’s presence in those final moments; grieving people left to flounder alone because places they would normally go for relief had closed and barred their doors: including churches.

And now, NOW the obama-biden-cartel is telling the people to the south below America, “COME! Come across the border without repercussions.”

American Citizens are not allowed to work outside their homes without the {approved} vaccine President Trump initiated … and the obama-biden-cartel is taking the credit for – and forcing on everyone (EXCEPT those flooding across the southern border!)

Those who reject the restrictions are heckled, harassed, fined heavily, and shunned with a great deal of shameful shaming attempts.

American Citizens are not allowed to travel freely from State to State, without masks … or a touted ‘vaccine passport’ … and they certainly are not given carte blanche welcomes at hotels. We can’t even find an {open} fitting room, in which to try our clothing choices on, before we purchase them!

Some of the clothing choices I purchased this afternoon will have to be returned; if I had been able to try them on before buying them, the returning of some would not be taking place.

It is ridiculous that brainwashed American Citizens are allowing this political “scientific” shell game to continue.

Apparently covid only attacks and kills Christian Americans with light skin: riotous Anti-Americas and illegal aliens shrouded in the political banner of ‘people of color’ are immune to the deadly effects of a ‘global killer!’ virus …


Apparently, some people in America really like the taste of bullshit, because they continue to swallow it.

Since the beginning of this politically enhanced {covid crisis!}, boosted by putrid {scientific} bullshit, I have bucked the hysteria and continued to live my life the way ((((I)))) see fit. 

And I will continue to do so.

It is glaringly obvious that covid was used as a battering ram to push biden into Office to push obama’s agenda – which is to lie, cheat, and steal … to and from The People.

The evil twins ...