cnn anchor twits can’t take what they dish out … so they throw childish temper tantrums and wonder why no one takes them seriously or considers them adults.
Stone was punished for his {offending tweets apparently violated the company’s policy against harassment and intimidation}, BUT R.A.C.I.S.T. black nationalist, lemonhead lemmon who openly condemns Caucasians and Jews from his cnn ‘host’ stool can continue to spew his racial dribble? I find it ironic that lemon would whine and bitch like the queen he is about Stone’s tweets when HIS ARE THE SAME AND SO MUCH WORSE. And tapper’s claim to fame? Basically that he dated monica lewinsky a few weeks before the blue dress made National Headlines – seriously, 2 political whores whoring for the media; hardly noteworthy to anyone but them … and I’m sure Stone was onto something with his tweets about tapper. As for the growling, sneering, rabid navarro who thinks 'republicans need to grow a spine' - why doesn't she? If a simple tweet from Stone can bunch her pullup (as in baby diaper) panties into a painful twist, maybe she should leave the playground, sit down, SHUT UP, and "grow a spine"; in short, be the adult she thinks everyone needs to be, and act accordingly instead of behaving like a sniveling, bitching, racist crybaby like lemonhead lemmon and political whore tapper. Where to start on bloated-faced, whiney-voiced, sissified kristol? It is crystal clear that cnn's chubby buddy kristol isn't too bright ... maybe if HE got OFF twitter and stopped feeding on obamanite BS, he'd shed a few pounds and clear the paranoid racist cobwebs from his addled brained mind. In short: squat, crybaby, sissy-voiced, chubby, angry, racist kristol isn't too crystal when it comes to reality - Stone nailed that one too. bernstein is a traitor - e learned a LOT from his watergate years, and has been implementing those tactics ever since. That he {contributes} that 'knowledge' in every way imaginable to cnn is scandalous behavior, not heroic antics. bernstein is a 'malignancy' in the journalistic arena; and like any cancer, when disturbed, it spreads its poison like wildfire - infecting everyone and everything it touches. And blow? he's a rabid obamanite with a bone of racial contention stuck in his craw.
In summation … these political media whores are all amped up and outraged because their political gods’ clay feet were shattered and their FAKE gold plated characters are tarnished, underscoring the rot beneath the façade. cnn’s staff of woefully ignorant and blatant arrogant racist queens and wannabe kings are throwing a temper tantrum. And like any red faced brat that has been spanked, they plot revenge, too stupid to realize that they, themselves, will reap the karma they think to avoid. Brats are an annoyance, but they are never taken seriously, and wise ADULTS never give them free rein to do as they please. These brats will be brought up short in sort order. The obamanite reign of insanity is coming to a close; they may win a few skirmishes, but in the end, they WILL LOSE the war they started. It's in the writ they refuse to see.
So consumed by the raw hatred they feed on and pass off as journalism and real news, cnn's brainwashed minions and the rest of the obamnites are too stupid to realize they are stoopids being taken for a ride on a crazy train that’s gone off the rails …