My garden hose blewout … I bought it last summer, so it was not old; and it should have lasted a lot longer than it has. That hose was expensive, because expensive was all that was being stocked by every store in town last summer – there was no variety to choose from.
It blew apart just as I finished watering the last veggie garden box
The hose incident is just another irritation in a long list of irritations this week.
Most noteworthy are:
A wildfire in the Gorge, near the Dalles area;
I’m thinking a trip to Trout Lake will probably not be happening with wildfire
season starting so early. Even though this wildfires started on the Oregon side
… the smoke will drift, and choke me on this side of the Columbia River;
The sentencing of Chauvin was a travesty of political dimension, with the ‘judge’ caving in to racist catcalls and rioting threats if blm was not catered to and the floyd family placated. {Justice} was not done. The whole george floyd charade, and subsequent kangaroo court is a blight on America’s Justice System. When the blm organization controls how {judges} make a ruling, Madam Justice has been replaced with mob rule – and that is what is happening;
That a known felon/drug user-dealer was caught in the act of yet another felonious act … and hailed as a freaking messiah, is laughable if it weren’t so tragic. America has lost it’s mind to blm lunacy.
That a known rabid racist and race-baiter, keith ellison is even given 1 second to vent his spleen on this issue is proof justice has been replaced with mob rule.
The floyd family was glorying in their “moment” – repleted with floyd’s 7-year-old-daughter being coached in how to play to the sympathies of the demonrat supporters. And the bought-n-paid-for {Judge} was preening for the media.
The whole thing has been a sham for as long as covid hysteria has been a sham. Both are shameful undertakings.
An exorcism for dead trees took place in a PA
Home Depot store;
Media talking heads are continuing to push global warming, citing “heat dome” temperature spike in the PNW – of course you have to pay $$$ to get the information … political hysteria doesn’t come free to the free world.
And yet another china {discovery} – this time it’s not a new man-made-virus … it’s an entirely new man species: the ‘dragon man’. It strikes me as highly suspicious that china has found a new link in the evolution theory: if china is not destroying mankind … china is continually recreating mankind to fit a propaganda pogrom.
And islam is ready to run with it because islam is all about recreating the view of mankind, too.
china and islam touting {science}: two devious entities, working to bring about a devious end;
I believe mankind was created in the image of Elohei … Lucifer may have {created} a new species – but Yeshua did not: science is the religion of the world/flesh-minded. I believe Yeshua’s creation, which started with one man (Adam), and one woman (Eve – crafted from Adam’s rib). Anything else is a bastardization of creation, and has absolutely no bearing on mankind’s lineage timeline.
Daily there is so much demonrat political, and ‘scientific’, bullshit to wade through
2021 is not looking any better than 2020.