This morning, I washed the Highlander after breakfast; it was so filthy after my little off-road adventure Monday evening.
I wanted to get it done as early as possible – and while the temperature was still cool.
The Highlander was air drying before 10 AM 😊
While it dried, I paid Space Rent … and decided to drive over Cornelius Pass to grab some food stuffs to lay away. I’m not a hoarder, and I’m not a prepper; but with the continual mandates messing with grocery availability, it’s prudent to stock things before the stores’ shelves are empty again – like they were for months on end last Fall/Winter: already bottled water is nonexistent in some stores.
The drive was enjoyable – and I brought home what I went for.
When I got back home and collected the mail, I saw that Bob’s prudence was kicking in 😉
I had been notified a few weeks ago about Beneficiary funds that would be coming every month as long as I live – but I was not expecting the back payments! None of it will make me wealthy … but it will help carry me over the hump every month, now that Medicare will be deducted from my Social Security Benefits.
Bob’s love gift is arriving right on schedule.
I had a moment where tears flowed; not because I was sad, or overjoyed with the notification letter … but because Bob’s foresight in 1974 was still surrounding me with love in 2021: our Wedding Anniversary is in 36 hours. The notification letter is a bittersweet affirmation of Bob’s love for me.
I’d rather be holding Bob, than holding the
But since I can’t have Bob, I will be thankful for his provisional foresight, and praise Elohei for His abundant blessings toward me.
I’m still
not a rich widow … but I’m sitting better tonight, than I was yesterday 😉