Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Tuesday, February 1, 2022



Racist whoopie saying holocaust “was not about race”:

This is WHY the whole obamanite blm agenda is WRONG.

Whoopless whoopie only sees skin color ... when it only applies to black people. In her own words: {{‘As a black person I think of race as being something that I can see' ... the Holocaust was not about race - the Nazis 'had to do the work' because 'you couldn't tell who was Jewish ... the Holocaust was 'not about race' because it was white people killing white people"}}

Whoopless whoopie is not only ignorant, SHE IS A BONAFIED RACIST. She honestly believes it's okay to wholesale murder Jews because they are considered white, and you couldn't tell by their skin color that they were otherwise.

1) White is NOT a legit skin color.

2) Jews are NOT "white" - they have olive toned skin that can appear to be Caucasian.

My stepfather was Skagit Indian: and his skin tone was “whiter” than mine. My BIL is Cayuse Indian, and his skin color is also “white”. My grandson-in-law is Native American, and his skin color is “white”. I have a friend, who is Cowlitz Indian – and she is “white” toned; another friend is Cherokee Indian, and her skin is “white”: I never saw so many “white” Indians, until I moved to WA State in 1966. Their facial features and physical stature is what defines them as Native Americans … their skin color does not define them.

3) Whoopless whoopie does recognize black on black hate crime; but she apparently has no fucking problem with {identifying} what SHE CONSIDERS a "white on white crime" - and boldly stating that that should be acceptable.

What the actual fuck.

4) Who the Hell is whoopie to DECIDE who gets to live or die!

Then she apologizes for "misspeaking".

APOLOGY FALLS SHORT; and is not accepted. There is no {save} with that backhanded ‘apology’ – she is using her skin color to hide behind: the apology is meaningless. &

So, if – according to self-retarded whoopi’s view of “race”, hate crimes are not about race but about man’s capability for inhumanity” that cancels the obamanite blm agenda she embraces – and directly goes against the obamanite demonrat black-skinned-race-based school curriculums (that make white kids/white businesses apologize to black kids/people for their skin color) being shoved down American throats.

I suppose we can thank whoopie for making that distinctive illumination – no more race theory brainwashing in schools or corporate meetings will be allowed, thanks to whoopie’s {apology}.

She needs to apologize for fucking breathing – then she needs to go hide herself in her black obamanite toned cave.