It was an exciting morning.
I woke up to a snow-covered landscape.
This kind of excitement, I like 😊
I made it out of the Park, and to the coffee shack without a mishap.
Driving ocean Beach Highway, there were a lot of hot-dogging-idiots on the roads, who obviously had burned a toke-smoke with their morning coffees ...
This kind of excitement, I do not like :-(
Hopefully they will pocket the joints until later in the day (like when they are NOT driving!), and mature pronto, before they kill someone - the highway is not the place to be making "cookies"; and icy roads are not the place to be gunning the motor and kicking the speed into high gear just to see "how the car/truck/SUV, ect., will handle it".
Ocean Beach Highway at my end, was "ify" as far as the center lines went: I eventually got off the main highway, and cut over the hill to Columbia Heights and Westside Highway; Madrona & Laurel were wet, but relatively clear (no ice) ... Columbia Heights was extremely icy.
I was driving in granny-gear, and I had the 4-wheel traction control thingee engaged: but, the backed still managed to slide on that uphill merge.
This was a bit of excitement I could have done without - but I did okay, and didn't oversteer when I felt the back tires slip.
However, the County should have had that road cleared. Is the County THAT short-handed with cleanup crews?????
Normally early-morning road crews would have cleared the main roadways; but since the obamanite covid program, no one is willing to do anything … but sitting on their duffs collecting DC “free” $$$$$.
Thank God, Bob was an excellent driver: and I learned from him, how to drive in the snow, on icy roads.
I made my destination – and back home again – without a smash-up mishap 😊
The rest of
the day will be spent watching snow flurries, drinking flavored coffee, and watching
movies while working on knitting projects.