Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, November 15, 2021


The title I had thought to post tonight was ‘High Water’ because the water surrounding my little slice of {paradise} this side of Heaven is rising with alarming rate due to the continual rainfall that had rarely seen a break in the wet blitz.

Stella waterfall running full out ...
My first rock sighting on the Stella Bluff.
Decided to tempt fate and drive home over Germany Creek & Eufaula Road; thankfully, the roads were clear.
Germany Creek Road from Stella.
Germany Creek running high and full speed; at this rate, it may breach its banks.
Harmony Drive Road; past Eufaula Heights to Coal Creek Road.
Harmony Drive Road from Germany Creek Road; via Stella Road - 12 mins.
The leaves on my ornamental maple won't last long, now ... will soon be down to naked limbs: home.

However … when I got home and comfy – and checked out an online video, I found that the obamanite government in DC has declared me a clear and present danger.

The obamanite government sees me as a National threat ...
Disagreeing with obamanite demonrats, and outright refusing to knuckle down to the obamanite agenda will get you labeled 'an extremist'.
Department of Homeland Security has been thoroughly brainwashed, and is no longer a rational leaning organization.

It is actually laughable.

But the warped mentality running rampant in obamanite demonrat regions, is not a laughing matter.

People are being violently harassed, & arrested for being Christians.

People are being killed for disagreeing with demonrat obamanites.

Since DC weaponized covid in 2020 (knowing full well, all the time, what it is – and how it was set loose on the world), power-grabs, race-baiting, and the persecutions of Christians and Jews has been at an historically all-time high in America.

Politicians have set themselves up as demigod dieties … and are demanding absolute servitude to their demands.

Apparently, it takes very little to make the obamanite demonrat 'List'.
All it takes to make the 'List' is to disagree with the obamanite agenda.
Grinning lunatic; these 'pandemics' are carefully orchestrated and implemented for the NWO Grand Scheme ...

gates being sued over vaccine and land grabs: &

Why are political elites snatching up huge portions of farmland and forests?



'Institutional Investors' IS THE KEY ... America, as well as the globe in general, is being institutionalized - brainwashed by the institutionalized 'elite'.

It’s not to hard to figure out: those who control the land control the use of the land … and what is on the land. Already ecofreaks (which is what philanthropy is) is shutting down access to what was commonly {public-use} forests and Parks: this went into full effect during the first two obama coups.

clinton, obama, and dubbya land grabs:

And small farmers are being squeezed out, while new age farming is being implemented – this has been going on for at least 5 decades (it started in europe with new age communes, and has gained traction in America, with the influx of new age religions taking root); they come here and buy up huge portions of land, while American ownership is being withheld, and phased out.

NWO Goal - Big Brother will own everything and everyone.

In 2017, Finland was actually the first country to try the “free money” socialist/communist agenda – the one obama promoted, and biden implemented: ( it failed in December of 2017.

And biden’s UBI is failing miserably too, though the obamanite demonrats refuse to acknowledge the disastrous failure.

barry and micheal did their damndest to dictate to Americans the “who, what, where, why, and how” in their tyrannical attempt to destroy America their first two political coup stabs at it … and their brainless puppet, biden, is doing his damndest to make sure their agenda is carried through in this, obama’s third political coup. The obamanite demonrats are pulling out all the stops - if the covid mandates don’t carry through, they will employ racial hatred and lawless violence to steal ground in a spiritual war they will surely lose.

Prophecy is unfolding ... right on schedule.
Yeshua foretold that lawlessness would abound in the Last Days; worse than ever experienced in days long passed.
People will become so despondent that their hearts will be like stones in their chests ...

We have seen their bitter hatred since January of 2017, the lengths they will stoop to destroy someone they hate with an evil hatred. We have seen, since the dawning of 2020, that they will do all they can to force people to comply to their aimless and asinine mandates.

Klaus Schwab; NWO global economic forum.

The NOW agenda was conceived in the 1950’s, with the introduction of socialism into the American social culture: it took root in the upheaval of the 1960’s, and was ardently fertilized with political BS during the clinton and obama DC years. Both hillary clinton and barak hussain obama ran their political campaigns on the socialist agendas. Both mixed their twisted views of Christianity into the mix – both were unapologetic liars when it came to Christianity … neither are Christians. clinton is a ‘progressive’ pagan (socialist self-worshipper), and obama is a racist black panther militant muslim, who views America as a muslim conquest. Both clinton and obama are delusional tools in Lucifer’s hand. pelosi and biden, also using Christianity as cloaks, are wicked DC demons; clothed in human flesh. (

It is possible that America will become so wicked, that she will collapse; we are certainly witnessing a sharp and perilous decline.
The obamanite 'messiah' agenda being pushed to a conclusion with demonrat DC coups.
obamanite demonrats are openly pushing socialist & communist tactics - this was foretold in prophecy.
The worldly & earth-bound religion of science is ardently being forced on Americans. There ARE NO 'rock solid' conclusions in science. NADA

Christians do not embrace abortion.

BLATANT BASPHEMY! Biblical ignorance, and overt evil is running rampant in America.

Christians do not embrace the religion of science as Gospel. Only a deluded egomanic would assume that man has the power to control what happens on the Earth Elohim designed and created to operate as HE determines.

The Creator reigns supreme ... and worldly minds are foolishly discounting-discrediting Creation, and the Creator. To their own peril.

Christians do not embrace the creation of cremimas (scientific hybrids of half human/half animal) as “human substitutes” for organ transplant recipients.

Romans 1 mentality will take root.

Christians do not embrace sexual perversion as “normal”; Christians do not recognize homosexual unions as {marriages}.

And Yet - the DC demons proclaiming to be Christians are IGNORING these warnings of the science they worship.

Christians do not walk in wickedness.

Forced hatred indoctrination in American schools ( foretells nations breaking with Israel … it appears that America which is now totally in the evil grip of the obamanites, will be one of those nations to suffer the fallout of that foolish decision.

Christians view human life as sacred.

Government overreach leads to tyranny; tyranny leads to oppression. Oppression leads to slavery …

The obamanites are chummy with actual terrorists ... and make up perceived {terrorists} to suit their lunacy, and focus their demonic fury on.
Queer flag flown over the American embassy in kabul, the month of June. Leftist lunacy, and total break with reality on full display.
American politics has gone off the rails with the toxic obamanite agenda.
BLATANT CHILD ABUSE; pure, unapologetic wickedness.
The obamanite agenda was foretold 2000+ years ago; that's why Christians are so hated by the obamanite demonrats.
Time on Earth is wrapping up. Only those grounded in The Word will make it through to the other side.
The unchanging Word is a Christian's best weapon against the world's encroaching darkness.
Wolves only feed on easy prey; the walking dead.
False doctrine being preached and embraced.
Leftist insanity ...
The favorite mantra of the crazies on the left side of the aisle.

Christians will never exchange freedom for bondage.

NWO's January 2022 agenda.

Things are moving along. Quickly.

An American Presidential Election was stolen; America is a country without a valid President … and the thief is a puppet of demonic forces. A lab-designed virus biological weapon was released on unsuspecting populaces; and DC minions knew it/sanctioned it to secure the stolen 2020 Election: and implement government overtake of the largest, most powerful Nation on the planet, Earth. In January of 2022, the World Economic Forum will move to permanently secure the obamanite objective.

Already, moves have been set in motion to cement a moneyless society.

The biometric palm scanning/payment system has been up and running in Seattle for months. The system works by scanning people’s palms (identification based on the unique palm characteristics and veins of individuals). The palm print is tied to the customer’s credit/debit cards: CHIP IN HAND-THE NUMBER OF A MAN (or woman), as prophesied.

None of this is catching aware Christians by surprise. True Christians have long been expecting these days; we are not caught off guard.

We are exhaling in joy.

It’s now just a matter of time before we are called to go Home 😊

Christians can go to sleep each night, safe and confident that they will not experience the worst that is about to happen: Elohim has promised that we will not suffer His wrath. He did not promise that we will escape man's wrath ... a definate malicious pinch will be felt - but, soon the bullies will be spanked. Hard. And we will escape that. The promises of Elohei are like gold in Fort Knox.

We will not be around when the world implodes: Christians will no longer be walking the Earth … and obamanite will be further angered when they understand that our absence has absolutely nothing to do with their asinine tactics to get rid of us 😉

So, if I am on the ‘List’ – I consider that a success: it means I have stayed the course and am headed for my reward.

For the time being, Elohim is staying His hand, as His promise to those who are His; and He is not willing that any should perish. But the Day is quickly coming, when that hand will be lifted – and all Hell will break loose.

I do not believe the demonrat obamanites are prepared to deal with the clear and present danger of their own destructions, that they have hatefully set in motion.