Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, August 29, 2022


I was getting together with fiends at Oak Point this afternoon – I like it there; it’s a short drive, its country atmosphere, it’s friendly company and friendly convo … and I can be myself 100% 😊

The morning was chilly, but the afternoon would be quite a bit warmer with high 70-s temperatures; so, I wore sandals and my ‘peacock shell’ top 😉

I’m still sorting through the things in my closet to see what goes – and what stays. I buy things that are colorful because I like lots of color in my world; but just because I like a certain piece of clothing doesn’t mean that it looks particularly good on the body God designed for me. And much of what is in the closet was bought during the covid craze when fitting rooms were shut down (quite a few still are ) – and after Bob had passed. The house was not fully ‘fleshed out’ either (we’d just bought it and was in the process of {making it ours}): I had no second opinion, and no full-length mirror. So, I bought and set up a full-length mirror … and this year, I am actually seeing what I wear looks like on me: some have been culled from the closet space; I liked them – they did not like me.

I am enjoying wearing makeup again, too, since my black eye has faded; and my eyebrow gash has healed and is safe to work with: I also broke out one of my new colorful mascaras.

'Carefree' eyeshadow for eyelid, & glittery Pink Lip Gloss.
Makeup to match my peacock shell top ...
Cobalt Blue Mascara.
The surprise about this blue mascara is that it does not 'stand out' as it dries.
The peacock shell top gets to stay in my closet ðŸ˜Š

I had an extra hour to spare before leaving the house, so I decided to drink a cup of coffee, and then check the mail.

The mail held a pleasant surprise for me 😊

I called to double-check this amount due; it's a fact! Elohim has been faithful & gracious towards me.

I had expected a high tab payment … and was dreading the arrival of this particular Bill.

My ‘Blame It On The Moon’ Post:

The day moved forward in a pink haze of other pleasant, unexpected – but welcomed – surprises 😊

The evening’s pink sunset was the fading day’s kiss …

Tonight's pink-cloud-sunset.