Following my eye exam - driving home along Old Pacific Highway this afternoon, I heard so much BS coming from the radio … that I was happy when an incoming call interrupted all the craziness assaulting my ears.
First off, a teacher is telling her class that “Mrs.” Means “male ownership”; W.T.H. This is a clear brainwashing tactic being taught from a personal – not a professional – understanding (and a backwards one, if I may say so).
The ‘Title’, “Mrs.”, implies equality to me: Bob and I were a Team in all things; when we joined our lives together, we were no longer sanctimonious individuals with opposing views … we were two individual people coming together (pulling our mental, physical, and spiritual strengths) to make a whole. We took the viewpoint that “the two shall be joined together, and become one” seriously.
identified me as part of a balanced Team.
Mrs., identified me a recognized equal with my Mr.
wore the title proudly: I still do.
And, more to the
point … why is it even an issue
when the left-wing heterosexaphobe nutcases have erased gender so completely,
they cannot explain what a male or female is??? If neither sexual gender
exists – how can one be {owned} by the other?
The following reported News
was about (1) Michigan kindergartener’s getting drunk on Jose Cuervo
shots … in class! (2) First Grader’s smoking
cigarettes (3) New Jersey Second Grader’s playing “name that body
part”, while being coached by the {teacher} to choose the specific gender,
teacher chose for the day to be experimented with, during class time of
gender identity and fluidity hour (4) and in Austin, Texas … an adult-sized
Easter Rabbit hopped through swarms of second graders handing out
plastic eggs filled with condoms.
Public Schools have become the playground arena for seriously
unstable people hired by the Teacher’s Unions, who have consistently
since the 1980’s hired known criminal pedophiles, known junkies,
and socialist/communist ‘social warriors’ still stuck in the 1960’s
counter-culture wars – intent on destroying America, and American families.
The inmates are running the asylum
system, and the asylum system is out of control.
Honestly - I don't understand why anyone would send their kids to a public school funded by - staffed by - and run by the government lackey's.