Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, January 9, 2021


This was the first movie I ever saw with Bob. It was playing the Columbia Theatre.

Bob had told me he was Shovel Operator in Durrah & Martin’s Logging, Inc. (a small gypo logging outfit). I think he took me to the movie to show me what he did.

Skagit Logging Shovel

Before Bob was promoted to Shovel Operator – the gravy train position; he had done it all: started driving log truck, which he was very familiar with because his father owned his own log truck, and his mother had driven that truck for years … until Kerry was born: then she quits, saying, “4 kids in the cab of a log truck is too damned many!” She was as good a driver as most men: and better than some 😉

1960. BOB, 11 yo. Standing by Bob Sr's. Log Truck. Bob was maintaining and driving that truck - he grew up in it.
1969 - BOB. Toutle Hargand property. Bob Sr, Bonnie, Bob, Merry & Kerry.
1969-1971 timeframe. BOB securing the log wrappers on the loaded logs while driving log truck in the Mt. St. Helen's area.

Bob also was a choker setter, a log skinner, and a tree topper. The first time I saw him thousands of feet off the ground, sawing a tree down to size, I was freaked out – he looked so tiny up there!

Choker setting
Tree Skinner
Tree Topper

Bob also drove the Crew to work every morning in the “Crummy” (the crew van): it was parked in our driveway for 18 years – and the crew was dropped off at our house by their wives. Bob never hauled me out of bed to pour coffee or to see him off, because I was usually dropping into bed as the alarm clock was going off to start his work days. He just kissed me and I mumbled, “I love you, Babe – stay safe and come home to me alive.” My biggest fear was his boss coming by during the day to tell me I was a widow. Logging was a very dangerous job.

His boss, Jimmy Durrah, did drop by the house one afternoon to give me Bob’s bonus (an extra surprise) … and when he saw my face, he never did that again. He was so sorry he scared me, that I ended up consoling him! I loved Jimmy, and he always treated us like family – he knew Bob from birth, and really did love Bob like a son; he treated me like a daughter, and Stacey like the grandchild he never had. When he died, I cried like I would for a beloved family member.

Bob was also the mechanic … so when machinery needed tended too on weekends, we all went to the landing. I loved being in the forests. Stacey never did; but for me, it was a day in paradise. I miss that.

Bob was a jack-of-all-trades, and pretty irreplaceable in his boss’s outfit; as well as in my life.

I don’t know if Bob ever tied logs together in a log raft … but I do know his hotrod Camero ended up sitting on a log raft at the Puget Island end of the bridge that links Cathalmet to Puget Island: he showed me where the log raft sat at the time, while he laughingly told me how his car ended up on the raft in the river. I am glad I did not know Bob at that time – I would have been white-haired before 30! By the time I met him at 17, his wild streak had pretty much burned out. Thank the Lord 😉

Log Raft in river
Bob and his 1968 Camaro hot rod.

Bob would come home with fir dust in his hair, and on his clothes – mingled with diesel oil: I would always breathe in deeply when he swept me up in a bear hug – and he would laugh and shake his head until I had fir dust on me too. We had a wood stove too for half of our married life; I loved the smell of fir: the pungent scent of freshly cut fir will always make me think of Bob.

I watch this movie every time it is available to watch; and I always smile, because though this movie is fiction … the logging scenes, and the log raft death is very realistic, and true to the hard way loggers live – and make a living.

Man! I miss Bob: but, I am not crying tonight – I am smiling. Bob gave me lots of good memories 😊


The war on The People is picking up speed.

The plan may have changed for The People … but the goal stays the same.

The devil’s political tools are busily at work; but so is Elohei: they cannot stop His Plan or a Goal touchdown – despite the devilish behavior on earth’s goal lines.

So, just so everyone reading this post is clear on where I stand ... let me spell it out for you (just in case you weren't already clear).

I am first and foremost a Christian - my inner circle is already small.

Only Yeshua is perfect – the rest of us are in a lifelong process of processing.
CE. Mingle with people …. But surround yourself with a core group of people who are true friends (Yeshua’s main “3” were Peter, James & John – Matthew 17:1/Luke 5:1-11/Mark 5:37).
Even Yeshua took time apart from peopling. Solitude is a necessity, at times (Matthew 14:1-13; Mark 6:30-32; Luke 4:1-2/5:16/6:12-13/14 thru 15/22:39-44).

Secondly, I am glad to be an American - I was born and raised in America. But my Home is beyond the clouds. The politics of America only affect me so far as my living on Earth goes: I am not bound by the policies forged in DC.

Being a Christian does not make me immune to intentional pain - the obama cartel is intent on inflicting pain on Americans ... specifically on Christian Americans. I have family members who have been hoodwinked by the obama cartel: I rarely visit their FB Pages because most of their posts are poisoned twaddle that take gleeful aim directly at me - it is arrogantly childish, and ignorantly ridiculous.

The inclination to "forgive 70 x 7" is beginning to wear thin; give me strength, Yeshua.

I don't know exactly where my friends stand in their political leanings ... and I really don't care, UNTIL I'm viciously slapped in the face with it. Everyone pretty much knows how I lean - I haven't kept my feelings secret: I will ALWAYS fall on the side of Love, Life, Freedom, and the Pursuit of Happiness. We may disagree on what each of those points mean, personally, but they do not need to divide us. Bob and I disagreed on just about every issue; and were still able to maintain a healthy and happy marriage for 44 years.

It IS possible to disagree and still love one another.

The obamanites do not love – in any sense of the word: they are only about creation chaos and destruction.

barak and michael's 3rd coup was cemented in DC a few days ago. Elohim has spoken: I will not argue His decree. America will suffer greatly ... and those who support this unholy coup will reap what they have sown/chosen. It will be sad to watch. It will be tortuous for me to know my family and friends will suffer harshly - but that is what they have chosen. I can only stand by helplessly, and watch them self-destruct.

I am sure, that over the coming months, I will lose more family and friends: it is inevitable, as people are people ... and will position themselves where they feel they will feel safer.

I will still be true to ME.

And I am comfortable with a small circle of people who genuinely love and care for me; if it comes down to the wire - I am very comfortable being a solo lobo.

I am not going to argue with anyone over the shameful thing that has taken place in DC with the obamanite power grab - either on FB, or in my private space in the real world.

If people are offended, I will miss you; if you want to stay, you are welcome. But, I will not fight with you about the coup. Other than how politics directly affect ME, personally, I really don't care anymore.

America, as I knew it for most of my life, has been gone since 2009. I'm just living my life - for me - as best I can, given the shitshow freakish nightmare being played out on the global scene every hour on the hour.

There was 1 chance left to rein the insanity in and bring some reality back into focus, and that has been forcibly taken away by political thugs with gangster mentality.

I'm done.

I don't care anymore; there is nothing of this world that holds me, now that Bob is in Heaven.

I am 64 years old - I just want to live my remaining years in peace.

And I intend to have that peace by whatever means I need to employ.