Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, November 25, 2017


Today I started decorating the house in earnest. As soon as I finished my morning joy juice (aka coffee), I got dressed and ran into town to get some wreath trims at the $ Store:

Battery operated trimming Light Strands. Only a dollar at the $ Tree. 3 strands worked, 1 went in the garbage because the connecting wires weren’t connecting no matter how Hubs and I fiddled with it. It was a factory junker.

These little strands of lights were perfect for the wreaths: they weren’t too long, and they weren’t too short – they were just right ;-)

Breaking the glittered snowflake trims down with my handy needle-nosed snips I filched from Hubs ...

I bought these a few days ago while passing through Oregon because I knew they would look good on the wreaths. 2 bunched trims broke down into a total of 9 glittery snowflakes. Some glitter fell off while I was snipping the bunched snowflakes apart, but they were still pretty sparkly and that’s what I want … snowflakes tucked into the wreath greenery that look like they have fallen, got caught, and been kissed by a frosty breath of winter air …

GREAT deal!
And a bonus of 6 glittery branches that will look cool tucked here and there into the wreath too :-D
Then I focused on snipping these trims down ...

After the snowflakes were divided and placed by the wreaths, I flexed the needle-noses and got busy snipping these trims:

I don't know what these silvery thingees are supposed to be, but they caught my eye and I figured they'd add some pizazz to the wreaths - so I bought them.

And of course I had to have holly; even if it is silky fabric and plastic berries … and pinecones too!

Gotta have the holly at Christmas time!
Gilded pinecones for added festivity :-D
More Berry sprigs for filler ...

Then the special trims - mistletoe, 2 doves, and a cardinal on a frosted pine sprig: no snipping required for these delightful trims ;-)

Mistletoe sprigs for love, 2 Doves for devotion, and a Cardinal bird on a sprig of frosted pine simply because I miss seeing the bright and lively birds in the Winter time here. Hubs has never seen a real one, and I’m sad about that because they are really pretty – the Cardinal bird is similar in size and shape as the black hooded Blue Jay here - but bright red in Minnesota, and with a red crest instead of a black hood. The Pine Grosbeak here is considered a PNW cardinal type bird, but it really is not the same at all.
Cardinal bird.
Pine Grosbeak bird.

The Cardinal and frosted pine sprig were a clip ornament, so I left it as it was and just clipped it to a wreath. Then I pulled the florist tape off the mistletoe and divided the sprigs among the 2 wreaths:

Separating the mistletoe.

I laid the plain-jane wreaths out on the dining room table and got busy with arrangements. The wreath greenery was so thick that the trims were fine just tucked in place among the greenery covered wire branches. ((((YAY!)))) In no time at all the wreaths were strung with lights, decorated with trims, and placed on the doors :-D

MOD Lighted and trimmed Back Door Wreath. Carport. I LIKE!
MOD Lighted and trimmed Front Door Wreath. Sidewalk. I LIKE!

My wreaths were done for about $15/EA give or take, and a little elbow bending, but with all humble modesty, I do think they look better than the tacky prefab wreaths selling for $40. MPO

Lighted door wreath and lighted Front Porch Garland Swag. Looking good :-D

Next came the Front Porch Christmas Mat ...

… and the lighted Stars of David were hung outside and inside - Hubs made these a few years ago:

The largest of Bob’s Lighted Star of David stars was hung on the outer edge of the carport.
The 3 smaller lighted Stars of David were hung inside; we think they look fine.

I hope the weather holds so I can rake these fallen leaves and use them to mulch my flowerbeds and my 2 Patio Apple Trees overwinter …

Then it was time to get busy around the house – I started with the fireplace; taking down the Fall flower arrangement and putting the Christmas flower in place. This is my birth month, so I really go all out and leave everything out until after the New Year rings in. Tablecloths were hauled out and put into use (the ONLY time a tablecloth ever graces our table; LOL):

The Hanukkah Menorah up and ready to be fired up December 12th.
Poinsettia Doily I made a decade ago.
I bought this before Thanksgiving, so I am hoping it will thrive and survive through December.

The narcissus is my birth flower … and I do love them, but I prefer poinsettias through the month of December - I love these flowers but I have a hard time keeping them alive after the first 2 weeks. Come January I start checking the areas where I planted the daffodil bulbs and wait with baited breath for the first showing of the daffodil leaves ;-)

The 12 Days of Christmas tablecloth was spread on the dining table, topped with a candle centerpiece.
Festive Corner Table with Christmas Cactus: the cactus can be pretty fickle, so I am hoping it blooms by Christmas: it looks so nice with it’s pretty blossoms in full bloom.

So ... that’s how my day went today. Active; very active. Productive; gifts for everyone squirreled away. And escalating anticipation – a celebration of Yeshua’s BD as well as my own BD ;-)

Well, I better shuffle off to Buffalo and catch some ZZZ’s. We’re going to be visiting with friends and family tomorrow afternoon and I want to be sharp and attentive, so this night owl needs to hit the rack and wind down. TTYL