When you get to a point in your life; where you know you want to move forward, but you don’t which road to take … and you’re afraid you’ll take the wrong road … those are the scariest moments.
I’m at that point.
And it seems that Elohim will be expecting more of me in the coming New Year, than He did the past three years.
I’m not fool: I know that when Elohim is insistent that I do something (and it appears that He has been, lately – and probably through the New Year), I also know that there are areas in my life, that He’s going to be shining a light on with the message that it’s time to get my house in order.
I really did not want to do this, this morning. Last time I had been at this particular fellowship, it did not end well – the previous pastor’s son had slid into his father’s place as pastor, and he was throwing his weight around: his ego was out of control, and easily bruised. Basically, he was becoming a full-fledged tyrant: and yu’all know how I feel about, and deal with tyrants. Bob was my main concern in that fracas.
Things, then, did not end well. At all.
But … when Elohim wants something done, it gets done; one way or the other
As soon as I walked into the foyer, I noticed that things had changed. Significantly.
Attitudes were more subdued.
Attendance was noticeably smaller.
A scent of humbleness was in the air.
I was welcomed. Sincerely, and warmly by those who remembered me.
I was sorry to hear about the deaths; and the struggle for life the other family members went through – I would never wish suffering or death on anyone; no matter how rotten they treated me, or mine.
I know the pastor and his entire family had masked up - and got the jab followed up by boosters. I know this, because I know them: they would have taken every safeguard. But, covid will not be denied it's pound of flesh. Covid was designed to be a destroyer.
And everyone there, who knew Bob and I was a couple, were sad to hear of Bob’s absence in my life.
By the time fellowship wrapped up, healing for all parties concerned, had taken place.
I really was glad I went.
I was thankful Elohei went before me and prepared the way.
I am grateful for Elohim’s mercy, and Yeshua’s grace.
So, there was a healing that took place this morning on several levels, in several lives – and that’s usually how healing happens: it comes in the doing of what you’d rather avoid. But, growth does not happen by avoiding certain circumstances or painful experiences.
Either Elohim’s going to be blessing me big time … or He’s getting ready to punch my ‘Come Home!’ Ticket. Either way, I need to be ready to face Him with full confidence to receive the crown he had laid away for me.
And I think I am ready – but apparently, there are things, that He thinks need to be settled. So, he’s doing it. His way Seriously 😉