Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Wednesday, April 20, 2022


What am I doing in 2022, so far?

Contemplatingthere hasn’t been much else to do, with the continual aimless and useless mandates/Mother Nature’s temper tantrums – and the ensuing lung ailments (asthma and brochial infection) resulting from the back-to-back tempests.

So, this morning, I am once again looking out on a rainy morningscape.

And contemplating.

Getting: my house in order – literally, and figuratively. Getting my outdoor spaces prepped for Spring and Summer enjoyment, seems to be a dream at this point; as Mother Nature continues her snitty attitude. I noticed as I was walking from the shed to the back door the other day, that some of the geraniums I had overwintering in bins under the carport breezeway, were looking like they may need to be replaced – thankfully, I have snippets growing happily and thriving successfully in-house, enjoying their placement at a livingroom window … they can go into the front porch planters as soon as the weather settles down, and I can get them transplanted. And I hope to be able to get outside soon to whip my garden area space into shape, and get my urban lot veggie garden going again!

Going: a.n.y.w.h.e.r.e. very slowly … and frugally, this year; slowly, due to a Winter-lashed Spring – and frugally, due to a demonrat created inflation stagnation (aka ‘stagflation’) with no sign of ease until the demonrats are unseated and unceremoniously kicked to Life’s curb.

But I’ve managed (by the skin of my teeth) to enjoy some local, low-key, fun activities; like my weekly coffee hours with friends in Cowlitz, Wahkiakum, Pacific, and Lewis Counties. These Coffee Hour gatherings are important to keep me on track, mentally, physically, and spiritually – so if I have to ‘suck it in and tighten my belt’ in other areas to continue gathering with friends … that is what I do.

Thursday hookups in Pacific County; I’ve cut this round trip down to 2½ hours, instead of an all-day adventure – simply there and back, no deviations.
Friday hookups in Cowlitz County; 50 minutes round trip travel time.
Saturday hookups in Lewis County; a 5-hr. round trip … so this has been cut back to once a month/every other month happening. I go when the pump price allows me to go 
Sunday hookups in Wahkiakum County; half hour round trip.

However, what I’d really like to do if the rains and river winds ever let up, is to get some County Park Days in – as well as County Hikes: I’m really missing my fresh air days!

Planning: towards recouping what was lost to my life after Bob’s passing from this life to the next – and what covid mandates further eroded in regards to any semblance of a ‘normal life’ picking back up.

Posting: more on my personal Blog/visiting more Blogs, instead of wasting time on FB, where I just get aggravated, frustrated, and angry with what is being posted on that demonrat-biased format.

Thinking: about way too many things at once! I’ve always had a tendency to have an excessive number of mental browser tabs open at once, but since becoming a widow and taking on Bob’s share of Life’s responsibilities, the overload can get overwhelming. Being stuck indoors November … through April this year … has not helped.

I’m thinking Mother Nature needs to calm herself down; and allow us to catch a break here, with some carefree weather 😉

It would be wonderful to be doing less reflection behind rain splattered glass – and be engaged in more action outside in the great wide open, with sunshine on my face; and light, fluffy clouds high in the atmosphere. Hearts would be light, laughter would be on the breeze, and breathing would be easy 😊