3 weeks ago, I was buying 4 cases of water … my normal amount for decades … when the cashier said, “I’m sorry ma’am, but I can only allow you buy 2 cases of water.”
I asked, “Why?”
She said, “I can only allow you to buy 2 cases of water – you can put the other 2 under the counter, here.”
There was no explanation given, just a statement: and a confiscation.
I threw 2 cases under her counter – and huffed out of the store.
This afternoon, I drove into town to buy a couple cases of water; and there wasn’t any.
Racks of potato chips and bakery goodies were lined up in the space that used to hold crates of water for decades.
But there was no water today.
Stores are notorious for rearranging their goods, so I thought maybe they decided to place it somewhere else in the store.
I flagged down 2 store workers walking aimlessly around with nothing to do.
I asked, “Where’s your bottled water?”
The fella said, “There isn’t any, and there won’t be any.”
I asked, “For now … or, forever?”
The fella said, “We haven’t had water in here for weeks; and we don’t expect any. The trucks are on strike.”
The girl standing next to him, said, “It’s the covid thing.” And shrugged.
As I was walking away, the girl said to me, “If you do find water someplace, get it.”
That sounded pretty ominous.
So, I scrapped my hiking plans, and went water hunting.
Why are truck drivers striking? Honest to God, people have become demigods.
Of course, with governments handing out free paychecks for ‘no service’ due to covid – people can just sit on their fat asses and issue demands.
Just like politicians: $$$$$ for nothing.
demigods are as worthless as politicians.
Right now, America is overrun with both.
Leaving the store, I noticed another sign; this one about a coin shortage.
WHY are people hoarding coins?
Coins today have no value, other than the value they carry when in commerce play: there are NO solid coins (gold, silver, copper, ect.) in public flow, today. All coins being passed from hand to cashier are bastardized metal mutants. So, whoever the deadheads are that are hoarding them, hoping for a big payoff, need a thorough shaking; they are in for a rude awakening when they try to flood the banks later on, for their great {score}.
Numbskulls have gone off the rails.
I stopped next at Safeway.
I managed 3 cases of water (I didn’t want to appear greedy).
I buzzed by Fred Meyers; and stopped at Wal*Mart on my way back home.
Wal*Mart had water: but their bottled water was packed in 38 bottle packs – I’m 64 freaking years old, and small: there is no way I can heft those extra-large packs (1) they are literally placed a head above me on shelving (2) they are too heavy to heave from car to house … even if I could flag down a tall Good Samaritan in passing, and ask for help to get the case into my shopping cart.
They would not have posed a problem for Bob.
But, Bob is no longer here.
They pose a problem for me ☹
So, I came home with a small portion of the water I went to fetch.
I am pissed.
I am seriously fed up with all the covid bullshit – from DC demonrats; from local demonrat officials; from demigod public servants (employers and employees); from fearmongers; and the fearful.
And the rest of the population is getting fed up, too.
None of this nonsense is going to end pretty; satisfactory; or beneficial to anyone – including, and most specifically, for the stoopids pushing the covid agenda, and climate change rhetoric.
The People are tired of the never-ending political power grabs that are destroying our Nation, and pitting the population against one another.
The People are tired of empty store shelves due to governing mandates; striking workers morphing into demigod lunacy; an illegal dysfunctional {president} retreating into hiding after creating worldwide chaos; and a highjacked DC congress that puts foreigners above American Citizens.
America, under the obamanite coups is quickly escalating towards a 3rd world status.