Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Friday, June 11, 2021

SHABBAT SHALOM ~ Trusting in HaShem

I heard about this India Delta covid variant, yesterday on the radio while on the road to my Thursday Naselle coffee hour: I’m not surprised covid cannot be corralled (

My personal take on covid is that it is divine retribution for the hell obama unleased on the world … and the hell the obamanites embrace, preach, and are infecting every venue of life with.


I will not apologize.

God being mocked and ruled against by the American Supreme Court in the 1970’s; when atheism was pushed to the head of the class instead of the National Anthem, and abortion was “studied” by the Supreme Justices and “upheld” – even though NEITHER are a bona fide LAW.

Humans were created in the image of HaShem … their bodies created to house His Spirit.

Humans were designed to enjoy community with Elohei: from conception, into eternity.

Lucifer’s game has always been to interfere: deception and murder are his weapons of warfare.

Millions of babies murdered daily in abortions used as ‘birth control” by unrepentant narcissists behaving like animals who can’t control their behaviors.

Thousands of full-term babies being left to starve to death after birth in American hospitals – being sanctioned by DC politicians who have denounced Almighty God, and sold their souls to ‘obamacare’ policies.

Mentally unstable people … shamefully being used by unscrupulous and soulless politicians and nazi-embracing {herr & frau docktor scientists} as political pawns like nazi-inspired {scientific} lab rats paraded before the public in global social lab-like lifestyles. It is clear that the hellish doctor experiments started in/carried through in adolf hitler’s concentration camps, came here to America to infiltrate {science} policies as DC politicians clamored for nazi docktor’s scientific {progress}: nazi criminals were welcomed with open arms by American {scientists – who knew what had transpired in nazi concentration camps!}; while Jewish refugees were shunned and refused entrance into the very land that now, under demonrat rule, screams for open borders: open borders to all except Christians seeking refuge, or Jews already here, asking for protection of islamic terror being handed down from obamanite politicians who are fouling American air, boldly playing out a political coup before our very eyes, and brazenly forcing every perversion imaginable on the public.

barak hussain obama being hailed as ‘messiah’ … and literally worshipped on the global stage.

American children being brainwashed to embrace radical islamic racism (malcom x black panther doctrine: aka ‘core curriculum’), and in every sexual perversion being taught in public schools by the obamanite hellions, supported and encouraged by obamanite politicians (aka, ‘gender study’, ‘queer sex ed’, ‘drag queen story hour’, ect.).

Elohim has had enough. 

Covid cannot be controlled by science – regardless of what scientists say.

Vaccines do not work – regardless of what scientific devotees continually parrot; preach from political podiums, shove down fearful throats, or send coursing through willing veins.


I’ll take my shot of HaShem, 24/7/35: it’s the ONLY {SURE THING}.

And HaShem doesn’t delude; or add injury to insult. 

Covid is a direct divine insult to those who would dare to imagine they can replace Him, mock His Son, or indulge in Spiritless behavior.

HaShem is not amused. 

Though His love is unconditional … so is his displeasure with those who turn against him, and deliberately set themselves up as stumbling stones to the weak.

The obamanites think to {reset} humanity and civilization: STOOPIDS!

HaShem is actually resetting humanity and civilization.

And MPO, is that He is using covid to do that.

Yet, there is still hope. 

Hope lies in getting back to the basics. 

Those who do, will have nothing to fear … and everything to gain.

Elohim’s Unconditional Love – Can the Truth Change?

We can trust in HaShem.

No matter what the world throws at us. 

We may not see His rescuing hand, but it is there; turning the tide and soothing the troubled waters.

Lucifier may cull the weak-minded and play them to his tune; raining disastrous perils on their stiff-necked heads … but HaShem still reigns.

And HaShem still holds the reins.