Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Friday, April 29, 2022

SHABBAT ~ The Beauty of Shabbat

For me, the beauty of Shabbat is the outpouring of the love that makes it so special 😊

I love Elohim with all my life, heart, and soul; no competition allowed – hands down, Elohim wins.

I love Yeshua with all my life, heart, and soul (Yeshua is equal to Elohim; they are in fact, One); Yeshua is also, in fact, my Husband 😉

I loved Bob with everything earthly possible; I love Bob still: and while Bob walked this Earth with me 3¼ years ago, and Bob knew I loved him above everyone and everything else on earth … Bob also knew that he stood 2nd place in line to Yeshua. And Bob was okay with that.

Elohim, Yeshua, and Bob taught me what love is all about.

Elohim, Yeshua, and Bob loved me deeply: and I, in turn, learned to love deeply, too.

I am grateful for their love. That unconditional love grew me up; and carried me through the truly heart-rending times of my life to date.

Celebrating this Shabbat with a Spirit of Gratitude for Elohim's blessings.

Every time I meet with my friends they inquire if I’ve heard from my daughter and grandchildren yet; and my answer is always – “Not yet.” My friends know the whole story (most of them have gone through my heartaches with me over the decades; their hearts hurt with mine).

Since Bob’s graduation to life in the Celestial City beyond the clouds, God has graciously blessed me with friendships (old, and new) that have wrapped their love around me and adopted me into their personal family nucleus.

Today’s Earlier Post – MEMORIES & GOOD FRIENDS:

I am thankful, & filled with gratitude.

And I am in touch with all of them nearly every day of the week 😊

Monday is about the only free-floating day … and I use that day to do laundry; because laundry is an all-day event 😉 The rest of the stuff like dusting, mopping floors, cleaning the bathroom, ect., can be done after I’ve spent time with my friends because I can portion those things out over the weekdays.

One friend I’ve come to cherish, is my BIL Rick. I’ve only known Rick for about three years. Bob left my life in December of 2018 … and my sister Iris, and her husband Rick, entered my life in February of 2019. That was a true blessing: and I’d been waiting for connection with Iris for 55 years: Elohim was faithful.

On the right side - Iris, Iris's mother, Rick in the back.

Iris’s spirit stepped off Earth in September 2019; but Rick and I remain in contact. The other day, Rick sent me some genealogical information about my bio-father and his siblings – things I did not know.

Full Names of my birth father's siblings ...
A specific kindness to me concerning my mother.

Rick did not have to do this. My bio-father was not kind in any way, shape, or form to my sister Iris: and I am sure there was bitterness towards my mother. But I loved Iris as soon as I was aware of her existence (I learned about my sister when I was 10 yo, by overhearing the adults talking). And Rick is motivated by that love to connect as ‘family’ – we both loved Iris. And Rick is being kind to me as family members should be.

Familial kindness just for the sake of familial binding is a new experience for me.

Bob was the only person in my entire life, who ever truly loved me, just because I suck air.

But over these past three years of Solo Loboing, and allowing myself time and space needed for my heart to heal, Elohim has created a ‘community family’ for me; by surrounding me by old friends, sending me new friends, and forging strong Church ties, as well. “Family” in a Christian’s life doesn’t always include natural DNA: Yeshua taught that the Church is our Family (Matthew 12:46 & 50), and that a friend sticks closer than a brother (or sister, mother, daughter, ect.,).

Another 'family' branch - and one I admit I was reluctant to renew. But Elohim had other plans ...
Imperials – ‘Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters’ song:
2 CORINTHIANS ~ Chapter 8/Thursday Bible Study Post:

Life teaches that people, even Christian people, will be fickle and faithless: it’s human nature that people give into … people will get hurt, and people will continue to hurt people; but Yeshua will always be a true and faithful Friend 😊

Selah – ‘Oh The Deep, Deep, Love of Jesus’ song:

I am thankful, & filled with gratitude.

Yeshua has anointed my head with joy; laugh-lines are the result ;-)

I am thankful also that Elohim has specifically set 24 hours aside to rest our bodies and spirit – and to refresh our souls with His great outpouring of love towards those of us who are called out of the world’s chaos, and given kinship status with His Son, Yeshua, Who is also the Bridegroom of The Church (His Bride).

That rest – that love … is the beauty of Shabbat.

Joshua Aaron – Hu Yavo (hoo-YA-voh) – ‘He Will Come’ song: 

As Shabbat unfolds, I get my Gratitude’s List out, and give Ehad Eloheinu praise for all that He has done for me 😊

The wine I selected for this Shabbat is a wine I saw in Albertson’s last time I was there – it is a combination of red wine and chocolate: a dream wine for women 😉

Perfect ending for a pretty perfect day 😊

Selah – ‘You Are My Hiding Place’ song:


Scheduled Lunch with Becky at Country Folks Deli.
Yesterday AM Friend Connect.

Spending time with friends is always good 😊

Yesterday morning, Becky sent me a text message – and I was glad to get it (I had to cancel the last month’s get together): I’ve been pretty much housebound with asthma attacks and bronchitis flareups during this c.r.a.z.y. Spring weather … averaging about two or three out-of-house escapes a month; if I was lucky.

Cabin Fever was starting to set in

I was out of the house earlier than the scheduled luncheon meet, but that was okay with me: I was out of the house. And I’d have about half an hour to shoot the breeze with my Country Folks Deli cutie (a waiter at the Deli that makes it his personal mission to make sure I have a good time when I stop in 😉). He’s about the age of one of any one of my granddaughter’s – between 32 and 25 – and he’s a joy to be around. I also brought a paperback novel with me, to pass the time with too, until Becky joined me.

But first, I stopped and grabbed a Payday flavored latte 😊 When my eyes read the Red Bull flavor of the day, it triggered a song I hadn’t thought of in decades, to run through my thoughts. Yep – that’s how my brain works. It seems like everything I do, and see in life, is in some way related to a song.

I got the Payday Latte.
Billy Joe Royal – ‘Cherry Hill Park’ song: 

20 minutes later, when I had parked the Highlander and situated myself in a back booth, I saw that Country Folks Deli had updated their Menu’s. And I walked through the building, making vids of the place to show cousins and friends where I like to hang out 😉

While I was making the vids, the owner’s mother asked me how long I’d been frequently the place. I said, “longer than it’s been the Country Folks Deli – I remember when it used to be a Bar with a loooong solid oak bar covering that wall over there, and an equally long mirror behind it. There were pool tables here and here; and I finally got to see my husband’s car (that he had sold before we ever met) that he talked about nonstop.” And she said, “I think you’re talking about the place next door – this used to be a Bank.” And I said: “Well maybe it was a Bank before it was a Bar … but it was a Bar in 1974 when I was standing in this same spot – that staircase is in the same place, so is the front door; the door I stepped out of to get some fresh air, light a cigarette … and spotted my husband’s beloved Camero sitting at the curb, with it’s hood raised and a frustrated driver trying to figure out what was wrong with it. I recognized the car by my husband’s description of it, and my husband fixed the problem for the driver. This place was a Bar in 1974.”

Very nice ...
Back end – alley entrance – of Country Folks Deli.
Don McLean was coming out of the surround speakers.
Don McLean – ‘Starry, Starry Night’ song & The Story Behind the Song:
Front end - Main Street side - of Country Folks Deli.
Bob and his teal-colored hotrod;1967 - before I knew him.
Bob after he'd sold the Camaro, and after we were married.

And on the back of that memory, Becky showed up, and had another memory to share with me 😊

And she sent it to my phone so I’d have it, too – she is a very good friend, and a soul sister.

Becky had a surprise for me. Poker Night at Morton's new home; Claddagh Road, Castle Rock. Fall 2000 - Bob was 50 yo, I was 43 yo. and wearing wire-rim glasses, which don't show up in the pic.
Claddagh Road, Castle Rock; white arrow is location.
This morning’s selfie: I'm a different person now; a chubby Solo Lobo. LOL

We had an enjoyable lunch/convo; and the hour passed too quickly. But this is a standing monthly scheduled thing, so we’ll be seeing each other again.

On my way home, I topped the gas tank off … and saw that the pump price has dropped another 5-cents; I don’t think that will be enough to save the obamanite demonrats though, in the upcoming elections.

A 5-cent drop in price ...

I was also flirted with as I walked from the pump to the Station Cashier Shack, and back ... I smiled, and kept on walking: friday night is generally 'prowl night', and I'm not interested in replacing my husband with a weekend cowboy.

But I smiled because even though I have no intention of shucking my Solo Lobo status - it's nice to be appreciated by the opposite sex, ya'know?

When I parked the Highlander, and was collecting my jacket and purse from the passenger seat, I noticed that a sticky incident had occurred while I had been enjoying lunch: this was not on the car when I pulled out of the carport earlier.

And I could almost hear Bob chuckling and rolling the r of the Finnish word for heron 😉

Hmmm … it looks like Gus-Gus, the favored Great Blue Heron of the immediate area, had passed overhead on his way to The Lake, and relieved himself enroute 
Lake Sacajawea from Country Folks Deli; 5 mins.

Inside the house, I was glad to see that the picture of Bob and I, that Becky had sent to my phone, finally fully downloaded 😊

I can never have too many pictures, or memories of Bob. It makes my heart happy to know that others have good memories – and pictures – of him, too.

Memories and good friends are a great combination.

It was a good day today.

I think I will end it finishing up the trims on my own designed/crafted fingertip towels.

Vintage edging on my fingertip towel edges (patterns to be posted to this Blog, next week).

This house that we bought the Summer of 2017, and that I shared with my husband until the Winter of 2018 … is becoming more and more a solo lobo woman’s domain.