Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


Tomorrow is an important day for America; and Americans.


The Congress of the USA will gather tomorrow to decide who won the Presidential Electoral Vote.

No matter what is decided by the deluded crows in DC – Elohim has the final say.

Americans have been in darkness for decades: all morality is being erased at every level by the wicked obamanites – and they aren’t all in DC. Many wicked people practice their evil in churches across the land.

If the lot falls to President Trump … America and Americans get 4 more years of grace: and time to turn this sinking ship around morally, financially, and spiritually. 4 more years of a Trump administration does not give anyone a free pass – there are far too many calling themselves Christians, who are not.

If, as the evil faction of society hopes, the lot falls to a 3rd obama coup; put forward with a mindless political puppet, whose words are fed to him through his wife’s ventriloquy actions – and a hyena cackling/angry dog barking communist sympathizer who can’t remember how to pronounce her own name half the time … America and American Christians will be persecuted to the nth: picking up in this 3rd obama coup, where the first 2 let off.

Christians have been warned they would be persecuted for 2021+ years; it will come as no surprise.

There is a holy sifting going on: only those who are true Christians will be able to stand under the shaking.

Tonight, this Christian woman is going to bed, with faith in her heart … and confidence in her head.

This Earth is not my Home – I am only a sojourner here, for a brief period of time.

I trust Elohei with my life 100%.

No matter what the outcome of tomorrow is; I will still live my life.


While I still have it.

Come, what may.


Oy vey!

What a day. 

2021 has barely started; and already I am done with it.

I should have known the day following the hurricane wind off the river that hurled the wreath off the front door, would be just as tempestuous.

Christmas Wreath that was blown off the front door last night.
January 3rd. MOD Solitaire Game – Layout & play as a regular game: 1 ct. – face up; 2 ct. – 1 face down, 1 up; 3 ct. – 2 face down, 1 up; 4 ct. – 3 face down, 1 up; 5 ct. – 4 face down, 1 up; 6 ct. – 5 face down, 1 up; 7 ct. – 6 face down, 1 up; 8 ct. – 7 face down, 1 up.

When my eyes greeted the early morning this morning, I had thought to go hiking around noon; there was an open window of clear weather (no rain) between 12’noon – 4 PM.

But I collected the mail first.

I should have gone hiking first.

Amongst the bills was the AT/T bill – I needed to run into town and get that squared away before doing anything else. The other bills can be paid tomorrow; but AT/T needs to be paid pronto.

Into town I went to pay it at the town Office.

AT/T has implemented a new routine.

The routine is ridiculous … and unnecessary: it’s political game playing.

Apple Inc., is a demonrat company.

Demonrats are playing god with people’s lives: Apple, Inc., is playing the demonrat covid game.

AT/T ridiculousness.

Nothing about the tyrannical mandates makes any sense.

NO sense at all.

And every week … there is some new ridiculous nonsense we are all expected to dance to: just “because”.

WHY is it {necessary} to make people wait half an hour between every half an hour to be admitted through the door?

Pure bullshit.

It’s really stupid.

The people following these nonsensical “rules” can’t even tell you why the rules are in place – or why they are adhering to them … while obeying to them.

The Grim Reaper will collect; mask or no mask.

It’s not even about the mask anymore.

It’s just dictatorial governor bullshit. 

No rhyme … no reason.

Mandates are just illegal day wasters.

The employees at the downtown Office never know what the hell they are doing.


They just aimlessly mill around, looking stupid, and acting like programmed robots.

Most of you reading my Blog, will remember the year-long hassle I had with AT/T in 2019: months after notifying the downtown Office of Bob’s passing, and subsequently having his Name removed from the phone contract, and my Name replacing his as sole owner of the phone. Despite that, they kept double-billing me, and giving me a ration of shit everytime I went in there to get the issue cleared up. FOR A SOLID YEAR! They kept blowing me off, and did all they could to continue collecting payment from a dead man – double billing. It continued until I threatened to sic a Lawyer on them … and had the Financial Person from our Bank contact the AT/T mucky muck, pinning her to the wall with notifications of my payments: on time, full amount due on MY BILL/Bob’s account having been closed out before the end of December 2018.

And now, this new line of wrangling bullshit.

Under the guise of the demonrat covid-19 golden goose.

If you can’t get into the Office to pay your bill on time … you get hit with a hefty ‘late fee’. If the Office can drag the half hours waits out all day long – Apple makes money hand-over-fist.

AT/T jerks people around.

Tyrannical demonrat senators, governors, and mayors – with grand scheme aspirations … you have egotistical misfits with a Capital M.

After 45 minutes of sitting in my car, I finally walked through the Office door and leveled a stare at one employee … and the bill got paid.

Pulling out of the cursed parking lot, I decided to head the car’s nose towards Kalama, and grab some chinese food – I know that isn’t politically correct, but I know the business and the people: they are chinese, who are 100% American. Bob and I have been eating at the Lucky Dragon for decades. I have been hungering for chinese food for weeks … and now I can finally get out of the house, and out of town for a short 45 minute ‘round trip drive.

The employees there know me; they don’t treat me like a leper when I walk through their door.

I needed comforting after all that stress.

Getting back home had to be rerouted.

I had planned to nip in at Joanne’s Craft Store and grab some yarn for a new project, but crossing the bridge, I noticed a snafu unfolding in the lane I needed.

Someone in Kelso was having a worse day than I was.

A strobing warning ...

I took another route home … and nipped in at Hart C’s Thai Food to grab some Thai meals.

I usually pickup Thai food once a month … but missed out on that when I was laid up with sciatica and arthritis.

Bob and I have known the Vietnamese family for decades; we all became friends when they bought Hart C’s: we spent hours talking when we frequented the restaurant, and we watched other’s familes grow up. The family became legal citizens, and are 100% American. They get my money every month (1) because I love them (2) the food is yummy (3) they welcome me like family, when I walk through the door. They know me.

When I finally got home, I portioned out the meals into individual servings and got them tucked into the freezer … keeping out a portion for my evening Supper – and a few for the rest of the week.

Portioned out and frozen.
I cooked rice at home, for the Thai Curry Beef with Green Beans.
THAI food upfront - LUCKY DRAGON food in back; in the ‘fridge for this week’s Suppers. The bulk of meals were frozen.

Each purchased meal broke down into 3 or 4/1-serving containers: I’m good with “comfort foods” for a while 😉

I also relaxed with a solitaire game before bed …

January 4th. MOD Solitaire Game – Layout & play as a regular game: 1 ct. – face up; 2 ct. – 1 face down, 1 up; 3 ct. – 2 face down, 1 up; 4 ct. – 3 face down, 1 up; 5 ct. – 4 face down, 1 up; 6 ct. – 5 face down, 1 up; 7 ct. – 6 face down, 1 up; 8 ct. – 7 face down, 1 up.

The layout designs I’m creating is fun, and an interesting twist on the original layout 😊