Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, March 21, 2022

MOD Crochet Book Cover

New Cover Finished; shabby chic 😉

I enjoyed a hot mug of lemon tea this morning; and watched Pt. 2 of Jesus of Nazareth … and worked up another of my own designs: I wanted a new book cover since books have become my main companion since Bob’s spirit stepped off Earth – I’ll probably craft a slew of them to match seasons, clothes, purses, ect.

I’ve become known as ‘the Book Lady’ around restaurants in town … and just as I wouldn’t wear the same outfit every week, my latest read shouldn’t be seen in the same cover, either: told’ya I’m weird 😉

I designed and crafted this book cover about 25 years ago; but I am working on a new cover, so I thought I’d share the pattern 😊

Original, decades old, MOD Book Cover.

It’s simple.

It’s quick.

It’s easily adaptable.

This book cover can be finished with a sc page marker … or a satin ribbon marker, sewed in place.

I am using my original chicken scratch written instructions, so I hope it will not be too confusing. Let me know if you have trouble, and I will answer your questions.

Materials: #10 Aunt Lydia’s Crochet Cotton Thread, #0 Crochet Hook, trims (optional), coordinating sewing thread if using trims, 11½” satin ribbon (optional), sewing pins, sewing needle, small amount of contrasting throw-away thread, tapestry needle.

Sts Used:

Ch = chain

Sc = single crochet

CC = contrasting

St = stitch

Ct = count

EO = end off/cut thread.


Row 1: Begin by making an 85 st foundation chain of sc; ch 1, turn.

Row 2: Sc across row (84 sts); ch 1, turn.

Repeat row 2 for a total of 54 rows (or length needed for your book cover – some books are higher, some are lower). DO NOT CUT THREAD – loosely tie end, because you will be using it again.

With CC thread and tapestry needle; count 14 sts from each end, and fold those inwards for the cover lapels (to hold book in place).

If you plan on using trims, place a book into the cover – fold ends inward, and mark the fold with CC thread: also mark the front spine edgebeing careful not to untie/unravel the loosely tied end-of-row thread: this will help you accurately place the desired trim where you want it (centered – or towards the front edge) without the trim being ‘off kilter’ when the cover is finished and your book is in place inside.

Shape markings ...

Once you are satisfied with the trim placements, if you use them, pin them in place and tack them down kinda loosely with a swing needle and matching thread – books tend to stretch the cover a bit, you want the finish to look tidy, not stressed.

Placement of trims.

Go back to the loosely tied end-of-row thread: pickup st, and sc through both top st’s of book cover … and the 14-ct. cover lapel sts.; then sc around entire cover (repeating lapel instructions for second lapel) – and making a **crochet marker** at the center, where the spine center would be: sl st back up the maker foundation, and continue to sc edging pickup point, and EO.

Weave in loose ends.

**Sew the satin ribbon marker to the center top of the book cover AFTER EDGING S COMPLETED, if using that option. **

Sc edging around entire cover: 2 sc EA corner edge.

Ta-da! All done: enjoy! 😊


  1. Beautiful book cover!

    1. Thank you - and thanks for stopping in :-)

  2. Such a lovely book cover, thanks for the pattern and thanks for sharing with us at Handmade Monday. I did share on our Handmade Monday fb page but couldn't find you on fb to tag you, sorry :-)

    1. Thank you :-)

      Sorry about that, but my FB Page is set to private ;-)

  3. I am quite confidently weird. :) Thanks for sharing at My Big Fat Menopausal LIfe's Share the Wealth party. Hope the rest of your week is fabulous!

  4. Thanks for stopping by :-)

    Enjoy the rest of your week!
