Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, November 28, 2019

TEXAS GOV. GREG ABBOTT'S RESPONSE TO FECKLE HECKLING: ‘God put you in a wheelchair’ tweet

I love this response.

While I, personally, am not in a wheelchair … Bob did tell me when we were dating that there was a very real possibility he may end up in a wheelchair, paralyzed due to a birth defect that was causing him a great deal of pain – he was using medication for the pain at that time, & if he decided to have the surgery, there was a 50-50 chance it could go wrong. I told him that it didn’t matter to me … I loved him, and we would face that hurdle together, if and when it was placed in front of us: that medical prediction never came, thank Elohim, and he got off all prescribed drugs. But Bob did live with back pain all of his life.

And when we went through the medical nightmare we recently went through together – and Bob’s spirit stepped off this planet December 14th, 2018, we have had people who should know better, actually mocking our unshakable faith and trust in Yeshua. Because Bob’s physical body was not healed, they assumed that Elohim abandoned us. What they don’t understand, and what they missed was that we WERE healed: emotionally and spiritually – and THAT is what truly matters. Both Bob and I understood that Elohim did not cause the illness that caused his physical death. But Elohim did help both of us to persevere over that challenging challenge. Through it all, Bob’s absolute faith in Yeshua was unshakable, and he was prepared to face what had to be faced; and to ready himself to walk into his new life … and I was prepared to let him go; and I am being prepared to fully enter into my new life without Bob; half of my heart has been amputated, but Yeshua is faithful to keep it beating, and Elohei is faithful to come alongside me and teach me how to live a victorious life, howbeit tinged with sorrow. Yes, Bob & I live separate lives now, but it is only a handicap others perceive to be so. The illness was a challenge Bob overcame; and I am learning to overcome. And I don’t hate doctors or hospitals – I just believe that Elohei alone is Healer, and Yeshua is The Great Physician: and He gave Bob 2 passes (1978 & 1981) before finally walking him into Heaven in 2018. No one will live indefinitely in an earthen vessel: eventually everyone will have to shed it.

And NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO LIVE WITH when your eyes are on Yeshua and your hope in in Elohim.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s stunning response to ‘God put you in a wheelchair’ tweet:

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