Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, October 3, 2019

1 CORINTHIANS ~Chapter 12

1 CORINTHIANS ~Chapter 12

Brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant in regard to spiritual gifts. This you know, that while you were pagans you sought to worship dumb idols, just the way you had been taught. For this reason, I want you to know this: no one who speaks by The Ruach says that Yeshua is accursed, and no one confesses Him as *Adonai except by the same Ruach.

There are different kinds of gifts, but it is the same Ruach who gives them. And there are different kinds of service, but it is the same Adonai to be served. And again, there are different ways of doing things, but it is the same God Who uses these ways – **different ways in different men – throughout.

To each one is given the manifestation of The Ruach, for the good of all concerned. To one, The Ruach gives a word of wisdom. To another, the same Ruach gives the word of knowledge. One man receives faith and another receives the gift of healing; both from the same Ruach. And so on … one can perform miracles, another can prophesy, another can discern between spirts, another can speak in different tongues; another can interpret the tongues. It it is the one and same Ruach Who is at work, distributing His gifts to each one individually according to His good Will.

A man’s body is a unity, though it has many members. All the members of the body, though many, are one body. So it is with Mashiach. And by one Ruach we have through baptism been made members of one body – Jews and Greeks alike, slave & free – and all have been given to drink at one Source, and the one Ruach.

However, the body, does not consist of only one member, but of many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I am not part of the body”, would it any less belong to the body? And, if it could say to the ear, “I do not belong to the body”, is it not part of the body just the same? If the whole body were an eye, for example, where would be the hearing? Or, if the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? Now, as things are, Elohei has placed the organs of the body, each one of them according to His own Plan.

If all the parts were 1 single organ, where would the body be? As it is, though, we have many parts, yet only 1 body. So the eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you”; nor again the hand to the feet, “I have no need of you”. But much rather it is the members of the body which seem to be the weaker that are the most indispensable. And those organs of the body which we regard almost devoid of honor, are those we surround with special honor, and the more private parts are treated with the greatest modesty and respect. Those parts in us which are more beautiful have no need of such care; and so Elohei has built up the body harmoniously, giving more honor to those parts that need it the most. There was to be no lack of unity in the body. All the members of it were to be concerned about their common welfare. Then, if one of the parts suffers pain, all the other parts feel that pain; and if one part is honored, all the other arts have found joy in it.

Now you are the Body of Mashiach, and individually you are members of it. In His Church, Elohei has made arrangements: first, Apostles; second, Prophets; third, Teachers/ Also, workers of miracles, men with the gift of healing; helpers and administrators; speakers in foreign tongues, & interpreters. Are all the members apostles? Are all of them prophets? Are they all teachers? Do they all work miracles? Do they all have the gift of healing, or speak in foreign languages, or interpret? As for you, desire earnestly the higher gifts. I will show you a far better way.

*NOTE: Yeshua IS God … and yet, Yeshua is A SEPARATE ENTITY FROM God – There are 3 in the Godhead: Father, Son, Holy Spirit – ALL ARE GOD; yet, all are unique and have defining attributes that work in harmony to make The One True God.

I say this so clarify this link:

**Though we are all part of the family of God when we get saved, we are not all called to minister in the same manner … and even then, what we are doing now in ministry will change as necessity arises: we no longer belong to ourselves; we belong to Elohim; and He will use us as pleases Him to accomplish His goals for His Supreme Plan. It takes different ways to reach different people, and wise Christians understand that and lend themselves to the winds of The Ruach. We are never to engage in sin, and yet we are to “become all things to all men” (1 Corinthians 9:19-23) that we may reach them with the Good News. In this, we are to be wise. We are to example Mashiach Yeshua in ALL ways - Who is the embodiment of the fullness of Elohei. We do this by relying on The Ruach, Who teaches us all things concerning the way

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