Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, November 28, 2019


Tuesday night I had trouble getting to sleep, and had finally managed to close my eyes around 4:30 AM … when the phone jolted me awake around 8:30 AM – Ryan, the fella coming to clean my gutters, was calling to tell me he was on his way. Great. I was glad the gutters were getting cleaned, but I was also very tired: I have had several no-sleep-nights all month long; they are beginning to take their toll. As I was staggering around trying to shake the cobwebs from my brain and make myself presentable, the phone kept ringing: my niece Sara, who we had raised as our own daughter from infancy to age 12, who now lives in Nevada with her daughters; was touching base to make sure I was okay – I told her I am, and we talked until 9:30 AM. And Cheryl called: for the same reason … to make sure I am okay, and to ask me to Thanksgiving Supper tomorrow. I told her I am okay, but I will pass on going to their home tomorrow. I thanked her; and I do appreciate her and Mike – they are good friends; but I am not feeling very festive, and I am crying at the drop of a hat lately, so I think it is best I just hunker down at home and get through these ‘Memory Lane’ slideshows & the triggered emotions, solo. There will be plenty of time after the first of the New Year to get together and schmooze. Ryan pulled into the carport as I was saying TTYL to Cheryl: the gutters were cleaned, he was paid – we chatted for a bit, and I am thinking I need to get outside and sweep the leaves out of the carport … that will get done after Thanksgiving.

It was Wednesday and the hair salon would still be open (closed tomorrow for Thanksgiving) so seeing my image in the mirror and knowing I needed my hair trimmed … into town I went. I stopped at Fred Meyers for gas afterwards, and found that what I paid for a tank of gas just last month will only get me a quarter of a tank this month. So, if anyone tells you there is “no gas price gouging” going on during the holiday season – that IS FAKE NEWS. Believe me, there is gas gouging going on. And Freddies is not the only place in town that has hiked their gas prices to prey on holiday travelers.

Pocketing the gas receipt, I remembered that I was told last December when I had Bob’s name removed from the Xfinity account, that Xfinity rates would be going up again this December (aka: my widow sympathies would end in a year’s time), so I decided to drive across town to the town office and pay the monthly bill there so I could find out what to expect with the price increase; and was told the new adjusted rate: so, because I am living on fixed income, I had the internet speed reduced and I am satisfied with the monthly rate going into 2020. I figure I can live with a reduced speed internet (I’m not ‘streaming’ anything that requires maximum speed); I use my laptop to Blog, FB every now and then … and any movies I want to watch, I watch on Youtube. I think the reduced internet speed will be okay.

On my way back home, I veered into Winco’s parking lot, and did my grocery shopping. And, I stopped at Lowe’s to buy a festive coir porch mat for the carport porch. Going there was emotional – Bob & I spent a lot of time at Lowe’s trying to get this home where it is now: Bob was handy with tools; and he could fix, design, and craft … whatever was needed, I had a husband that could do it. I bought our updated home décor at Lowe’s. I bought the Christmas Porch Swag we used our first year here – there, at Lowe’s; I used to like looking at all the Christmas stuff … and walking around looking at the displays, and Bob would indulge me. Going back there was emotional.

Lowes outdoor Christmas Display & Tree Lot with real Christmas Trees. 2019
I glanced at the in-store Christmas displays, but I couldn’t bring myself to meander through them like I used to do with Bob – not ready for that. Yet.
The lighted Front Porch Garland Swag we bought at Lowes for our 1st Christmas here. November 25th, 2017. The last time Bob would help me put it up & take it down.
The overhead light we bought together, that replaced the outdated overhead light in in the Dining Room.
BEFORE picture of the dining area: we loved the easy flow of the open rooms. The carpet was removed & replace with dark wood flooring, and the overhead light was replaced. The kitchen was totally remodeled.
AFTER picture of dining area: hardwood flooring, acceptable overhead lighting, new window valances, and Bob set up the Amish crafted electric fireplace for me.
Very comfy-homey atmosphere. July 16th, 2017. MUCH BETTER
Remodeled Kitchen; new updated & brighter cupboards bought at Lowes, real stone flooring bought at Lowes, new, updated and matching appliances. October 5th, 2017.
Bob helped me pick this stone flooring – I like the outdoors, and these stone tiles bring the outdoors indoors; it reminded me of Bob’s logging days when he would take me to the landings with him on maintenance days where he did mechanic work on the machinery and I explored the forest. And it matches beautifully with the hardwood flooring. September 22nd, 2017.
Kitchen valances bought at Lowes.
The spare bathroom light was awful; it was a Hollywood Vanity light bar from the 1970’s. It had to go! We looked at lights at Lowes, and chose this one to replace it; Bob installed this new bar light fixture, December 15th, 2017: it match the floor lamp in the livingroom.
The matching floor lamp in the Livingroom … and the new window valances we bought at Lowes. July 16th, 2017.

Going to Lowes will probably always be an emotional trip because it will always trip my memory bank.

I collected the mail when I got back home, and was informed with the space rent notification that space rent will increase another $25 dollars again this year. The delusional calimexarabia Park owners want calimexarabia monetary expectations; which means a $300/year increase … for nothing more than having our homes on lots here at Heron Pointe. It’s ludicrous.

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