Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Last night before turning everything off, and heading down the hallway to bed … I thought I’d clear out my email inbox.

I never expected to be cyberbullied.

The first bullying email kinda confused me, because it didn’t make sense – I blew it off as a misunderstanding.

The email that piggybacked on the first, had my eyebrows going up; not only was I being castigated for a misunderstanding on her part: but now my character (which this particular host knows absolutely nothing about) was being openly attacked, and she was raking me over the coals for Party Host Fees (which I have no control whatsoever, over). Of all the unmitigated nerve!

On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 2:02 AM Grammy's Grid wrote:

Hi- Can you tell me how your entry at my party was appropriate?


On Mon, April 11, 2022 at 10:20 AM Grammy’s Grid wrote:

Deleted your entry. No excuse for not reading the rules but I suppose you’re a typical blog party linker, you drop your link and run, don’t read the rules and don’t even bother to say thanks for histing. Very rude! Contrary to what most party attendees think, hosting a party with InLinkz is not free. I am grandfathered in to the lowest fee but lots of party hosts pay $7.99 to $17.99 a month.


I replied as kindly as I could; given the circumstances: and went to bed shaking my head …

{{On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 12:15 AM Valeria wrote: Sorry you are furious - I'll be sure to avoid your parties from now on: I DO actually read other Blogger's posts (and MOST post on a VARIETY of topics, as I do). I also try to say thanks to the hostesses ... but was not able to comment on your Blog.

I find your whole attitude to be out of line, and I find you to be a very rude person; and there is NO excuse for rudeness. If the fees upset you, stop hosting. Problem solved.}}

The next day, there was another email from her.

It was very clear to me that I’m dealing with an unhinged person suffering from behavioral issues – ‘grammy’ had gone off her meds; and is careening out of control on The Crazy Train.

Again, I tried to reason with her: ending my reply post by telling her not to contact me again. I was done dealing with her.

On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 10:55 PM Grammy’s grid wrote:

I find dropping a link and running to be out of line and rude. I should have let your silly post remain on the healthy recipes party so that other bloggers could see how ignorant you were to link up a non-recipe post!! Fees must upset you because you’re using Google’s free website builder Blogspot. My blog costs me more than you could possibly imagine and my extremely low InLinkz fee is hardly nothing. However, I don’t host parties to promte people like you!!! And, there is no reason you could not leave a comment unless you’re too dumb to know how!!


{{On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 12:15 AM Valeria wrote: I do not "drop links and run"; I stated in my reply post to you last night that I DO thank Blog Hop Hosts (your site did not allow me to do that - for whatever reason you chose not to allow comments); I DO read posted links that interest me - and leave comments if the visit warrants it; and, as I stated last night also: MANY PEOPLE post posts that deviate from food-based posts. All you had to do was delete the post - instead you went ballistic and ran your mouth in overtime.

As I said ... I am sorry you are furious. And, as I stated last night: you are an extremely rude and obnoxious person. Please DO NOT CONTACT ME AGAIN.}}

I got home from volunteer work this afternoon … and wouldn’t you know it … she had decided to intensify her ridiculousness.

On Mon, Apr 12, 2022 at 12:55 PM Grammy’s Grid wrote:

You are obviously a psycho. My attorney is aware of your threat.


{{On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 12:15 AM Valeria wrote: WHAT PART OF ‘do not contact me again’ do you not understand?}}

At this point, I just burst out laughing: what else is there to do when dealing with a person who has clearly had a break with reality?

Delusional people are everywhere!

I don’t get angry with ridiculousness anymore: life is too short, and time can be utilized much better – crazy ‘grammy’ is not worth another second of my precious time: I’ll simply delete any further emails from her … yesterday, I deleted her Blog Hop link from my Monday – Sunday Linkie Parties, party hops.

I’ve been actively involved in Blog Hops for 14 years, and I’ve never experienced anything like this before. I enjoy the Hops; I’ve met some real nice people along the Hopping trail … the participants (hosts and link posters) are generally fun-loving people that like to share parts of their lives with others (homesteading, crafting, designing, reading materials, recipes, travel, camera shots, ect.): ‘grammy’s behavior certainly is NOT how 99% of Blog Hop Hosts behave.

I’ve posted thousands of posts to ‘grammy’s Blog Hops over the past 14 years – and have enjoyed interaction with her; but I am not enjoying the recent interactions.

Maybe ‘grammy’ is having dementia moments: she is certainly behaving like she is demented!

There was no need for all her drama: simply, and quietly, deleting the post should have been enough – like any sane person would do.

If I receive another flaming email … I'll return it to her unopened, unanswered – and continue to do so as long as she keeps pestering me with her immature bully tactics. Maybe the back-to-back returns will stop her frantic insane actions.

I am not responsible for her crazy behavior.

I am not responsible for InLinkz monthly fees.

I am not responsible for responding to her baits.

I am responsible for me.

And I’m rerouting the rails I travel – ‘grammys’ Crazy Train does not get to share my space anymore 😉

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