Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, February 19, 2022

SHABBAT EVE ~ Covenant Relationship

Elohim wants to bless us – He is looking to be good to His children; those called by His Name. Those bound by heartstrings.

Yeshua knows about the things in our lives that can weigh heavy on our minds, hearts, and bring us down physically by the sheer stress of it; and He, as our Husband says, “Let me take that pressure off you … come, enter into My rest, and I will give you peace.”

What a wonderful thing!

Aaronic Blessing: ‘The Lord Bless You & Keep You’ song.

If you are struggling in any area of your life (situations, relationships, ect.), Elohei will take notice – and turn things to your favor.

All that loving, kindness, and generosity is God’s part of blessing in our lives.

Our part, as a loving, receptive Bride, is to expect His generosity towards us based on His unconditional, faithful, loyal, and lavish love for/toward us 😊

We are in a Covenant relationship.

It is right - and just - to expect the best from each other.

Messianic Worship – ‘Dance With Me’ song.

A Covenant Relationship is a two-way relationship – a give and take on both ends to become a unified whole.

Elohim is a faithful Father.

Yeshua is a matchless Husband.

Elohei is a restorative Counselor.

These explanations are just a small portion of the examples of the uniqueness of God: the three make One – there are so many more ways to define His magnificence … and really, all the words one can use really fall short of description. The oneness of God cannot be understood as the oneness of anything else, because there is nothing on Earth – or in creation – that resembles the uniqueness of God enough, to make the word {One} to be used unqualifiedly in relation to God.

un·qual·i·fied (ŭn-kwŏl′ə-fīd′)/adj.

1. Lacking the proper or required qualifications: unqualified for the job.

2. Not modified by conditions or reservations; absolute.

And because God is uniquely faithful, matchless, restorative, ect., we are to expect joy, peace, and matchless unbroken companionship from Him! He gives of Himself freely, and generously, to those who love Him and honor Him by bearing His Name: He has {married} Himself to us 😊

And as a good Husband, He blesses us.

His joy is our strength.

His peace is a safeguard to our heart, and our mind. No matter what we are going through; we can rest in the peace that only He can give – the peace that passes all understanding. Such love!

His matchless, unbroken companionship means He will never leave, nor forsake us. He is the lover of our soul; and His love is never-ending.

So, tonight, I am encouraged 😊

Quiet time, reflecting on God's goodness; enjoying Shabbat's blessing.

My God is faithful.

My God is with me … and for me.

Don Moen – ‘Psalm 23’ song: (

I am never alone, though it may appear so to others.

And He will make the crooked places in my life straight.

He promised it: and He will do it. Of this, I have no doubt 😉

We are in a Covenant Relationship.

God’s Covenant Promise to us.
Our Covenant Promise to God.


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