Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, September 19, 2020


Rain has finally come to our region of the PNW!

It started last night, around Suppertime … I heard the thunder first and saw the bright flashes of sheet lightening pierce that darkness before I heard the rain start.

The lightening concerned me because everything is so dry – 1 touchdown, and a new wildfire would be born.

But, the lightening did not fork that I could see: graciously, Yeshua kept the bright flashes above ground.

With the first roar of rolling thunder, I could feel my body literally vibrate with the anticipation of the first raindrop … and when it came, I wanted to run outside and dance in it

The rainfall is supposed to continue through Thursday.

I never thought I’d be so darned happy to see rain 😁👏


Last night, I went to bed with a smile on my face – listening to the rhythm of the falling rain; it was such a comforting sound: WA State really needed this rainfall. It’s been a pretty dry year.

And Yeshua was faithful last night: He opened the skies – AND HOW!

“Yet Yeshua has not left Himself without testimony to His goodness: He gives you rain from Heaven, and fruitful seasons; filling your hearts with food and gladness” (Acts 14:17).

When I woke up this morning, I couldn’t hear rain dancing across my roof – or trickling down the gutter/downspout. That concerned me. We need more than a wetting tease. I glanced out the livingroom windows as I made my way to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee: the street was shiny, so there had been recent rain.

But how much?

Coffee perkily perking, I padded back to the bedroom. Passing what was the TV Room when Bob and Azariah were in-house; and I stopped, peeking out the window to see if the rain had washed some of the smoke layer  away:

Morning sky - I could actually SEE the sky!
WOW! The hills are visible. My heart was happy; my soul rejoiced in the Lord’s faithfulness.

The overnight rain had significantly cleared the atmosphere.

There was no rain today until after 1’noon … and that was more of a drizzle:

Not much more than a light drizzle – but wet is wet. Right now, this region will take what it can get, and be glad of it 😉

This rainfall will help A LOT. Wildfires will cool off, and firefighters will have an easier time of visibility to see what they are up against, and how best to work the situation. Firefighting is dangerous – and it’s a volunteer ‘job’. It is a job that carries a great risk. I lost a firefighter friend to a wildfire backdraft shortly after Bob and I married. And occasionally Bob was called to sit fire watch on the logging landing during fire season: I didn’t breathe an easy breath until he walked back through the door. Sitting fire watch was not an easy thing for Bob to do – but he did it because his boss asked him to, and they loved each other like father and son. Bob had been in a house fire when he was a baby; he had burn scars in his chest, arms, hands, legs, and feet. The scars weren’t very noticeable until he tanned … and Bob tanned a dark chestnut brown. No one but Bob and I understood how Bob struggled with that assignment when it came around.

It’s really sad to read about the various places wildfires are eating their way across the region. It’s hard to see the names of backcountry areas Bob and I annually enjoyed on day long daytrips; and know that they have gone up in smoke. It will take decades to rebound. My heart goes out to the poor people that live in those remote areas 😔 MAP: Washington state wildfires at a glance

But, as sad as it is … and as chaotically concerning as it has been; I honestly have to say, straight up, that 2018 was my worst year.

2018 was a good year for Bob, as he stepped off this planet into a new life in a parallel universe – to walk streets of gold, his spirit housed in a new eternal vessel that will never age, get sick, or die; wearing a gold crown, a white robe, and golden slippers to walk golden streets with Yeshua and other Saints in a celestial City beyond the clouds, too beautiful for accurate description.

Recieving the Crown of Life. I bet Bob looks so handsome wearing his ;-)

Not sure what heaven’s footwear looks like, but I do know what Bob would wear down here …

2018 was a banner year for Bob.

On the other hand, 2018 was not so hot for me.

Joyous Sorrow is a complicated thing … my soul rejoices that Bob is “Home”: my heart breaks every day that he is not here with me. I juggle thankfulness and sorrow as best I can.

I’m glad for Bob …. And I try not to be too sad for me. After all, Heaven is our Goal – and Bob has attained that goal.

I just really, really MISS Bob.

Rainfall really started pounding the ground around 5 PM tonight. My heart was filled with grateful happiness.

And I laughed out loud when I saw other neighbors outside too, with their recording phones  It felt good to be outside again – and able to breathe easy without seizing lungs and heart palpations.

“The Lord is great, and greatly to be praised. His faithfulness – beautiful for situations; the joy of the whole Earth, His creation.”
Ground so dry, the rainfall just puddles ...

Elohim spoke to my heart while I was kneading bread dough this afternoon: he revealed something to me on a personal level (it just came out of nowhere, and caught me off-guard), and I am mulling over and seeking guidance on it.

I don’t argue with my Father – He knows best what is best for my life.

And I have trusted His Will for my life, all of my life.

So, this rainy Sabbath, I am relaxing.

Enjoying my goblet of wine.

Enjoying the gentle evening rainfall.

And giving my mind a rest.


Blowing of the Shofar & Various Shabbat Songs:

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