Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Tuesday, March 28, 2023


Since the house went on the market, we have spent every day dreaming and planning the life we want to live.

The thought of leaving the Past behind and delving headfirst into a New Life makes our hearts sing.

This morning, the Plan was to scope out a P.O. that would forward our mail to us while we are road gypsies. Then, we would shop around for a reasonably priced Storage Unit to store our stuff in while we hunted down a motorhome and vehicle that would fit our life as road gypsies.

We were hoping for a speedy house sale so we could high-tail it to Fargo to see his brother before he dies; Holland only found out about his brother's condition this past Saturday. If the house sells quickly, we plan on driving to Fargo, then down through South Dakota and down to Moab in Utah, before chasing the sun across the southwest.

We drank our coffee and discussed several ways to purchase the vehicle - and none of them were feasible until the house actually sells and we have $$$$ in hand to work with. Trade-ins on Holland's Ford 4x, and my Highlander SUV would still leave us about $10,000 short needed for a new vehicle: we need the house to sell before seriously looking around a truck lots. We don't want to be hemmed into a loan contract. We want to work a cash deal, which would garner a better buying deal. We could buy a second-hand vehicle; but we really prefer something reliable. Especially since we plan on boondocking most of our time on the road.

The Coach will definitely be a second-hand purchase, but we feel it would be wise to have a new vehicle to get out-and-about with. Plus - if the Coach get's stuck in a bad weather situation (God forbid), a newer vehicle (with a tow winch) will be able to pull it free. A new vehicle is really a necessity for the life we are planning.

So, tired of spinning my wheels with dead-end scenario's and feeling the need to be productive in any way possible … I sent a text to Shay asking for Flyers (this is something that would be simple to accomplish) … and received a text back that perhaps we wouldn't need the Flyers :-)

Good News this morning!
Judy Garland & Mickey Rooney - 'Good Morning' song: (

That happy news kicked us into high gear and ramped up the seriousness of securing a P.O. Box and a Storage Unit.

We got the P.O. Box with no hassle; but the storage unit became a problem as there are none to be had either side of the River :-( So, we'll have to rent a U-Haul trailer for a bit to store our few boxes, clothing, and useful tools we are taking with us.

Feeling positive about the potential buyers interest, we celebrated by eating at a restaurant neither of us had ever eaten at :-)

El Tapatio Mexican Restaurant; 117 W A St, Rainier-OR
Beautifully carved wooden doors.
Everywhere your eyes look, is an artistic delight.
Painted skylight.
Really pretty.
There is also patio dining when the weather is good.
Appetizer; corn chips, bean dip & salsa.
We both ordered this dish; it sounded interesting, and I've been craving shrimp.
SO GOOD! The 'shrimp' were actually good sized prawns; yummy!
And of course, we had fried ice cream for dessert - I'm hooked now. LOL
Even the bathroom was beautifully laid out. I loved the sunflower basin.
Restroom foyer was also a visual delight.
The backroom banquet room was painted in homage to Aztlan.
Beautifully carved porch columns.

The whole place was beautiful … and the food was delicious.

I was so captivated by the artistic wall murals, that I walked out of the restaurant without my boxed leftovers I had intended to enjoy later on (and didn't realize it until an hour later)  :-(

I'm saving the bathroom basin picture … and painted adobe wall colors - and I'm going to pester Holland with them until we can somehow incorporate them into our on-the-road-home. I love Southwestern dΓ©cor. I'm sure my cowboy can manage a workable deal to keep his dreamer cowgirl happy :-)

Kacey Musgraves - 'Dime Store Cowgirl' song: (

He can't wait to show me Arizona and Texas.

And I can't wait to be shown.

Holland's southwestern love vibes surrounds my life; I'd like to wrap our home with southwestern colors, too.

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