I’m so
glad next week will be much easier; and flow smoother 😉
Holland and I have spent several
hours each day of this week shifting things around/moving stuff in, and
out of homes/making time to spend time together (at least for Supper)
while trying to get stuff done before hitting the road for Reno next week, to
get married … it’s been a little frantic at times, but the chaos is for
a good reason 😊
Loved’ Post: https://jeastofeden.blogspot.com/2022/12/unquestionably-loved.html
It is good to be
loved. It is good to love someone
again. All the love that both of us have been holding in our hearts –
that had nowhere to go – is now freed up to be given to each other; it is
good to be useful. It is good to have a purpose, instead of just aimlessly
passing through life. This love Elohim has blessed us with, is an honest-to-God
miracle, and we are running with it.
was extremely patient in waiting for my heart to catch up with his.
Gary Allen – ‘The
One’ song: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDgYpTo9pBs)
Vince Gill – ‘Whenever
You Come Around’ song: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tA37rQ6ZNI)
T.G. Sheppard – ‘Only
One You’ song: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc8_zta_mTg)
Bob Seger – ‘You’ll
Accomp’ny Me’ song: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urcekR8XuBI)
Andy Griggs – ‘You
Won’t Ever Be Lonely’ song: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztJPkjocdB0)
Clay Walker – ‘I’d
Love To Be Your Last’ song: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgQx0902wLg)
Exile – ‘I Got
Love (Super-Duper Love)’ song: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5gICfVPIq0)
Lonestar – ‘Keys
To My Heart’ song: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnlNylTHaA8)
T.G. Sheppard – ‘Blank
Check (On My Love)’ song: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECJHbX58gYk)
T.G. Sheppard – ‘Slow
Burn’ song: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqSYtW-W_0U)
once the spark caught fire, things escalated quickly.
Quickly … but not easily.
Moving takes time: a lot of time
– time that cuts into ‘together’ time.
And snafu’s seem to crop up at
every turn; I was watering my potted plants Tuesday afternoon when I noticed
water where there should not have been any water – the window casing was
leaking as the slanting rainfall pounded the side of the house! WTHeck. Holland
checked it out before Supper, and knew exactly what was wrong … so I did
what I could to keep the wooden floors safe from water damage, and he fixed
the problem the next morning.
Bills needed to be paid, and the
payment dates fall on the days we will be gone: the bulk of the bills are ‘set
payments’ – the water and electric fees are yo-yo payments, so I thought I’d
drive into town and pay those to get them out of the way before we leave town.
The water bill went smoothly … the electric billing was screwy, the girl in the
cubicle was ridiculous, and I didn’t want to waste gas running into town every
darn day hoping to {hit} the sweet spot day: I overpaid a guesstimate cost just
to get it out of the way. I dropped off three bags of clothing I could do
without (freeing up closet space for Holland 😉), at the Goodwill in town … but the donation box I
had for the Caring Pregnancy Center was ferried back home because the Office
was closed – ditto for the Manager’s Office at Heron Pointe, when I
walked up there to pay the Space Rent; and to inform candy that Holland would
soon be moving in with me (the rent got paid – candy can go suck an egg – I tried,
she was being herself, as usual). she will be angry, but I am getting
married as planned, and because she wants to play at doing her job, she can do
the background check and bitch about it, later on; after we get back. Today I finished paying bills, did
laundry, and cleaned house … every day this week, Holland saw what I really look like when I
spend time at home: no fancy hair, no makeup, and no glitzy clothing;
thankfully he loves me just the way I am 😉
everything is settled, life should (tap on wood 😉) move forward with more ease.
I am thankful to be given this
new lease on Life, in this new chapter unfolding.
And I’m going to use it productively
to reap the best benefits 😊
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