Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Colossians ~Chapters 3 &4/Thursday Bible Study

Chapter 3 of Colossians links the three themes of the epistle together, showing their cause-and-effect relationships. Because the Believer is risen with *Christ, he/she is to put off “the old man” (self = ego), and put on the New, which will result in holiness in all relationships.

I’m still working on putting off the ‘old me’ … just like you are; we are all a work in progress. Yet, Elohim remains faithful to bring our spiritual metamorphosis to completion 😉


Colossians ~ Chapter 3/Thursday Bible Study

The Life Hidden in Christ

“If you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of Elohei Ha’Elohim. Keep thinking about the things above, and not of the things here on Earth. For you have died, so to speak, and your new life is hidden with Christ in God. Christ is the secret of our spiritual life and, when He returns, you also will appear with Him in glory. (vv. 1 – 4)

The “Old Man” Put Off

You must put to death your lower, earthly nature – fornication, impurity, passion, and greed – which are a form of idolatry. All these are sins that bring God’s wrath down on those who disobey. You, too, at one time used to live in these sins, and were counted among the sons of disobedience. You must also out off these things: anger, rage, spite, slander, and foul talk. And do not lie to one another. Stop those practices, seeing that you have put off the “old man!” (vv. 5 – 9)

The “New Man’ Put On

And now you have put on the “new man!” And he is being renewed from day to day in knowledge and in the likeness of the creator. Here there is neither Greek nor Jew, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision. No one is a ***Barbarian or a ****Scythian, no one is a slave or a free man. Christ is all – and in all.

You are God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved. Therefore, adorn yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Also, you must be tolerant with one another and be willing to forgive if one should have a complaint against another. Just as the Lord forgave you, so you, too, must forgive. And on top of all these place love – which binds you together in perfect harmony. Let the peace of God rule in your hearts so you can be one Body, as was Elohim’s purpose in His call to you. And do be thankful!

Let the Word of God dwell in you in all its richness. Teach and admonish one another in wisdom and psalms (holy prayer songs, poems), and hymns and spiritual songs. Sing to God with grace in your hearts. And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the Name of the Lord Jesus and give thanks to God the Father in His Name. (vv. 10 – 17)

Duties of Members of the Family

Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them. Children, obey your parents in everything, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord. Fathers, do not provoke your children to resentment; lest they become disheartened (sad, spiritually broken). (vv. 18 – 21)

Duties to Servants

Servants, obey your earthly masters in everything, not as though they were watching you or because you were trying to please them, but rather because your heart is sincere and because you fear the Lord. So, no matter what the task. Do your work heartily, as though doing it for the Lord and not for men. And you may be sure that you will receive from the Lord the inheritance as your pay … for you are the servants of the Lord Christ. But the wrongdoer will get punishment for his wrongdoing, without any respect of persons, master or man.” (vv. 22 – 25)


*Christ (from the Hebrew word, Ha’Mashiach ישוע המשיח & the Greek word, Christos/khris-tos) = The Anointed, Yeshua the Messiah, in both languages.

Yeshua Ha’Mashiach: is Hebrew for “Jesus the Messiah”; the name Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Yeshua.

**Elohei Ha’Elohim (Hebrew word: אֱלֹהֵי הָאֱלֹהִים) = God of gods; above all gods.

***Barbarian = Paul uses the word in its Hellenic sense to refer to non-Greeks (Romans 1:14); and he also uses it to characterize one who merely speaks a different language (1 Corinthians 14:11).

****Scythian = these people consisted of “all the pastoral tribes who dwelt to the north of the Black Sea and the Caspian, and were scattered far away toward the east”: modern day Russia.


**Colossians 2:


Colossians ~Chapter 4/Thursday Bible Study

Colossians is perhaps the most Christ-centered Book in the Bible, as Paul stresses the superiority of the person of *Yeshua Ha’Mashiach, and the completeness of the Salvation Plan in Him, ONLY.

The last half of this epistle explores the application of holy principles to daily life, because doctrinal Truth (chapters 1 & 2) must bear fruit in practical conduct (chapters 3 & 4).

The two major topics of the Book of Colossians are: the supremacy of Christ (chapters 1 & 2) and submission to Christ (chapters 3 & 4).

In this final chapter, Paul outlines the transformation that faith in Christ should make in relationships inside – and outside – the home.

Before anyone gets on their high-horse and starts screaming about “master and slaves” comments, let me just state that slavery was a huge part of the ancient world – slavery still goes on in Islamic countries. Also, masters can be referenced as employers or civic leaders/president and DC cronies, and slaves as employees or populace at large when tyranny rules. THINK before screaming “foul!”

This is the last chapter of this Book. Next study, we will begin with the 1st Book of Thessalonians.


Colossians ~ Chapter 4/Thursday Bible Study

Duties of Masters

“Masters, treat your servants justly and fairly, remembering that you, too, have a Master in Heaven. (v. 1)

Exhortation to Prayer & Christian Walk

Cultivate the habit of praying. Be watchful (alert, attentive) in it, and give thanks. And by all means, pray also for us, that **Elohim may open to us a door for the Word, so that we may reveal the secret of Christ, on account of which I am now in prison. I want to make this mystery plain to men, and it is my duty to do so. Conduct yourselves wisely towards non-Christians, and make good use of your time. Be gracious in your speech. Let it be, so to say, seasoned with salt (so that you may know how you ought to answer each person = salt is used as a seasoning to give flavor, and as a preservative to prevent decay/rot). Study to answer each one in a proper way. (vv. 2 – 6)

Commendation of Workers

***Tychicus will tell you about my circumstances. He is a beloved brother, a faithful minister and a fellow servant in the Lord. I am sending him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are; and also, that he may give your hearts renewed courage. With him I am sending ****Onesimus, also a faithful and beloved brother, who is one of your own. These two will infirm you about everything that has happened here. #Aristarchus, my fellow-prisoner, sends greetings to you. So also does ##Mark, a cousin of ###Barnabas. You have already received instructions that, if he comes to you, you must welcome him. Also ####Justus, greets you. Of the Jewish Christians, these three are the only ones working with me for the kingdom of God, and they have been a great help to me.

!*Epaphras sends his greetings. He is one of you, and a servant of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach. He never forgets to pray for you, earnestly beseeching that you may hold out and perfectly carry out Elohim’s Will in everything. I can testify to this – that he has worked hard for you, as well as for those in Laodicea and in Hierapolis.

Also !!*Luke, the beloved physician, and !!!*Demas want to be remembered to you. (vv. 7 – 14)


Give my greetings to the brethren in Laodicea, and to !!!!*Nymphas, and to the church at his house.

When his letter has been read among you, see to it that it is alaso read in the church at Laodicea. And please say to !!!!!*Archippus, “God called you into His service – Oh, do not fail Him!”

I, Paul, write this farewell greeting with my own hand. Remember me, for I am a prisoner. Grace be with you! Amen.” (vv. 15 – 18)


*Yeshua Ha’Mashiach: is Hebrew for “Jesus the Messiah”; the name Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Yeshua.

Christ (from the Hebrew word, Ha’Mashiach ישוע המשיח & the Greek word, Christos/khris-tos) = The Anointed, Yeshua the Messiah, in both languages.

**Elohim (Hebrew: אֱלֹהִים, romanized: ʾĚlōhīm: [(eloˈ(h)im]) is a Hebrew word meaning "Gods – Father, Son, & Holy Spirit". Although the word is plural in form, in the Hebrew Bible it usually refers to a single deity “Behold, the Lord – the Lord is One”, particularly the God of Israel.

***Tychicus = a Gentile convert from Ephesus, Tychicus was selected with Trophimus to take the offering from the Ephesian congregation and join Paul’s missionary group journeying to Jerusalem. After Paul’s arrest, imprisonment, and trip to Rome, Tychicus was a useful messenger and representative for Paul to various churches. He carried Paul’s letters to the Ephesians and the Colossians, and possibly the second letter to the Corinthians. Whether Tychicus got to Crete, as Paul hoped, we do not know. Legend has it that Tychicus became Bishop of Chalcedon in Asia Minor, and died a martyr. Acts 20:4; Ephesians 6:21; Colossians 4:7; 2 Timothy 4:12; & Titus 3:12

****Onesimus = the runaway slave belonging to Philemon who became a Christian under Paul. Onesimus had stolen some of his master’s money and left; he encountered Paul, probably at Rome, and ministered to Paul as a servant. Although Paul would have liked to have kept Onesimus, he was returned to his master Philemon, at Colossae, probably in the company of Tychicus. Onesimus was commended to Philemon and the other Christians as a Christian brother; tradition has it that Onesimus became a trusted and respected leader in the church. Colossians 4:9 & Philemon 10

#Aristarchus = a loyal co-worker of the Apostle Paul, Aristarchus hailed from Thessalonica, but was in Ephesus and arrested with Gaius during the riot that followed Paul’s first appearance in that city. Aristarchus was Paul’s constant companion at the close of the apostle’s life – journeying with him from Troas to Jerusalem, and from Jerusalem to Rome; and sharing Paul’s imprisonment in Rome. According to tradition, Aristarchus also died a martyr’s death in Rome – during Nero’s persecutions. Acts 19:29, 20:4, & 27:2; Colossians 4:10; & Philemon 24

##Mark: Author of the 2nd Gospel, Mark was a companion of both Paul and Peter. “John” was his Jewish Name – “Mark”, a Latin or Greek name. His mother, Mary, was a woman of means and influence in Jerusalem, and her house was a meeting place for the earliest followers of Yeshua, following His resurrection. Mark was part of the Christian Community from the first. All ancient traditions agree that Mark dies a martyr. Acts 12:12, 25 & 15:37-39; Colossians 4:10; 2 Timothy 4:11; & Philemon 24

###Barnabas: friend and companion of Apostle Paul, Barnabas was named Joseph, and was a Levite whose home was in Cyprus. Highly respected by Christians leaders in the early church, Barnabas was instrumental in bringing the newly converted Saul (aka Paul) from Tarsus to Antioch – and influential in having Saul received by the Apostles in Jerusalem. Later, the two were commissioned by the church at Antioch to conduct a missionary tour: their friendship continued, and Paul speaks warmly of Barnabas in his letters. There are no accounts of Barnabas’s later life, or death. Acts 4, 9, 11-15; 1 Corinthians 9:6; Galatians 2; & Colossians 4:10

####Justus = a convert to Judaism in Corinth, this Justus was known as Titius Justus or Titus Justus; he lived next door to the Corinth synagogue. His name implies that he was a Roman citizen, or a person of Latin background – not a Jew. Apostle Paul made his home with Justus for some time in Corinth … obviously Justus became a Christian Believer at some point during his friendship with Paul. Acts 18:7

!*Epaphras: One of Apostle Paul’s friends and co-workers, Epaphras was from Colossae, and founded the church in his home town. He was looked up to as a leader in the Church of Asia, and came to visit Paul in prison in Rome. Seized by the Romans, he was thrown into prison with Paul. Some of Paul’s deepest tributes are applied to Epaphras: “fellow prisoner”, and “faithful minister.” Colossians 1:7; 4:12; & Philemon 23

!!*Luke: Co-worker with Apostle Paul, and author of the 3rd Gospel, as well as the Acts of The Apostles. He was an educated non-Jew, who was converted to Jesus Christ without first becoming a Jew. Some think he may have come from Philippi – others, from Antioch or Syria. Luke joined Paul at Troas on the Apostle’s second missionary journey, and went to Philippi with him. Six years later he accompanied Paul on his 3rd missionary journey; which ended up in Jerusalem. Luke faithfully stayed with Paul until the very end of the Apostle’s final imprisonment in Rome. Luke; The Acts; Colossians 4:14; 2 Timothy 4:11; Philemon 24

!!!*Demas = one of Paul’s co-workers and esteemed friend for a time, Demas shared in Paul’s hardships during the first part of his prison term in Rome. Demas even joined Paul in sending personal greetings to the Christians at Colosse and to Philemon’s family, but … later, “in love with the present world” Demas forsook Paul and Christianity (2 Timothy 4;10); there is no tradition that he ever returned to the Faith. Colossians 4;14; Philemon 24; 2 Timothy 4:10

!!!!*Nymphas = a woman in the little congregation at Laodicea. Nymphas was apparently a woman of prominence and means in the community, inasmuch as her house was the meeting place for the church at Laodicea. Possibly Paul mentioned her by name because he knew his letter would be read in her house. Colossians 4:15

!!!!!*Archippus = a beloved co-worker of Paul, Archippus was probably the son of Philemon and Apphia – or their close relative. Besides being asked to shelter the escaped slave, Onesimus, Archippus was encouraged by Paul in the letter to the Colossians, to be faithful in his duties, hinting that he was an officer or leader in the church at Colossae. Colossians 4:17 & Philemon 2

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