Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, May 5, 2022

2 CORINTHIANS ~ Chapter 9/Thursday Bible Study

The early Church was constantly being persecuted; they were in poor straits (desperate need of basic comforts); the Believers depended upon each other to survive – housing, food, clothing, jobs., ect.

In Paul’s 2 Corinthian messages to the Believers, he gives praiseworthy encouragement while explaining the benefits and opportunities tied to generous giving. In last week’s message, Paul made it clear that givers were not to give beyond their means (ex: do not impoverish themselves for the sake of giving comfort to others) – but, he also encourages the givers to give what they comfortably can in regards to helping their fellow members.

Today’s study, highlights a connection between giving … and receiving … Elohim’s abundant blessings. The message today, also highlights that giving is to be done as a Christlike act of grace: Elohim does not intend our giving to be done as a legalistic obligation; rather it should be an instinctive giving, motivated by a willing and cheerful heart.

In this letter to the Corinthian Believers, Paul quotes from Psalm 112 to make the point that Elohim is always meeting the needs of the downtrodden.


2 CORINTHIANS ~ Chapter 9

Christian Giving, a Joy to the Giver

"It may seem a waste of time for me to write to you about the offering for the Christian Brethren. I know about your readiness, and I proudly told about you to the Macedonians, saying that Greece (Achaia) has been prepared since last year, and most of them were stirred by your zeal. I have, nevertheless, sent the brethren, so that our confidences in you may not prove to be misplaced, and so that you may be ready, even as I said you were. Otherwise, if some Macedonians come with me and find you unprepared, we shall be put to shame – and you, too, of course – for having been so confident. That is why I thought it necessary to ask these brethren to go to you ahead of me, and to take up beforehand this offering that you had promised, and thus it would be a willing gift and not a begrudged obligation. (vv. 1-5)

Let me add this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, but he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Let each one give as he has purposed in his heart; not with reluctance nor under compulsion (pressure, coercion, duress, force), for *Elohim loves a cheerful (optimistic, positive, happy, smiling) giver. In return, God is able to give you every blessing in rich measure, so that you may always have all you need in every week, and so that you may have abundantly for every good work. So Scripture says, “Elohim scatters abroad and gives to the poor; His righteousness lasts forever.” (vv.6-9)

God Honors a Faithful **Stewardship

And Elohim, Who supplies the sower with seed and with bread to eat, will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and He will increase the fruits of your righteous acts! You will be enriched in every way, toward greater generosity, too, and so through us men will thank Elohim for it. This service (help, assistance, benefit, advantage, good turn), then, is not limited to supplying the wants of fellow-saints, but it also overflows in a tide of thanksgiving to Elohim. In the way that you stand the test of this service – by your obedience, by your acceptance of the Gospel of Christ, and by the liberality of your contribution in behalf of them and of all others – just so are you giving honor to Elohim. Then they in turn will long for you and pray for you, on account of the ***surpassing (outshining, transcending) ****grace (kindness, favor, mercy, compassion) that Elohim has given you. Now, thanks be to Elohim for this free gift, more precious than words can tell!" (vv. 10-15)

*Elohim (from the Hebrew word, el-o-heem) = the Supreme God. Exceedingly great and mighty

**Stewardship = is the act of making wise use of resources; recognizing that everything we have, and everything we are is a gift from Elohim – and being grateful and generous with those gifts.



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