Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


Tomorrow morning, I will be up bright and early to make my annual trip to the Adna Floral Show 😊

So, this morning, I washed the Highlander – this is the first washing it has had since 2021 began: it was filthy/it needed a wash.

As the wash brush and soapy water whooshed across the dirty beast, it’s true color started shining through: when it was thoroughly washed and hosed dry, I cleaned the interior windows with vinegar water to cut the glass fog that was getting to be ridiculous.

It is waiting in the carport, in all it’s true squeaky-clean-color.

It doesn’t look pitiful, anymore 😉

I washed the car first thing this morning.

Then, I hauled the geranium bins into the sunshine. And laid the hose … and my soaked shoes out in the sunrays, too.

Geraniums soaking up sunrays ... they are labeled with plastic spoons with notations, telling me their true colors 😉

On the front porch, I noticed the tulip planter is blooming.

But the tulips are not what I purchased; their true colors were shining through.

And that’s okayI happen to like Apeldoorn Tulips. 

Apeldoorn Tulips

I bought these red tulips at the grocery store, in a little box; the little boxes are “ify” at best … you get what you pay for. I was hoping for what the box advertised, but realistically I knew it was a crap-shoot-purchse.

I was surprised to see these blossoms ... but I'm not complaining; I like Apeldoorn Tulips. These are little ones.
This is what I thought I had planted.

Last Fall I could not get to the Tulip Farm in Mossyrock because of the wildfire haze trapping me indoors for weeks on end. Maybe this Fall, I can get to Mossyrock to buy true color bulbs there.

Tomorrow, I will be spending big; buying transplant veggies and flowering plants I don’t have any success with when planting from seed at home. Most will be in bloom … their true colors will be shining through, as I meander through the potted walkways making hard decisions on what flowers to haul home (I know what veggies I will be choosing).

There will be no hidden surprises in my choices tomorrow 😊

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