Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Friday, November 4, 2022

Yesterday's Post: 'IF' ~McCormick Park (11-3-22)

Today I hopped the River, and shook the local dust off my feet.

Today's Agenda ...
There's a break in the rain, so I'm taking a break from the local dramas.

It’s time to shake things up a bit, and spend some time away from the trauma dramas (continual family infighting) that literally try to suck the joy out of my life.

McCormick Park, St. Helens, OR from Heron Pointe, WA - 36 mins.
Gray skies, both sides of the River – but I like the sunny message; 😉; Rainier-OR

It felt good to leave Longview behind. Even though I didn’t drive that far away from the madhouse, it was a relaxing drive, and an enjoyable walk in the forested Park environment.

I chuckled when I saw my reflection in the window glass: I looked like a Doonesburry character, wearing Bob’s big-billed baseball cap. LOL

Arrived - and donned Bob's bill cap & my rain slicker ...
This is new: put up in May of this year ... but kinda meaningless to me with my heart arrythmia; my heartbeat is normally pretty rapid with a 1-2-3 skipped beat.
Baby Sword Ferns.
Orange-tinted Vine Maple leaves.
I had company on the trail; 10 walkers & joggers, & 8 assorted breed of dogs 😉
B.I.G. maple leaves! Admittedly I have a small foot ... but this leaf was at least 12-inches long & just as wide!
Yellow Alder leaves.
I LOVE being in the forest, under a tree canopy.
Yellow is the dominant leaf color, this afternoon ...
A patch of Sword Ferns - medium sized.
Oak Tree litter.
Creeping Ivy eating trees alive ...
A bright spot of color on the forest floor ...
Furry rocks.
Windblown misses: 'Sphagnum Moss' (L) & 'Goose-neck Moss' (R).
A Holly Tree, sporting bright red berries; with Fir sap scenting the air, it smelled like Christmas.
I'm enjoying the freedom!
A cozy shelter form some wintering animal ...
Vermillion tinted Blackberry leaves, along the creek.
So peaceful - GLAD I heeded the prod to 'Go!'
A 45-minute loop back to the parked Highlander.

It started raining as soon as I slid into the driver's seat. I was glad I was able to enjoy this day outside. But, I have decided, that with the rainy season unfolding, I am stepping back socially, and hibernating for a while.

Hopefully people will be in a better frame of mind, come Spring 2023.

‘IF’ Post, Continued …

And with that decision, I left the Park and headed home to change the furnace filter, and enjoy a light Supper.

Rain started as I was leaving the Park; and continued all the way home.
Back home, I changed the furnace filter ... and pulled a new juice, to enjoy.
Supper - a Ham Sandwich, chips, and butter pickles.
Cozy ...
Preemie Baby Receiving Sacque Gown.

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